Sunday 4 August 2024

Just a quick Sunday note

… for our noticeboard:

If you, as with me, don’t trust corrupted medicine at all now, perhaps this might have us trying to find a solution.


Saturday 3 August 2024

“Expert opinion”

Caught between two topics which really deserve full attention … to run with Lord T’s genuinely excellent piece on “AI” in comments and Andy’s as well … both working professionally in the field of letters and digits … or to run with claims of being “expert” when those clowns are anything but … when they’re ideologically driven to break any oath, Hippocratic or otherwise, thereby wreaking human misery and destroying all faith in the medical profession at the same time?

Think I’ll run the Lord T and Andy elsewhere and run here today with the Daily Sceptic’s piece on the criminality of “experts” who ignore what they really know and push something else, for criminal political ends:

In a crowded field, can there have been a worse decision than that taken by the CMOs (Chief Medical Officers) in September 2021 to override the JCVI’s adviceand authorise the vaccination of children?

The four CMOs involved were: for England Prof. Christopher Whitty; Northern Ireland, Sir Michael McBride; Scotland, Dr. Gregor Smith; and for Wales, Dr. Frank Atherton. I wonder if they still stand by their decision?

A new Oxford University paper, which with the approval of NHS England used the OpenSAFELY-TPP database to study the effect of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid vaccine on over one million children aged 5-15. The report allows us to evaluate this decision.

The propaganda at the time was to “trust the science” and by implication, “trust the scientists”. The truth was that, as with so much else during the pandemic, the science and the scientists shouldn’t have been trusted.

Before ggl saw fit to remove my blog on its blog birthday, there were innumerable summaries there on the whole sorry tale, from Fauci’s beagles in 2015 to PEPFAR to the October 2019 event at John’s Hopkins where they planned to roll out the whole virus, vaxx and social control agenda and we know who the guilty are … yes, including you, Hancock.

This is neither more nor less than murder, as Christine Anderson just pointed out in Germany.


Going to completely switch topics now and look at what TDS has started doing which I find appalling … on a par with how Whitty and Co abused their positions … treating information in the public interest as a money-making tool:

The claim that it’s necessary in order to run the site is bollox … I know the costs as I set up a new site for precisely that reason … to overcome the substack bullsh which makes people register or pay for the blogger’s “wisdom” when he’s fully employed on a good wicket and is only doing a bit of research from sources elsewhere.

Friday 2 August 2024

A Different Type Of Grooming...

...but it should surely attract the same penalties:
Two baby-faced schoolboys who murdered a 14-year-old air cadet after he was 'exploited' into dealing cannabis have today been unmasked by a judge. Kyle Dermody was also just 14 when he stabbed his former friend Nathaniel Shani in the neck following a row over drugs. He was last month given a life sentence after being convicted of his murder alongside Trey Stewart-Gayle, who was only 13 and armed with a screwdriver.
Following an application by the media, a judge today lifted a ban on publishing their names, saying there was a 'substantial public interest' in understanding how such young children could commit a fatal knife attack.

I don't think any of us don't understand it, actually. None of our hallowed institutions - government, police, church, community, social cohesion - account for much anymore. And this is the inevitable result. 

We’ve seen too much of it over the last few years - and too much of the laxity greeting such crimes from our so-called criminal justice system - to claim we don’t understand it.

Mrs Justice Ellenbogen previously said that 'sadly it is no longer shocking' for such a young child to be murdered by boys of his age. Detectives have previously revealed how Nathaniel's tragic death last September illustrated how easily children from loving, supportive families can be sucked into a deadly inner-city underworld.
After both were convicted of murder following a trial at Manchester Crown Court, the pair were given life sentences last month. Dermody, now 15, will serve a minimum term of 13 years in custody while Stewart-Gayle, now 14, will have to serve a minimum of 10 years.

See..? Is that really a punishment that fits the crime? 

The police seem unaccountably sympathetic to. well, not the victim, of course, but the perpetrators:

DCI Brennand claimed Nathaniel and his friends were victims of 'child exploitation', saying 'they don't have the skills to know otherwise'.
'They might think it's cool, but they're not.
'They're just acting for someone else and being exploited. It happens every day, on streets of inner cities in the UK. And this is why children start to carry knives.
'It's awful, absolutely awful, it's devastating.
'These are vulnerable children who can't make decisions, who might want some money for a new pair of trainers, and so they start doing things because someone has approached them.'

Now do decisions on transgender surgery or medication, chum 😏

Thursday 1 August 2024

It’s not AI, it’s machine learning

My mate up the road sent this, with the instructions: “ Look at this. Close your eyes and slowly open them.  What do you notice?”

I noticed the car wheels first, he said it was the large face covering the picture. He added:

“(The face and wheels are) the same (issue). The AI modified the car and other things to create the face. It's the beauty of AI but because it doesn't understand things … it creates the strange looking car which shows us that it is a fake pic.”

I’d just add his previously uttered morsel of wisdom that “it’s not AI, it’s machine learning”.  Machines can’t perceive as humans do … so they approximate.

So why does he go with the term AI, when it’s not?  It’s a clever programme by humans, extended by machine.

Summarising the plight of the nation

Some online comments just now:

a. Bob M

Britain isn't facing a 'far-right problem'. Instead, it’s confronted with a prevailing liberal elite that has long overlooked valid mainstream issues related to economic inequality, crime and immigration, and is now facing the consequences of that neglect.

b. Yorks Pride

It took just 9 million votes and 4 weeks for Starmer to turn Britain into a police state for those of us who love our country that is.

c. Not far left at all

Civil Unrest in Hartlepool - it’s seems like when people murder innocent children the British wake up fast and realise .. we have a serious problem!! That we didn’t have before.

d. John DeVries

Yep. Its brewing up. I wonder how long its going to take labour to realise that 50 million people are fed up with grooming, rape, thousands of illegals immigrants every week. They don't seem to understand that we want to be heard and all this crap to cease.

e. Lee Harris

I do not condone violence and I know the police on the ground have a tough job. All we want is consistency. I blame the leadership in the police and our weak politicians. Trust has been obliterated. This is on them!

f. Mandy Gall (Ireland)

I know this can’t be true because our entire political establishment said there’s no link between crime and immigration.

g. Peter Sweden

There have been 17 stabbings in 48 hours in Britain. Last night several people with machetes were fighting openly on the street.

JH: And so it goes on. The thing which strikes me is how everyone sees there are major issues but ask them to explain them and there are how many explanations till Sunday? People at all points dotted along the path to understanding and even those who do get that this is all agenda ... clashing views on how to counter it all.

At basic level … massive borrowing to fund stupid ideological falsehoods, e.g. MMCChange and DEI managers on obscene salaries … the very idea of covering farming land with solar panels to obliterate it, the reduction of the older population and even the younger to “manageable” levels, meaning non-threatening to the criminals hoodwinking people that they have legitimate power, the stormtrooper wind vanes blotting the landscape when they’re totally unnecessary … the whole thing Marxist to the core.

And Marxism another word for satanism … the obliteration of God and all that trinitaran scripture stands for in written form. As against our obliteration under the feet of imported hordes.

Not forgetting the whole Hegelian thing of create problem, people cry out, in rides the strongman Messiah. Or the Marxist take of this being the stage four of hell on earth before the stage five utopia. Or the hordes and their kill kill kill in the House of War. Or the Chinese agenda.

All brought on by utter weakness and straying from strong roots.

Wednesday 31 July 2024

Convict In Haste...

...retrial at leisure

Former Cabinet Minister David Davis is to spearhead a Commons campaign raising questions about the conviction of nurse Lucy Letby as growing numbers of experts express concerns about the case. The ex-Brexit Secretary plans to table a series of questions under Parliamentary privilege amid disquiet within the NHS and the legal profession about the case.
Mail columnists Peter Hitchens and Nadine Dorries have highlighted that Letby was convicted of the murders of seven newborns and the attempted murders of six other infants at the Countess of Chester Hospital, despite the fact that no one saw her kill, or attempt to kill, a baby and there is no forensic evidence to prove her guilt.

One of your other columnists disagrees, though (paywalled).   

Some members of the Royal Statistical Society have expressed concerns over the use of statistics to secure a conviction on the basis of probabilities. Its recommendations on using such data in the cases of medical serial killers were not followed here.

Recommendations are just that. They don't have to be followed. 

But why would the state and all its operatives conspire to convict a woman of such a heinous crime?

Mr Davis is understood to be concerned about the justice system's institutional reluctance to admit to its own failings, leading innocent people to languish in prison. He said: 'There is a mounting consensus among experts that Lucy Letby's guilt was not established beyond reasonable doubt. I will be using Parliamentary privilege to raise these arguments: we must exclude the possibility that she has effectively been scapegoated for the wider failings in the system.'

Ah! Some might call that 'motive' 

'At the very least, this appears to be a mistrial. But the justice system moves slowly when it comes to assessing its own failings, so if she is innocent it could be a decade before she is released. We must try to do much better than that.'

Regular readers will know I don't automatically disbelieve claims of miscarrtiage of justice - in fact there are at least two glaring examples where I believe the convictions to be unsafe. But I'm not convinced this is one to add.    

Tuesday 30 July 2024

Winter fuel allowance

Brillo (AF Neil) wrote:

“Quite remarkable how the Twitter Left cavalierly dismiss the loss of the winter fuel allowance for 10m pensioners as “they can afford it”. Some can. But they have no idea how many more will be hit by it. And, of course, if the Tories had done this the very same twitterati would have been moaning about the “evil blood-sucking Tories”.”

It’s actually a mixed argument. WFA was, or maybe still is, based largely on Pension Credit, which is for “citizens” (another discussion in itself) and involves a “top up” payment to those under a certain income threshold.

That is also another discussion but if that’s what it remains, then … well let’s get onto people with higher incomes still receiving it. Last thing I’m going to do is support any move of Labour’s as it’s to find taxpayer money to fritter away on the climate bollox and on the illegal army.

Phillip Dilley, X reader, added:

Especially when you read that they are allocating £130 million to build mosques (???) I don't think they pay for churches or synagogues to be built do they ? Even worse they are sending £3.5 billion to Zelensky to stoke up the war in that far off land + £30 billion for net 0!”

“Neil Clark added:

Absolutely. It’s sickening. But I don’t think it’s the real left supporting this but anti-Tory Starmer-supporting ‘centrists’. Who have very loud voices in the punditocracy.”

Nicholas G added:

“But the shadow chancellor, John McDonnell, published analysis wm ch he said showed almost 4,000 more pensioners' lives would be at risk throus being unable to heat their homes.”

This could go on and on and on.

Monday 29 July 2024

Yet More Security Theatre Legislation

The inclusion of both the Hillsborough Law and Martyn’s Law in the King’s Speech is a big moment for people power. Assuming they are implemented, these measures will do very different things – the first places a duty on public officials to comply fully with inquiries and requires bereaved families to be given fair legal funding. The second will ensure that public venues cater for the threat of terrorism in their risk planning.

Those public venues being any holding 100 or more. So your local church hall hosting women’s whist drives and bake sales, plus your neighbourhood pub, must now have a terrorism risk assessment and plan. Who thinks that’s sensible, or necessary?

The Hillsborough families have been fighting for justice on various fronts since 1989 but calls for this piece of specific legislation grew out of the second coroner’s inquests into the football disaster, which ended in 2016 and established that those who died were unlawfully killed. The inquests became an adversarial battle between the families and agencies including the police, and the law was proposed to stop other bereaved families from going through the same thing. It means there will be “a duty on public authorities and servants to tell the truth and proactively assist inquiries”, says Pete Weatherby KC, one of its chief architects.

But what the Hillsborough families have been fighting for could be said to be ‘absolution’, not justice and they’ve already had it. So why the need for more kow-towing to them? 

Martyn’s Law, meanwhile, was the brainchild of Figen Murray, whose son Martyn Hett was murdered in the 2017 Manchester Arena attack. The venue had been under no legal duty to provide a plan in case of a terror attack. Figen noticed this gap in the legislation relating to safety at public venues and made it her personal mission to close it.

I don’t disagree that Martyn was failed, but can it be said that he was exclusively failed by the venue, and only by the venue? Do the police and ambulance services not bear some of that criticism?

Martyn’s Law went through two public consultation exercises, the second of which was prompted by criticism of the proposed legislation from the Home Affairs Select Committee last spring. The committee had warned that it had “serious concerns” about the financial burden that could be placed on smaller venues. It also said the aims of the bill as it stood were “unclear”.

And despite that, it was rammed home regardless. To win votes, I guess. 

Sunday 28 July 2024

Troubled times

A number of readers (not sure how many) are aware that my main blog was deleted by ggl two days ago … they’d spammed one of our main contributors, I reinstated the post … wham, that was it. 18 years of posts and comments down the gurgler. Like that.

The two current sites are:

… and the same old:

On my X timeline, antiWoke regulars mysteriously disappeared as well. On the other hand, it is the Silly Season … posts from years back were about July and August being the worst months for blogging … this year’s break from boredom being the so-called Olympics which we knew would be bad.

Just on that topic, far too many of our colleagues are being played like violins by the evil muvvers organising all the mayhem these days … in this case, the IOC.  Consider these two tweets from antiWoke tweeters, two of the last ones from our side not falling prey to the con trick:

Now … reading those, what’s the self-respecting antiWoke warrior’s immediate reaction?  Well 80% of the nonWoke, I’d estimate, rushed like sheep to defy that and plastered pictures and footage of the vile “ceremony” all over the net, thereby doing the evil muvvers’ job for them … they relied on silly conservatives taking the red rag of that bull and striking a blow for perversion by inflicting the Paris ordure on everyone else.

My X timeline has … had … dozens of nature and history tweeters … not now … thanks to my antiWoke colleagues plastering filfth all over the timeline. Not the Woke left doing this, mind you … nope, these were my own colleagues and friends. Thank you very much.

Saturday 27 July 2024

Vile images

After the twentieth time I was forced to see, on my timeline, something I completely personally avoided yesterday, I broke into print on X:

I then named many I’ve muted (not blocked as they’re essentially good people) who have this fanatical need to do the vile creeps’ work for them … rushing anything to us that the creeps do, in order to ruin all our days.

There are ways to still get the point across … for example, one Xer showed footage of an angry Parisien dumping one of the vile props used in a skip. That and text are more than enough to get across to us what happened at Paris’s worst Olympics ever.