Showing posts with label z list celebs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label z list celebs. Show all posts

Monday 6 May 2024

I’m Sure Your Huge Salary Cushions The Blow…

Marcus Rashford has delivered a worrying message to fans on social media...

Oh, god, not another self-publicising 'poverty' campaign incoming?  

...revealing that he has endured 'months of abuse', with Man United supporters pinning some of the blame on YouTuber Mark Goldbridge.

Oh! And what's he guilty of? It seems the answer is 'noticing'. 

The 26-year-old forward has had a difficult season on the pitch, failing to match the achievements of his 30-goal haul during the 2022-23 campaign, scoring eight times so far across all competitions this season. Goldbridge runs a fan channel called The United Stand, which has 1.85million subscribers on YouTube. He has recently released several videos in which he criticises the England star, notably once referring to Rashford as 'about as useful as a wheelie bin with no wheels.'

Heh! Fair comment, you might think?  

In the early hours of Friday morning, Rashford responded to a post on X (formerly Twitter) that said the criticism he has received was unfair. The post read: 'The way Marcus Rashford is being treated is absolutely disgusting. It's cruel. It's abuse.' The United forward wrote back claiming that he was tired of the abuse he has received in recent months. 'I appreciate your support! It is abuse and has been for months. Enough is enough,' Rashford said.

Well, we have free speech in this country Marcus, so you'll just have to take it on the chin.   

Another user wrote on X: 'Anyone saying this is criticism is just lying to themselves, nothing to do with Marcus Rashford but brings him up anyway to pile the hate on.
'Mark Goldbridge is carrying out a well-thought-out hate campaign and he needs to be stopped.'

Oh, give me a break!  

Wednesday 13 December 2023

Maybe No-One Really Cares, Love..?

Billie Eilish said that she thought her queer identity was 'obvious' during Variety's Hitmakers event, which took place on Saturday.
The 20-year-old performer recently spoke about her attraction to women in an interview with the media outlet that was released this past November.
The songwriter, who opened up about working on an original song for Barbie expressed her incredulity about not having been asked about her sexuality in the past.

I'm frankly incredulous that you should belive that's the most important question to ask any artist. 

I don't care what someone I read/watch/listen to does in their spare time, and I very much doubt I'm alone in that... 

Monday 21 August 2023

Don't You Believe In The Rule Of Law, Then, Rachel..?

Rachel Riley, the co-presenter of Countdown, has said she will stop supporting Manchester United if the club allows Mason Greenwood to return.

Oh? Who on earth is he? I'm not very up to date on my footballers...

She told her 684,000 Twitter followers: “I’m with Em, I won’t be able to support United if Greenwood remains at the club. We’ve all seen and heard enough. Pretending this is OK would be a huge part of the problem.
“It would be devastating for my club to contribute to a culture that brushes this under the carpet … I really hope they do the right thing.”

Gosh! What was he convicted of, then? As I said, I'm not really up to date on my footballers.

Well, Reader....nothing:

Greenwood was arrested in January 2022 and in October of that year was charged with attempted rape, controlling and coercive behaviour, and assault occasioning actual bodily harm. Greenwood denied all the charges and they were dropped in February.

Well, that's awkward. Why did they drop it? 

In February, the Crown Prosecution Service said it had dropped the charges against him because there was “no longer a realistic prospect of conviction” after key witnesses withdrew their cooperation from the investigation.

Rachel needs to be careful. It's easy to say things in the heat of the moment and then have to expensively face consequences, as she should be well aware...  

Friday 24 March 2023

Nice One, Suella!

Suella Braverman has made her first trip to Rwanda as home secretary amid criticism that the Guardian, other liberal newspapers and the BBC have been shut out from the publicly funded visit.
Ha ha ha ha ha! Consequences, eh? They're a bitch, aren't they?
Charity Freedom from Torture labelled it a “showboat trip” after it emerged that the Guardian, the BBC, the Daily Mirror, the Independent and the i newspaper were not invited.
Sonya Sceats, chief executive at Freedom from Torture, described the policy as a “cash-for-humans” scheme.“Following the outpouring of support for Gary Lineker and his compassionate stand on behalf of refugees, this government knows it is on the back foot and is once again ramping up the cruelty to distract from their own failures.”
I'm sure that's what you'd like to think. I bet you haven't asked anyone outside your own circle what they think though, have you?

Friday 26 November 2021

How About 'Errr, No, Melanie'..?

The education system needs to be “torn down and rebuilt”...

Amen! it can better support those who are autistic...

Wait, what? Which wackademic has been spouting this nonsense? 

...the TV presenter Melanie Sykes has said.


Discussing her recent diagnosis at the age of 51, which she announced earlier this week, Sykes reflected on the struggles she has faced throughout her youth and career, some of which she had previously put down to being northern and a “straight talker”.

Most 'straight talking Northerners' that I know wouldn't be whining at the age of 51 about how awful their schooldays were... 

“I left school at 15, and I just thought I was less mature than the others, but I now know the education system wasn’t set up in a way that I was able to function there. It crowbars you into a certain way of thinking and being, and if you don’t fit the bill you get left behind. That’s why we need to tear down the education system and rebuild it, so it suits everyone.”

Which is pretty impossible to ever achieve, as a few seconds thought would have told you. 

She says she’s keen to use her profile to incite change: “My activism has massively kicked in.”

Well, with a stellar profile like that, you're bound to ... err... what have you done, exactly?