Thursday 1 August 2024

Summarising the plight of the nation

Some online comments just now:

a. Bob M

Britain isn't facing a 'far-right problem'. Instead, it’s confronted with a prevailing liberal elite that has long overlooked valid mainstream issues related to economic inequality, crime and immigration, and is now facing the consequences of that neglect.

b. Yorks Pride

It took just 9 million votes and 4 weeks for Starmer to turn Britain into a police state for those of us who love our country that is.

c. Not far left at all

Civil Unrest in Hartlepool - it’s seems like when people murder innocent children the British wake up fast and realise .. we have a serious problem!! That we didn’t have before.

d. John DeVries

Yep. Its brewing up. I wonder how long its going to take labour to realise that 50 million people are fed up with grooming, rape, thousands of illegals immigrants every week. They don't seem to understand that we want to be heard and all this crap to cease.

e. Lee Harris

I do not condone violence and I know the police on the ground have a tough job. All we want is consistency. I blame the leadership in the police and our weak politicians. Trust has been obliterated. This is on them!

f. Mandy Gall (Ireland)

I know this can’t be true because our entire political establishment said there’s no link between crime and immigration.

g. Peter Sweden

There have been 17 stabbings in 48 hours in Britain. Last night several people with machetes were fighting openly on the street.

JH: And so it goes on. The thing which strikes me is how everyone sees there are major issues but ask them to explain them and there are how many explanations till Sunday? People at all points dotted along the path to understanding and even those who do get that this is all agenda ... clashing views on how to counter it all.

At basic level … massive borrowing to fund stupid ideological falsehoods, e.g. MMCChange and DEI managers on obscene salaries … the very idea of covering farming land with solar panels to obliterate it, the reduction of the older population and even the younger to “manageable” levels, meaning non-threatening to the criminals hoodwinking people that they have legitimate power, the stormtrooper wind vanes blotting the landscape when they’re totally unnecessary … the whole thing Marxist to the core.

And Marxism another word for satanism … the obliteration of God and all that trinitaran scripture stands for in written form. As against our obliteration under the feet of imported hordes.

Not forgetting the whole Hegelian thing of create problem, people cry out, in rides the strongman Messiah. Or the Marxist take of this being the stage four of hell on earth before the stage five utopia. Or the hordes and their kill kill kill in the House of War. Or the Chinese agenda.

All brought on by utter weakness and straying from strong roots.


  1. I've never understood how anyone can say they don't condone violence. Violence is our way of enforcing things. So to put simplistically we make rules that we expect people to follow. Depending on the rule if they don't we can tell them off and when that doesn't work we fine then and when that doesn't work we imprison them and if at any time on that route they resist we send big lads around to subdue them. We are now using violence, state approved of course and if they fight back we will shoot them.

    Knowing this is the reason we respond to the telling offs and the fines. Knowing that if you resist you could end up dead. If that never happened then nobody would pay fines, nobody would go to prison and we would have no society. Our whole society if based on violence as a last resort.

    So when they say they don't condone violence they don't mean it literally, they condone state violence. The issue then is the state isn't your friend and you are expected to not fight back because state approved violence is the only violence allowed.

    IMO violence is not an option exclusively for the state. We have the right of self defence. However that is neutered by the state who take to stance that violence is their exclusive right. Your life in their view is worthless. You are attacked, phone plod, they won't save you they have no obligation to do so but they will arrest and imprison the person that killed you. Well sometimes anyway.

  2. I shed a tear or two over the slaughter of those children in Southport. I realised that it wasn't just them I was crying for but my country and civilisation in general. We are approaching a critical mass of resistance which I believe is what them want. As more riots and protests occur the state will remove more and more civil liberties.

    1. Starmer's answer to the problem. Spoiler: it isn't to clamp down on invaders.
      Might be worth investigating if any MPs or their nearest and dearest have interests in the tech needed to roll this out.

    2. Government's track record with tech might mean this proves no threat at all...

  3. I'm at a loss to explain why armed Police weren't deployed to the mass use of machetes in Southend. If the gangs are using knives, then the Police should be deploying guns and using them. Hopefully that has a deterrent affect on the openly brazed use of large knives on our streets.

    1. The thought of Essex Plod rocking up armed fills me with more terror than the machete gangs! Or would, if I still worked there.


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