Showing posts with label time to put your money where your mouth is. Show all posts
Showing posts with label time to put your money where your mouth is. Show all posts

Monday 19 February 2024

How Much Are You Slashing Your Appearance Fee By, Andrew?

Actor Andrew Scott has suggested cheap theatre tickets should be put on a “sale rack” so that young people can see West End productions without having to spend £150.

Put your money where your mouth is then! 

Scott, 47, told BBC Radio 4’s Broadcasting House programme: “No matter how zeitgeisty or how modern you think your play is, if you are having to spend £150, no person between the age of 16-25 or beyond is going to be able to afford that. That is frustrating to me.
“Hopefully, there is some night or two nights a week when you can get something like a sale rack, you have to be prepared to rummage a little bit. It is important that it doesn’t remain an elitist art form,” he said.

Theatre is expensive because there's a lot of people involved - directors, stagehands, musicians, costumiers...they all need to earn a living. 

Last November The Crown star Dominic West called West End ticket prices “crazy”. David Tennant, the former Doctor Who star, said some tickets had become “ludicrously” expensive and warned that young people would be deterred from going to the theatre.

Funny, neither of them offered to take a pay cut either... 

Friday 9 December 2022

We've Seen How Other Economies 'Succeed', Julia And Winsome...

The cost of living crisis affects all of us, but it doesn’t affect us equally. One of us struggles to afford the spiralling price of the weekly shop, while the other can shop as before, unaffected by rising food prices. One of us fears turning on the heating to keep her house warm, while the other can heat her home and travel for some winter sun without a second thought.
This isn’t how an economy succeeds.
...and while it might be good for the wall-building trade, I don't much fancy it in my country.
Instead of squeezing low earners, the chancellor should have matched his actions to his rhetoric and taxed wealth at the top.
Here you go, Julia! If you don't think you're taxed enough, the nice people at the Treasury will gladly accept your voluntary payment at that link.

Do be a dear, though, and come back to the 'Guardian' and tell us all when you've done it, eh?