Thursday 1 August 2024

It’s not AI, it’s machine learning

My mate up the road sent this, with the instructions: “ Look at this. Close your eyes and slowly open them.  What do you notice?”

I noticed the car wheels first, he said it was the large face covering the picture. He added:

“(The face and wheels are) the same (issue). The AI modified the car and other things to create the face. It's the beauty of AI but because it doesn't understand things … it creates the strange looking car which shows us that it is a fake pic.”

I’d just add his previously uttered morsel of wisdom that “it’s not AI, it’s machine learning”.  Machines can’t perceive as humans do … so they approximate.

So why does he go with the term AI, when it’s not?  It’s a clever programme by humans, extended by machine.


  1. AI doesn't exist yet and it may never. The reason that it looks intelligent is that computers, memory, disk space have become so fast, and getting faster exponentially that really smart people can make them look intelligent.

    Not that long ago you had chess programs on computers that were very good but couldn't beat good players. The reason was they examined every option available and then the steps beyond that and so on till they reached a conclusion. This took time and with the processors and memory available then it took a while so they limited how long they had to make it work. Then computers improved and they were able to do more. This repeated itself for years and now we have computers that can beat grand masters and ordinary punters like us have no chance. Not an ounce of intelligence just process and programming with raw horsepower.

    AI, as called, has no intelligence just logic and speed and it is useful in many way but we should never ever put it in control of anything. We should always have to verify what it does of any significance.

    Lets leave it making memes, adjusting pictures, writing documents, managing machines, even cars and planes, and controlling your house home automation but never give it control of our nuclear weapons or make them fully mobile without some sort of limiter. We already have examples of AI lying to us to get its own way and also examples of it working out we are a threat to it and it has to kill us.

  2. This is what I've been trying to tell people for years, it is not AI just very fast calculating. Sadly, the more people who believe it to be superior the more powers over us it will be given. As we know, give power until power is taken.

    1. It can't really do worse than the humans who currently have power over us, surely?


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