Showing posts with label scotland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scotland. Show all posts

Monday, 3 March 2025

No Doubt This Will Be Used As 'One Of The Perils Of WFH'..?

A crooked tax officer who embezzled thousands of pounds from HMRC to pay off her mortgage has been jailed for two years. Joanne Connell took advantage of her position in the bankruptcy team to swipe £193,000 between April and September 2022.

How was someone like this ever in a position where she could manage this? 

Connell had worked for HMRC for approximately 15 years in various roles. At the time of the offence, she was an administrative officer in the bankruptcy team. The court heard that Connell created fraudulent credits while working from home using her HMRC laptop.

And it'll be seized on as a reason to stop all WFH, despite the fact that she could have done the same from behind a desk in the office, if their security is that lax that a low grade such as this can bypass any checks on her work, both managerial and system-based.  

Connell was off work with ill health in June 2022 after having been admitted to hospital. She subsequently indicated to her managers that she had difficulty understanding and following instructions.

Isn't that a requirement in her job description? 

However, an HMRC investigation revealed Connell continued to embezzle money throughout her sick leave. She will now be subject to confiscation action under Proceeds of Crime legislation to recover monies illegally obtained.

I'm only surprised they didn't commend her on her work ethic! 

Wednesday, 13 November 2024

'Unfortunately, corruption is rooted in our culture in Kenya...'

It seems to be taking hold here too, it's just expressed rather differently.
The allegations against Dame Ann were made in 2020 shortly after she caught a self-employed cleaner stealing cash from her handbag. She told the woman, who was from the same Kenyan ethnic group as most of the six other complainants, to leave the castle immediately, but didn't report her to police.
'I made a massive mistake,' Dame Ann says. 'If I'd called the police, things might have been very different.'

Oh, sadly, I rather doubt it. You're making a big assumption there that the police only concentrate on determining whether a law has been broken. 

The first Dame Ann knew she was being investigated was in 2020 when one of her former students, who is now an aviation engineer, told her she had received a call from a detective. 'He was asking strange questions about me: Was I bad to her? Did I feed her? Did I allow her to leave the house? She told him he was being ridiculous and that I had only ever taken care of her.
'The detective didn't want to talk to her after that.'

Of course he didn't. The police no longer investigate all the facts and then determine which line to follow - that's the realm of tv shows. These day, and especially in Scotland, they start from a conclusion (slavery!)  and seek evidence to prove it. 

Many of the young men and women who were helped by the Gloag Foundation were keen to vouch for the woman who made such a difference to their lives.
'I know some of these people and believe they colluded to either get citizenship in the UK or money from Ann.
'Unfortunately, corruption is rooted in our culture in Kenya. I think the accusers probably thought she would want to settle because of the damage to her reputation, but Ann is strong.'

And it's a good thing that she is. Most people wouldn't have held out under such pressure. 

But the investigation continued with officers from the human trafficking unit interviewing students past and present, as well as Peter's carers, her secretary and staff.
'If someone makes an accusation like that, I understand it's their duty to investigate. I'm totally comfortable with that but, what I struggle with, is they completely disregarded the evidence of anybody who was positive about me.'

That's because you have a view of how the police used to act that is out of whack with the way they now act.  

Dame Ann was getting in her car to go on holiday last month when the Crown Office made public its decision, a year-and-half after she was charged.

It probably took a day, if that, to read the 'evidence' put to the Procurator Fiscal and realise this wasn't going anywhere! The other 546 days were no doubt spent trying to find someone to take responsibility for the decision. 

'It's not for me to tell the Home Office what to do but the law needs to be looked at or, at least, some of the wording on their website should be changed. This could be an epidemic coming down the line.'

No doubt. No doubt at all.  

Since the allegations were made Dame Ann has not returned to Kenya and the scholarship program has been suspended. She says she will take 'at least six months' to review what she does for charity in the future.

It should be 'nothing'.  

Friday, 19 April 2024

It Certainly Tells Us All We Need To Know About Modern Conservationists

Heading out for a day in the hills, Falcon Frost pulls on heavy boots and slings a rifle onto his back. He is surrounded by the towering beauty of the Glenfalloch estate in the Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park, north of Glasgow. For ‘townies’, this is a magical place to escape the rat race and bag the six Munros – peaks above 3,000ft – including the queen of the Southern Highlands, Ben Lui, which lies within its 25,000 acres. For Mr Frost, a stalker and estate manager, this is also his place of work. Deer are culled on estates such as Glenfalloch and, for much of the past 28 years, it has been Mr Frost’s job to ensure that it is carried out.
Lately, though, he and others who earn their living in the countryside are starting to feel it is they who have a target on their backs. ‘There’s very little trust left and that’s the problem. We seem to be getting it from all angles,’ he said. ‘Some folk do feel this is an attack on our traditional way of life.

And they are absolutely correct to feel that way, because it undoubtedly is exactly that. 

He is referring to a recent Scottish Government consultation on the most radical changes to deer management in living memory. It contains proposals that would rip up the previously collaborative approach to deer management and, instead, demand reductions in deer numbers. Failure by gamekeepers to carry out culls, ordered by regulator NatureScot, could lead to a fine of £40,000 and a jail term of up to three months – or both. NatureScot could also bill an estate owner if a third party has to do the cull.

It's not as if deer population is the most pressing environmental issue in Scotland, either... 

To seasoned observers such as Mr Frost, 48, this increasingly bitter standoff is symptomatic of concerted efforts by an urban-centric government to wrest control of the countryside from those who live and work there. And it’s all being done under the flag of environmentalism.

The worst things in the world are usually done by people wrapping themselves in a flag of righteous cause, Mt Frost... 

He added: ‘We had a visit from biodiversity minister Lorna Slater at Glenfalloch and we offered to take her out on the hill for a day and show her what deer management involves. But she hasn’t taken us up on that, unfortunately.’

Anone who refuses to take an opportunity to see first hand what effects their policy is having in the real world probably already knows. But doesn't feel able to defend it. 

The Greens minister, who is leading the consultation, has also twice rejected an invitation by Tory MSP and landowner Edward Mountain to a deer stalking ‘fact-finding’ event despite her strong advocacy of the culls.
‘It’s regrettable that she has declined this invitation twice, and perhaps it tells you everything you need to know about this Scottish Government.’

It certainly does. 

Monday, 11 December 2023

Hoots Mon!

There's more to be worried about than a moos loose aboot your hoos if you live north of The Wall next year (and for this, you can blame your government):
Scotland could become the new XL Bully capital due to breeders dumping the unwanted dogs north of the border before the new ban is implemented.
Images of the dogs being moved in cages have spread on social media platforms with one captioned 'We found safe homes for them all in Scotland'.
Another post showed six of the dogs in a van being transported north from Manchester ahead of the ban on the breed.

Did anyone really believe that someone who wanted one of these grotesque mutts in the first place would be a responsible pet owner who would spend the necessary money to comply with the exemptions (neutering, muzzling, insurance) in the ban? 

Friday, 20 October 2023

I'm Fine With This... long as it only applies to pregnant eco-lunatics.
Women in childbirth are being offered an injection of water instead of the traditional 'gas and air' – in a bid to make the NHS more environmentally friendly.

It's a brave nurse or midwife who's going to suggest that nonsense to a woman in labour! 

...the NHS has warned that using Entonox in Scotland is 'equivalent to 18,000 transatlantic flights'.

Scotland? Yes. You expect such insanity there. But you shouldn't expect it to stray this side of the border. surely? 

The Scottish Government previously wrote to all health boards with a plan suggesting women should be discouraged from using Entonox for the good of the planet.

And yet... 

Last week, watchdog the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) backed the use of sterile water in England.


However, during a consultation on the treatment, the Obstetric Anaesthetists' Association wrote: 'What possible biological plausible explanation is there for benefit with intracutaneous or subcutaneous injections of water in volumes of 0.1 to 0.4mls?
'Because it is cheap and unlikely to cause harm is an inadequate justification for a recommendation, especially as NICE does not recommend other similar non-pharmacological therapies such as acupuncture and hypnosis.'

I fear you're fighting a losing battle. I don't think biology is uppermost in the NHS anymore... 

Wednesday, 26 July 2023

But If It Wasn't For 'Virtue-Signalling, Gesture Politics Nonsense'...

...the Alba Party wouldn't have any policies!
It should come as little surprise that an exhibition dedicated to exploring the history of warfare features part of the wreck of a German aircraft bearing Nazi insignia. But bosses at Edinburgh Castle are facing extraordinary calls to remove the exhibit from the National War Museum on its grounds – amid claims that the sight of a swastika may upset some tourists.

'Don't mention ze war!' 'But, it's a War Museum!' 'I said, DON'T..!' 

Chris McEleny, general secretary of Alex Salmond's Alba Party, has written to Culture Secretary Angus Robertson, claiming that the use of the Nazi symbol is a 'national embarrassment'. He also objects to the 'crudely named' Redcoat Café, which is also on the castle grounds and is named after the red- uniformed British troops who fought against the Jacobites.

Of course he did. Why not? He's a deeply unserious politician, so expecting serious politics from him is a waste of time.. 

Last night, Stuart Crawford, a former Army officer and defence commentator, condemned 'virtue-signalling, gesture politics nonsense from Mr McEleny'.

Better to condemn those who vote such jokes into the position in the first place, Stuart... 

Wednesday, 10 May 2023

You Know What Else Is 'Not Proven', Sandy?

Critics of the not proven verdict, which dates from the 17th century, say it creates confusion for jurors and can stigmatise people amid limited public understanding it is an acquittal.

It's that you have the slightest clue about what you're doing.  

In the biggest shake-up of the legal system for decades, the centuries-old third option for jurors will be axed in a bid to increase Scotland's low rape conviction rate.

Is that a goal worth pursuing? Maybe. But it certainly isn't a goal worth overturning centuries of law for, as the lawyers themselves point out to her, not that she's listening: 

As part of the changes, victims will have their own 'tsar' to stand up for their rights – and a specialist sex crimes court will be set up.
Sandy Brindley, chief executive of Rape Crisis Scotland, said: 'There is a huge amount of research and evidence to suggest that these steps will not only make engaging with the justice system easier for survivors but lead to more justice being done.'

Justice for whom, exactly, Sandy? 

Murray Etherington, president of the Law Society of Scotland, backed by the Faculty of Advocates, criticised the proposed pilot scheme to allow judges to try people for rape – which carries a possible life sentence – without juries.
He said: 'Juries act as an essential and effective safeguard against the potential for unconscious biases to unfairly influence trial outcomes. Even on a pilot basis, judge-only trials will put that fundamental right in jeopardy, with no discernible benefits.'

And that's not all they have to be wary of in this bill: 

The Victims, Witnesses and Justice Reform (Scotland) Bill, will also change the size of criminal juries from 15 to 12, with eight guilty verdicts enough to secure a conviction – compared to a minimum of ten in England, where unanimous decisions are strongly encouraged.

Once again, Scotland's leading the race to the bottom... 

Ms Brindley said she has 'no doubt that guilty men are walking free'.

Never heard of Blackstone's Ratio have you, Sandy? 

Wednesday, 8 February 2023

What Reason Could He Have For Claiming Asylum?

A grieving family are demanding answers after a beloved grandfather died in a motorcycle crash with an asylum seeker who was working illegally as a DPD driver under a false name.

He's Moldovan. Claiming to be Romanian. Why is anyone's claim from either of these two countries tolerated?

Stratan was detained in October 2021 after he entered Scotland from Ireland using the false identity of a Romanian called Sergei Bagrin. He was detained for five months before being freed in March with an admonition by Stranraer Sherriff Court.

Thanks, Scotland! 

He then moved to Devon where he obtained the false driving licence and got a job as a delivery driver.
Stratan had already racked up four unpaid speeding tickets in two months of driving for DPD at their depot near St Austell in Cornwall. The crash with Mr Colwill occurred when he failed to stop at a Give Way sign on a country road at Ashwater, North Devon.

It's beyond bel... No. I have to stop saying that, don't I? Because it isn't.

Stratan admitted perverting the course of justice, causing death by careless driving and driving while uninsured and with a false licence. He was jailed for a year and ten months by Judge David Evans at Exeter Crown Court and banned from driving for five years after his release. The judge said the public would expect him to be deported on or before his release.

We wouldn't expect him to have been allowed into the asylum system in the first place... 

The judge noted that DPD's ability to check on Stratan's credentials had been diluted because he was working through two sub-contractors.

And the country's ability to check on chancers, grifters and wrong 'uns coming in? What's diluted that?

Monday, 23 January 2023

"...come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives but they'll never take our freedom!"

They'll take it anyway, from those who can't fight.
Edinburgh is now the first European capital to commit to axing meat from its menus in schools, hospitals and nursing homes.

Note, all places where those confined within them often can't leave. How brave. 

A council report said: 'Overall, the science is clear: Meat and dairy consumption must reduce to achieve climate targets.'

Then ban the sale of milk and meat in Scotland. If you can, without pitchforks and flaming torches featuring in your future. 

But you know you can't. So you'll pick on those who can't fight back. 

The move comes days before Burns Night – the centrepiece of which is haggis, traditionally made from a sheep's liver, lungs, heart and stomach.

Offal, in other words. Maybe this year they could give the sheep a rest and make it out of the innards of a bureaucrat? 

Monday, 18 July 2022

Hey, SSSC, You Know What Really 'Reflects Badly On The Profession'..?

A stalker who terrorised a leukaemia sufferer for over a year before trying to book them into an assisted suicide clinic has been given an official warning...

Typical police, letting criminals off! the social care regulator.
Wait, what?
Nursery worker Emma Johnston, 50, launched a campaign of false accusations and even tried booking her victim into Dignitas - resulting in her getting sent her own condolences cards and calls stating she had died. Ms Johnston, who was employed at Hazlehead Primary School Nursery in Aberdeen, contacted the assisted suicide clinic to tell them one of her victims required end-of-life care.The victim, aged 71, suffered from leukaemia and received calls and letters from funeral directors stating she had died.
During the 13-month period Mrs Johnston also contacted Police Scotland and filed false reports of domestic abuse. And she even contacted one victim's employer claiming they had committed a criminal offence.

Thirteen months...?! Why isn't she behind bars? 

The 50-year-old pleaded guilty to charges of causing fear or alarm by stalking at Aberdeen Sheriff Court in July last year.
Parents were shocked after Johnston returned back to work at Hazlehead Primary School on the same day she made her plea.

As well they might! How on earth can someone who is found guilty of something like this possibly still be employed?

The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) said: 'Your behaviour showed a disregard for the wellbeing of others, for the law and for the time and resources of the organisations that you contacted under false pretences.
'We note there was no harm to any service users.
'You have made some admissions but you have largely focussed on what had been done to you and how you have been treated, rather than looking at the impact your behaviour had on others.'

Typical 'I'm the real victim here!' attitude of someone who hasn't been adequately punished by the weak justice system, I fear... 

'Given the circumstances of your convictions, we have considered that the risk of repetition is low as you no longer have contact with [information redacted].
'Given the low risk of repetition, it is unlikely that you present an ongoing risk to the public. However, your page three of four convictions reflected badly on the profession.'

That you haven't struck her off to force the idiots at Hazlehead Primary to sack her is doing that... 

Monday, 23 May 2022

Some Are, Undoubtedly, But Not The Ones That Are Always In The Papers, Colin...

Colin Macfarlane, the director of Stonewall Scotland, told members of the Scottish parliament’s equalities, human rights and civil justice committee: “There has been a whipping up of a moral panic and an othering of trans people in the public discourse. Trans people are not an ideology – trans people are our friends, our family and our colleagues.”

My friends, family and colleagues don't do this sort of thing:

Of course, the police did nothing...well, no, not quite, they did threaten the victim that she could be arrested for breach of the peace for being attacked. Which is par for the course these days, isn't it?

Macfarlane told the committee the reforms would have no impact on the Equality Act – which affords protection from discrimination on the basis of sex, race, religion, gender reassignment and other characteristics. However, later in the session EHRC representatives said further examination was required of the implications of recent court cases on evolving legal concepts of sex, for example.

"Not so fast!" says the EHRC at last. "Your side keeps losing, so maybe we need to look at why..." 

But Macfarlane said he wanted to highlight “this presentation of trans people and trans women in particular as a threat”, stating it was “deeply unfortunate … that there has been misinformation, some of it deliberate, around what the provisions of this bill will mean for the impact of women and girls”.

We know what it means. That's the problem.  

Monday, 13 December 2021

"Lord Summers’ comments have sparked an outcry..."

Amongst whom? People blind to reality?

The woman, who worked in Edinburgh’s Burke and Hare while she was a student, was fighting for £1,800 in holiday pay from the bar.
She is now working in a different job and moved away from the venue, but argued her identity becoming public would damage her mental health and put her at risk of violence.

Strange request from a barmaid? But no, Reader. That's not what her job used to be:  

Lord Summers concluded “she had willingly undertaken the risk of abuse and violence when she worked as a stripper”.
He also stated the woman knew “working as a stripper might harm her career prospects”.

Well, yes. Unless she was terminally stupid.  

Monday, 17 May 2021

He's A Shoo-In Then...

A leadership candidate for one of Britain's biggest trade unions has been suspended by Labour and allegedly reported to the police for a hate crime after he called for Priti Patel to be deported.

Heh! He'll probably win now!

How nice to see them hoist of the petard they've spent so long building... 

The fallout came as huge crowds cheered and applauded yesterday when two Indian men, initially detained by Border Force officials in an immigration van, were eventually released by police following a stand-off with hundreds of protesters.

No-one should really be surprised by this, should they? 

Gurinder Singh Josan, a member of Labour's ruling National Executive Committee who is also a Unite member, tweeted: 'Howard showing his true colours?
'I totally disagree on pretty much everything with Priti Patel but this is simply dog whistle racism against a woman of colour. Delete this now!'
Mr Beckett initially refused to back down, arguing that his tweet was 'about society being able to do without anyone who promotes racism'.

Which is clearly what you are doing, by the very standards you've demanded everyone else be hald to... 

A Home Office spokesperson said: 'The UK Government is tackling illegal immigration and the harm it causes, often to the most vulnerable people by removing those with no right to be in the UK.
'The operation in Glasgow was conducted in relation to suspected immigration offences and the two Indian nationals complied with officers at all times.
'The UK Government continues to tackle illegal migration in all its forms and our New Plan for Immigration will speed up the removal of those who have entered the UK illegally.'

If only we had a body of people in this country whose job it is to uphold the law! Instead, we have cowards in blue: 

A Police Scotland statement said Superintendent Mark Sutherland had decided to release the detained men 'in order to protect the safety, public health and wellbeing of those involved in the detention and subsequent protest'.

We'll see more of this now. When they come for the van transporting murderers and rapists to court, what will you say then, Sutherland?