Showing posts with label the only acceptable racism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the only acceptable racism. Show all posts

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Striking Back!

Members of the Marylebone Cricket Club are calling for Stephen Fry to be suspended after he criticised the establishment for 'stinking of privilege and classism' at the Hay Literature Festival. In what is being referred to as 'Frygate' within club circles, several members have sent emails to the MCC board calling for the former president to be suspended after he breached disciplinary rules by 'bringing the club into disrepute'.

It's about time these luvvies faced the consequences of opening their mouths, so more power to their elbows!  

An MCC member close to the club told the Mail: 'He spends the year swanning it at the MCC and soon as he is no longer president, he's slagging them off at Hay Literature.The panel at the Hay festival was about racism in cricket and he chose to speak about beetroot old men in cricket. He was showboating as he always does.'

Indeed he was, and people are increasingly fed up with it.  

Fry could face suspension from the club over his comments as it reportedly takes one member to complain about another for the member in question to be called before a Disciplinary Committee led by a KC who will decide on any sanctions.

Wouldn't that be delicious?