Friday 26 July 2024

We All Know Who's Really Not Thinking Straight...

A Labour MP has hit out at a primary school for getting young children to pose with a trans-inclusive pride flag. Rosie Duffield said the 'tiny' pupils could not understand the concepts of sexuality and gender identity they were being encouraged to celebrate, and should be left alone to discover them when older.
She spoke out after campaigners spotted that the London school had posted publicly on social media a photograph of an infant school class marking 'Pride Day' last month.

I wonder if - given schools are very wary about pictures of their pupils appearing on social media - they sought the approval of all the parents before hitting 'post'? I suspect they didn't, which is even more of a safeguarding issue than the genderwoo nonsense.  

One young boy held a sign stating: 'I can't even think straight.'

Too young to have the slightest clue what that means. But of course, schools consider children mere props for empty-headed virtuesignalling these days. They need to be reminded that they are not. By a court case, if necessary.   

The school put it on Twitter/X last Friday with the caption: 'Being proud of who we are and celebrating pride values.'
But amid a backlash yesterday [tues] the photo, along with several others showing older children with rainbow flags, was deleted from social media and the school's website. In previous years the school had asked pupils to wear bright colours on Pride Day and donate £1 which would go to controversial lobbying group Stonewall as well as to 'buy more inclusive resources'.

And the school have now turned a bit shy... 

The school did not respond to requests to comment.

I wonder why.  

Housekeeping note

Some OoL readers will be aware of this, regarding N.O. across the way:

I’ll make no comment during the risible “review” and ask that no one comment below this post … should you like to comment, please use NOWP or a blog I’ll soon publicise, called Jstack. Asking Julia here not to put through any comments under this post as it may threaten OoL itself. Thank you.

The joke of course was that they decided to do this today, the blog’s coming of age 18th birthday.

Thursday 25 July 2024

This is one way it might be done

In my stories I wrote, a device used for women in particular to get themselves out of danger was a small gun firing a tranquillizer dart. There’d be obvious issues of how fast acting, whether the dart was retrievable etc. Also, it could be used by bad people on us.

Still, let’s say one existed, non-lethal, then there are a couple of options for officers … if the culprit is armed … gun, machete, knife … then he’s simply taken out by gunshot.

If there’s no obvious weapon but there was a crime in flagrante delicto, the non-lethal dart seems the humane way, esp. criminal twerps like students, brainwashed and egged on by professors. Determine which university and department … arrest the academic involved.

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Why Is Science Bowing To Superstition?

'We know very little, practically nothing' about the creatures, Hannah Hendriks, marine technical adviser for the Department of Conservation, said. 'This is going to lead to some amazing science and world-first information.'
If the cetacean is confirmed to be the elusive spade-toothed whale, it would be the first specimen found in a state that would permit scientists to dissect it, allowing them to map the relationship of the whale to the few others of the species found, learn what it eats and perhaps lead to clues about where they live.

Some good news on the science front, at la...

Oh. Wait.  

This time, the beached whale was quickly transported to cold storage and researchers will work with local Maori iwi (tribes) to plan how it will be examined, the conservation agency said. New Zealand's Indigenous people consider whales a taonga - a sacred treasure - of cultural significance.


In April, Pacific Indigenous leaders signed a treaty recognizing whales as 'legal persons,' although such a declaration is not reflected in the laws of participating nations.

Then why on earth is anyone consulting them on anything? What can they usefully add to this debate?  

Nothing is currently known about the whales' habitat.

And if science bows to superstition, we never will... 

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Nothing whatever to do with Science

Take a quick shoofty at this:

Not wanting to colour this post blue, I'm just going to add that, on the grounds of most unsettled Science, the person who followed advice years ago and put in the Aga or whatever to do the right thing, just as people bought diesel cars, are at the whim of those knowing all this fully, who are grinning in their suits and yet still persist with armed state backing.

Perfect example in the States is this non-comp Stage Stooge Cheatle before the House.

Just as in Paris today with those ridiculous QR codes to go anywhere ... although, to be fair, it's the Olympics ... and the PTB currently need a black flag event, an atrocity, to distract and restart the Reset.

As we all really do know ... it's nothing to do with Science, it's all to do with pushing sgenda and guess who suffers first?

Monday 22 July 2024

Their What? Are You Sure?

Doctors should use their status as a 'trusted member of the community' to warn patients about the dangers of climate change, health leaders say.
Ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, wait, you're serious?
The Royal College of Physicians today issued new guidance that tells doctors to raise the topic during consultations and 'repeat it often'.
That's if you can actually get a consultation....
It calls on doctors to reduce carbon footprints by considering working from home - reducing their already-limited time with patients - and cutting back on prescriptions and tests.
They are also told to look out for people suffering 'eco-distress' - the name given to anxiety and depression caused by climate change.
One commenter, on a forum designed for GPs to share their views, described it as 'virtue signalling' with 'zero danger of any blame for the stuff that might be missed'. Another described the advice as 'no use to anyone and down right dangerous' warning it could possibly end the career of a doctor if they did not carry out a vital test or issue a prescription.
The document bills climate change as 'one of the biggest threats to human health' and stresses it will 'undoubtedly cause significant additional pressure for the NHS'. It warns that those working in the health service will be some of the first to see the health effects of climate change - 'if they have not done so already' - and calls on them to take action to reduce its impact.
Professor Ramesh Arasaradnam, academic vice president at the RCP, said: 'The need to act has never been more urgent and we hope that our Green Physician Toolkit will support the physician community with small steps that can make a difference.
'It can of course be challenging to prioritise sustainability at a time when there is very high demand for clinical care, but we have to keep in mind that reducing climate change and its health impacts is part of reduced pressure on the NHS in the long-term.'

Sunday 21 July 2024

Two issues, same question though for us

The first thing I notice is how ordinary those in the Irish pic are … no purple hair or foreign flags, no weirdos.

The second thing concerns both pics … what is your policy, personally, mine too, when it comes to self-determination? In short, what if there are complications?  Are you English or British? Scottish, Irish?

Without going too far down the rabbit hole, Kiev is not straightforward, neither are the Catalans. Methinks it’s easier to know what is NOT on than to define what IS on. It’s far easier to support the Irish against the invader, the British Isles against the unelected communists running Europe.

Saturday 20 July 2024

Impunity … again

Lack of adherence to a vaguely long-accepted code of conduct, involving respect for the right of others to do their thing too, bratty upbringing under a social structure fallen apart due to Wokery, total lack of political will in a good way among the politician class …

… plus impunity from consequences … they were not the only factors leading to the judge’s summing up:

That first part … the bit about “you have taken it upon yourselves” … could equally be the politicians today.  As if that’s not bad enough, then there is Leeds.

That lot are maybe the second worst threat facing Britain … or third … what about the Chinese takeovers, what about “Them” behind the scenes? Who has the power to reverse all this?

Friday 19 July 2024

Just Declare Victory, Then?

A chief constable has said her acknowledgment that her police force was “institutionally racist” unsettled and hurt some officers but insisted it has allowed the force to make vital changes.

Such as..? 

A series of changes have been made, including changes to the force’s stop and search policy, the introduction of alternative ways of dealing with young people accused of crime, and the running of cultural awareness training programmes for officers.

So her patch is now a crime-free paradise, is it?  

There have been a series of fatal stabbings in and around Bristol in the past 12 months.

Oh! Guess not.  

Crew said she believed her openness had made them easier to investigate.

Have they all been solved then?  

“Without the acknowledgment and the work we’ve done, I think we’d been in a very difficult, very different place.
“Had I not acknowledged that institutional racism exists, I’m sure the communities most directly affected would not trust us. Without trust there is no consent, and without consent we no longer have legitimacy to police.

Doesn't sound like it, or she wouldn't be waffling about 'community engagement'. You know, the same 'community' that is forever stabbing each other and then whining about the police attempts to stop them doing it.  

Crew has won plaudits for her force’s attempts to put rape suspects’ credibility and not their victims’ at the centre of sexual offences investigations, and she said the plan was to take lessons learned from that to try to improve how it served victims from Black and ethnic minority communities.
“Do we need to have a particularly enhanced kind of response if you’re a minoritised victim of crime? That could be quite controversial, so we are getting some legal and ethical feedback.

Yes, two-tier policing will be 'quite controversial', I guess you could say!  

Thursday 18 July 2024

First they were Aborigines; Now they’re First

I watched the first episode of an Australian Police-type drama on the Beeb called High Country yesterday evening, and, in both production credits as well as some of the dialogue, there appeared to be a good portion of ‘Woke’ around. From my earliest days in Australia, now some fifty-odd years ago, the brown or black peoples were known as Aborigines. Everyone used the term, no-one was being offensive, the term was accepted, and it worked.

But now, suddenly: They’re all First Nation people. Since when?