Saturday 3 August 2024

“Expert opinion”

Caught between two topics which really deserve full attention … to run with Lord T’s genuinely excellent piece on “AI” in comments and Andy’s as well … both working professionally in the field of letters and digits … or to run with claims of being “expert” when those clowns are anything but … when they’re ideologically driven to break any oath, Hippocratic or otherwise, thereby wreaking human misery and destroying all faith in the medical profession at the same time?

Think I’ll run the Lord T and Andy elsewhere and run here today with the Daily Sceptic’s piece on the criminality of “experts” who ignore what they really know and push something else, for criminal political ends:

In a crowded field, can there have been a worse decision than that taken by the CMOs (Chief Medical Officers) in September 2021 to override the JCVI’s adviceand authorise the vaccination of children?

The four CMOs involved were: for England Prof. Christopher Whitty; Northern Ireland, Sir Michael McBride; Scotland, Dr. Gregor Smith; and for Wales, Dr. Frank Atherton. I wonder if they still stand by their decision?

A new Oxford University paper, which with the approval of NHS England used the OpenSAFELY-TPP database to study the effect of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid vaccine on over one million children aged 5-15. The report allows us to evaluate this decision.

The propaganda at the time was to “trust the science” and by implication, “trust the scientists”. The truth was that, as with so much else during the pandemic, the science and the scientists shouldn’t have been trusted.

Before ggl saw fit to remove my blog on its blog birthday, there were innumerable summaries there on the whole sorry tale, from Fauci’s beagles in 2015 to PEPFAR to the October 2019 event at John’s Hopkins where they planned to roll out the whole virus, vaxx and social control agenda and we know who the guilty are … yes, including you, Hancock.

This is neither more nor less than murder, as Christine Anderson just pointed out in Germany.


Going to completely switch topics now and look at what TDS has started doing which I find appalling … on a par with how Whitty and Co abused their positions … treating information in the public interest as a money-making tool:

The claim that it’s necessary in order to run the site is bollox … I know the costs as I set up a new site for precisely that reason … to overcome the substack bullsh which makes people register or pay for the blogger’s “wisdom” when he’s fully employed on a good wicket and is only doing a bit of research from sources elsewhere.


  1. Must admit that I too am getting fed up with them wanting money - the latest ploy is "To read the rest of this article, you need to donate at least £5/month or £50/year...". I've been reading it since it was Lockdown Sceptic but it's getting to be a pain now.

  2. You have to ask yourself whether the scandalous writing of Do Not Resuscitate notices like confetti for the elderly, very ill and those with learning disability skewed the results so that more elderly people died as a result of not being treated when they entered hospital. Had they not died in great numbers, it may have been the effects of Covid may not have been any more than a seasonal 'flu epidemic. The Government and it's advisors saw what was happening in Italy and panicked. What we saw after that was possibly the worst set of decisions in healthcare and care in general in decades. Decisions close to criminal activity.


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