Tuesday 30 July 2024

Winter fuel allowance

Brillo (AF Neil) wrote:

“Quite remarkable how the Twitter Left cavalierly dismiss the loss of the winter fuel allowance for 10m pensioners as “they can afford it”. Some can. But they have no idea how many more will be hit by it. And, of course, if the Tories had done this the very same twitterati would have been moaning about the “evil blood-sucking Tories”.”

It’s actually a mixed argument. WFA was, or maybe still is, based largely on Pension Credit, which is for “citizens” (another discussion in itself) and involves a “top up” payment to those under a certain income threshold.

That is also another discussion but if that’s what it remains, then … well let’s get onto people with higher incomes still receiving it. Last thing I’m going to do is support any move of Labour’s as it’s to find taxpayer money to fritter away on the climate bollox and on the illegal army.

Phillip Dilley, X reader, added:

Especially when you read that they are allocating £130 million to build mosques (???) I don't think they pay for churches or synagogues to be built do they ? Even worse they are sending £3.5 billion to Zelensky to stoke up the war in that far off land + £30 billion for net 0!”

“Neil Clark added:

Absolutely. It’s sickening. But I don’t think it’s the real left supporting this but anti-Tory Starmer-supporting ‘centrists’. Who have very loud voices in the punditocracy.”

Nicholas G added:

“But the shadow chancellor, John McDonnell, published analysis wm ch he said showed almost 4,000 more pensioners' lives would be at risk throus being unable to heat their homes.”

This could go on and on and on.


  1. I have a suspicion that long before the General Election, it was agreed with whoever that the Labour party would win. The reason, actions such as the withdrawal of the winter fuel allowance will be implemented with little public outrage and opposition if done by them. Whereas if the other lot had tried to do it they would like have failed.
    So, I also suspect that all the major political parties have agreed among themselves to take away 'benefits' and increase taxes and when it's done by a Labour government, the public reaction will be 'Well, that's Labour for you, that's what they always do'.
    Public life in our country and probably in all Western countries, is a game, the politicians make the rules and change them when they feel the necessity so that the game's trajectory is a foregone conclusion. As the saying goes, it's all over bar the shouting. And all we will see for the next five years is a lot of shouting in the Houses of Parliament.

  2. Scenario:
    a. 'Caring' Labour stop winter fuel payments to shed people who have, in the main, spent their lives paying taxes to fund the lifestyles of politicians;
    b. Elderly people die of cold related illnesses, because of 'a';
    c. billions of £s saved because of reduction of number of State pension payments to elderly people because of 'a' and 'b';
    d. Number of available social houses become available because of 'a', 'b', and 'c';
    e. Labour rejoice at number of homeless people (ex Service personnel not included), and small boat invaders living in hotels, decreases, because of 'a', 'b', 'c', and 'd'.
    f. Number of homeless ex service personnel, many with PTSD also decreases, as they are being housed in HMPs after sentencing, due to Labour cancelling the amnesty afforded to those who were sent to Northern Ireland during the Troubles (by the Labour Party).
    Pre Frazer really was right.

    1. They aren't that smart - if this happens, it will be fortunate (for them) coincidence, not planning.


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