Showing posts with label schools. Show all posts
Showing posts with label schools. Show all posts

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Schools Aren’t There To Worry About ‘The Wellbeing Of Teachers And Headteachers’

Moves to overhaul the way schools are inspected in England have been criticised by headteachers and teaching unions as “demoralising” and worse than the system they are aiming to replace. The changes by the Ofsted schools inspectorate would replace single judgments such as “outstanding” with a new report card for parents. They will be unveiled by Ofsted’s chief inspector, Martyn Oliver, on Monday alongside the launch of a public consultation. The leaders of England’s education unions have derided key aspects of the proposals, as did the family of Ruth Perry, the primary school headteacher whose suicide after an “intimidating” Ofsted inspection precipitated Labour’s pledge to scrap the use of headline grades.

Yes, this entire effort is driven by the fact one - ONE - teacher, who clearly was in the wrong job and must have had other issues, killed herself.  

The new system would grade schools, nurseries and colleges in eight individual areas on a five-step scale, ranging from “exemplary” to “causing concern”, alongside a separate evaluation of whether safeguarding standards were met. Inspections currently look at four to six areas, including safeguarding, on a four-step scale from “outstanding” to “inadequate”. Despite months of discussion by Ofsted, many of the proposals have been rejected as bewildering and ineffective by union leaders, leaving the overhaul in disarray at the start of the 12-week consultation.

If you find this 'bewildering', are you maybe in the wrong job? 

But Prof Julia Waters, Perry’s sister, said her fears that Ofsted was incapable of reforming the inspection regime had been justified. “Ofsted’s proposed new inspection model has some improvements but retains many of the dangerous features of the previous system, while introducing a series of changes with potential new risks to the wellbeing of teachers and headteachers,” Waters said.

Screw their 'wellbeing', they are there to do a job, and if they feel aggrieved at being judged on how well they do it, so what? We are all judged accordingly.

Monday, 20 January 2025

Stop Telling Them They Are Victims For A Start

Jane Graham has been a school nurse for nearly 20 years – and during this time the nature of her work has completely changed.

I'd be surprised if that wasn't the case, frankly.... 

"When I started, the majority of the support we provided was for physical health, like asthma, allergic reactions and injuries," she says. "Now it's mental health." She has seen a surge in schoolchildren struggling.
"It really impacts pupils at secondary school, but some are as young as seven," she explains. "We're seeing children with depression, anxiety and stress – and that's leading to panic attacks, self-harm and eating disorders. They're not making it to school or are so anxious they cannot attend classes."

Why is this being tolerated? Is it bad parenting? 

What's less clear is why this is happening now.

Well, actually, there are some people for whom it's not such a mystery. 

Plenty of explanations have been offered by experts: the pandemic, the cost of living and the advent of social media have all placed additional pressures on the generation now starting out. But some experts in the field of mental health have raised another question: that is, is there really a mental health crisis or are young people simply not resilient enough?
This question is a polarising one. The word resilience could be interpreted by some as disparaging, or even toxic, in a similar vein as the term "snowflake generation". But one of the country's leading experts in child and adolescent psychiatry, Prof Andrea Danese, from King’s College London, believes that resilience needs to be taken seriously. While greater awareness of mental health "has generally been a positive thing", according to Prof Danese, who is general secretary for the European Society of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, he says that he is concerned that it may also have "inadvertently contributed to over-pathologising distress in young people".

I suspect this is spot on, as it's always been a truism that what you tolerate, you will get more of.  

Ms Graham, the school nurse, is also of the opinion that many children who she has seen struggling - particularly those with more low level mental health problems - would benefit from becoming more resilient. She believes that if they were equipped with better coping skills, young people would likely be better placed to deal with the challenges they may be facing before they develop into a full-blown crisis – and this in turn would help ease the pressure on services to focus on those who are at high risk of harm. "We need to do much better at teaching resilience in schools and how to stay mentally healthy," she says. "But the way we treat children, such as primary school sports days where everyone is declared a winner, doesn't help."

Who has been saying this for decades? Oh, right. Us!  

Monday, 5 August 2024

"We cannot get justice without CCTV"

The mother of a young boy with complex needs has called for all special schools to have CCTV after her son was attacked by a teaching assistant. Her 13-year-old son Tobie, from Wolverhampton, is autistic and non-speaking. He was kicked, pushed and had his head held down in the 20 minute assault, and his mother Charlotte said a security camera had picked up the full extent of the attack. "To see that man attack him in a place he thought was safe - it was just horrendous," Charlotte said.

Unfortunately, even with the CCTV, she didn't get justice.... 

Tobie's attacker, William Kevin Clifford, 61, pleaded guilty to child cruelty at Wolverhampton Crown Court earlier this month and was given a suspended sentence of nine months.

*sighs* You won't believe why....

Passing sentencing, the judge told the court: 'William Kevin Clifford has several mitigating factors and a huge amount of suffering whilst waiting for this case to be concluded, including anxiety, weight gain and the inability to secure any employment.'

He's the real victim here, you see...anyone else would simply say those thing were consequences of his actions, not any sort of mitigation. 

"If that security camera had not picked it up, then we would never have known what had happened Tobie,' Charlotte said. "If this could happen in Tobie's school, with a formidable team of staff, it can happen anywhere."

And while the 'pinishment' for it is barely even a slap on the wrist, why would it ever stop happening?  

Currently, it is down to the individual school to decide whether it wants CCTV. Campaigners in the past have taken a petition to the Scottish Parliament but their call to make surveillance mandatory was rejected over concerns about the balance between privacy and protection.

Or more likely, concerns about how widespread this behaviour is?  

Friday, 26 July 2024

We All Know Who's Really Not Thinking Straight...

A Labour MP has hit out at a primary school for getting young children to pose with a trans-inclusive pride flag. Rosie Duffield said the 'tiny' pupils could not understand the concepts of sexuality and gender identity they were being encouraged to celebrate, and should be left alone to discover them when older.
She spoke out after campaigners spotted that the London school had posted publicly on social media a photograph of an infant school class marking 'Pride Day' last month.

I wonder if - given schools are very wary about pictures of their pupils appearing on social media - they sought the approval of all the parents before hitting 'post'? I suspect they didn't, which is even more of a safeguarding issue than the genderwoo nonsense.  

One young boy held a sign stating: 'I can't even think straight.'

Too young to have the slightest clue what that means. But of course, schools consider children mere props for empty-headed virtuesignalling these days. They need to be reminded that they are not. By a court case, if necessary.   

The school put it on Twitter/X last Friday with the caption: 'Being proud of who we are and celebrating pride values.'
But amid a backlash yesterday [tues] the photo, along with several others showing older children with rainbow flags, was deleted from social media and the school's website. In previous years the school had asked pupils to wear bright colours on Pride Day and donate £1 which would go to controversial lobbying group Stonewall as well as to 'buy more inclusive resources'.

And the school have now turned a bit shy... 

The school did not respond to requests to comment.

I wonder why.  

Friday, 14 June 2024

But If He'd Dressed Up As Wonder Woman, He'd Be Hailed As 'Brave'...

A primary school has slammed a P&C fundraiser held on its campus after a father wore blackface and a dreadlocked wig before winning the prize for best dressed
The man wore the offensive outfit to a '90s themed bingo night organised by the P&C committee at North Woodvale Primary School in Perth's north.

He should have said he didn't think it would be a problem, since it wasn't for the PM of Canada! 

Guests were invited to come as their favourite '90s character, with the man dressing as a member of the Jamaican bobsleigh team from the comedy Cool Runnings.

Who were all black. And incidentally, that's probably a film that could never be made today!  

The school's P&C bingo committee has been forced to apologise after the matter was brought to the attention of North Woodvale's principal.

Another DEI advocate, no doubt. 

Wednesday, 13 March 2024

This Does Not Bode Well For The Future...

A school has changed its uniform rules to allow pupils to wear fake eyelashes due to 'mental health considerations'.

For the pupils, or the teachers? 

Parents were sent a letter informing them of the decision after attendance was affected by students wearing them.
Headteacher David Collins, of Knole Academy in Sevenoaks, Kent, said students were missing school to have their lashes removed or refusing to attend without them.
The letter said: 'We are increasingly seeing attendance affected by students taking time off to have false eyelashes removed or refusing to attend school through mental health considerations.
'Having students in school is the most important consideration and therefore... we shall allow false eyelashes to be worn as long as they are discreet.'

The lunatics really are running the asylum now. 

But one mother, whose daughter, 13, is a pupil at the school, said: 'We're a society being run by children, which I'm not going to stand for. Rules are rules and that's the end of it.'

If only! 

She said that in allowing fake eyelashes, the school was encouraging the girls to adopt age-inappropriate looks. The mother added: 'It's quite worrying because are they going to start getting the attention of older men?'

Probably not in Rochdale, where they like them a lot younger.

Friday, 8 March 2024

Well, We’ve Thrown Out Everything Else The Victorians Did…

And are we better for it?
England should ditch its school calendar stuck in place since Victorian times” and replace it with shorter summer holidays and longer half-term breaks to improve the lives of pupils and teachers, according to a new report.
The report on tackling post-pandemic education inequalities, part of a project funded by the Nuffield Foundation to be published next month, is to recommend an overhaul of the school calendar that could see summer holidays in state schools reduced from six weeks to four, while half-term breaks in autumn and winter could each be extended from one week to two.

The holiday firms will have to scramble to readjust all their pricing if it is taken up! 

Lee Elliot Major, professor of social mobility at the University of Exeter and one of the report’s authors, said reforming the academic calendar in England would be an effective and low-cost way of tackling the educational divides that have grown since the pandemic.
“Spreading school holidays more evenly across the year makes complete educational sense: improving the wellbeing of pupils and the working lives of teachers at no extra cost, balancing out childcare costs for parents, and potentially boosting academic results for many children,” Major said.

For those saying we should at least give it a try....we have. 

Under Gove, free schools and academies were given more freedom to set their own calendars. But those adopting more radical timetables soon gave up in the face of opposition from parents and an inability to coordinate term dates with other schools.

But is that a reason not to try it on a much grander scale? For this failing government, almost certainly not. Like a drowning man, they are likely to clutch at anything.  

Wednesday, 6 March 2024

Well, We Don't Teach Latin Anymore... to a modern teacher, 'in loco parentis' is probably all Greek to them.
'Upon arrival my partner found Chloe who was surrounded by six teachers, but no police presence or paramedics at that time.
'The left side of Chloe's face was plastered in blood.
'My partner questioned the staff as to why we were never called about the incident and to inform us that our daughter had been stabbed. 'Their response was that they presumed somebody had already called us.

You know what happens when you assume, don't you? 

'They also said that they also wanted to establish the truth before notifying the police. Two police officers did eventually arrive.

Wait, what? You're not detectives. A child has been assaulted and is bleeding, this is no time to get your Sherlock Holmes on. Leave it to the professionals, 

'This is absolutely appalling. The Wordsley School (Ed: motto: Our school is defined by its culture and ethos – 'the way things happen'.) needs to be held accountable for its major failings 
'We are absolutely distraught that this has happened to our daughter. We do not feel that our children are safe to return to school.
'The school do not seem able to provide us with answers as to why they have failed us.'

We can guess one thing now, and one only: all their efforts are being diverted to excuse their actions.  

'They said the lad had been escorted off the premises and was currently making his way home. To me that's a dangerous thing to do.'

Well, quite. He's been arrested and released on bail. The cops at least know their jobs.  

Ashley Weatherhogg, headteacher at Wordsley School, said: 'An incident took place in school yesterday afternoon, which is being dealt with through the school's behaviour policy. 
'The school is now following the normal procedures and carrying out a full investigation.'

Ahhh, 'procedures'. As long as those are followed, even if they run contrary to common sense, everything will be fine.  

Wednesday, 17 January 2024

You Cried 'Wolf' Once Too Often...

...and the parents now know there aren't any.
Parents who take their children out of school to go on holiday are damaging their life chances, the shadow education secretary warned yesterday.
Bridget Phillipson urged parents to 'reflect seriously' on the impact of unnecessary absences on their youngsters and the wider school community. In an interview yesterday, she said that while it can be 'tough', it is 'really important that children are in school' as 'every day matters'.

Do you think parents are going to swallow that now? When you did nothing during lockdown but slavisly support the government? 

Ms Phillipson's comments came as a new poll found almost one in three parents believe the coronavirus pandemic has shown it is not essential for children to attend school every day.

One wonders exactly what's wrong with the other two thirds that they don't believe that. 

Wednesday, 6 December 2023

And Why Shouldn’t You Be Questioned?

Guardian interviews with school leaders elsewhere revealed widespread concern about deteriorating behaviour among pupils, coupled with a lack of support for school policies from some parents, both issues highlighted in the Ofsted annual report last week.
“Behaviour has got worse, but what we don’t get is any support from the parents,” said one head of a secondary school in the Midlands, who did not want to be named. “They don’t want their children being sanctioned. They question more than they support.

Why shouldn’t they question you? You’ve proven yourselves to be partisan, secretive and lazy

“In the past students were in lessons. They might be disruptive in lessons and you’d have to deal with that kind of behaviour. “But there’s a new thing coming up in schools in the last year and a half – students are turning up to school, but they don’t go into any lessons and they just wander around the building. They want to come for the social, but they don’t want to go into their lessons.
“So then I have to put a sanction in place and I’m having to suspend or put them in a removal room. But most of the time they don’t comply and the parents have no sway with the children either.”

Gosh, maybe that lockdown did some good after all, if it’s burst the ‘teacher as god’ bubble. 

There are more fights between pupils and more disruption from the setting off of fire alarms.
“But for us, the biggest issue is students just refusing to follow instructions point blank.”
In some cases when a child refuses to leave a classroom, the whole of the class has to move elsewhere instead.

Well, since schools are usually fans of collective punishment, I find it rather hard to really care…after all, it’s a rod you’ve clearly made for your own backs, after all:

Glyn Potts, headteacher of Saint John Henry Newman RC College in Oldham, said suspensions had doubled at his school, from 81 days last year to 161 days this year.
“I don’t necessarily think behaviour has got worse,” said Potts. “What I would say is the level of need and the level of complexity of young people has increased exponentially.”
Unmet special needs, mental health issues and persistent post-pandemic absence are all creating tensions in schools, which can result in breaches of the behaviour code.
“In the past we had naughty boys and girls who did things that were naughty,” Potts added. “Now it’s just far more complex than that.”

Maybe it isn’t, though? 

Monday, 9 October 2023

So, This Is A Step Too Far, Eh..?

School leaders have accused Labour of “window dressing” after Keir Starmer pledged to introduce...
...supervised toothbrushing for young children in England’s primary schools.
While the policy has long been supported by the dentistry profession as a way of curbing decay, headteachers said it was not appropriate for their staff to check whether pupils had cleaned their teeth.
It's not appropriate to check what parents are sending in for a packed lunch either, but that didn't stop them, did it?
Paul Whiteman, the general secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers, said: “We have serious reservations about how such a policy could even work. It is not the role of teachers to be making sure children brush their teeth each day.
“Schools already play a role in teaching children about the importance of looking after their teeth through the curriculum, but there has to be a limit in terms of what we can expect them to do.
“We should demand more than window dressing from all of our politicians.”

Oh, be quiet! You've already meddled in things that were the purview of parents, you can hardly claim it's not your role now... 

The British Dental Association, which represents the profession, said it was encouraged by Labour’s proposal, given ministerial inaction over introducing a similar scheme.

So, have the hapless Labour brains trust decided there's more votes to come from dentists than from  teachers? Because maybe they shouldn't have let Diane Abbott do the maths...  

Wednesday, 4 October 2023

You've Only Yourselves To Blame...

...because your actions helped the scales fall from their eyes:
Pre-pandemic, ensuring daily attendance was considered a tenet of good parenting, but now it's socially acceptable to take children on holiday in term time. From there, it's not such a big step to abandoning school altogether.

And for very good reasons... 

All pointed to an education system in crisis. Some parents felt schools were failing their children academically or emotionally, painting a picture of a generation of children anxious in the aftermath of lockdown. Others felt they were hotbeds of violence and bullying. Some cited a new educational 'woke' agenda which they felt had become uncomfortably prevalent, and was being presented to children at far too young an age.

Something we can genuinely thank the hysteria over covid for is that it enabled parents to get a good look at what went on in schools.  

'Home education is changing out of all recognition at the moment,' explained Jacky, the lead for home education at a local authority in the north of England, who spoke to me off the record. 'Covid revealed a lot,' added Ziggy Moore, founder of Moore Education, an online tuition programme for maths and English, who has seen a boom in business because of parents home-schooling and also using private tutors. Thanks to online lessons during lockdown, parents observed how schools were educating their kids up close — and what they saw did not please them.

One wonders why more parents don't seem concerned... 

The curriculum is another cause for concern. Emily, from an upper-middle-class family, worked for a charitable foundation until an incident at her daughter's state school forced her to opt for home-schooling. Her seven-year-old daughter had become increasingly anxious and depressed. 'She finally admitted she was scared men with terrifying weapons were going to come and take her away and told me: 'And I won't see you again!' ' Baffled, Emily looked through her daughter's school workbooks — and found they contained the story of Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani education activist who was shot in the head by the Taliban aged 15 on her way to school. 'My daughter is seven. She does not know where Pakistan is. This is an issue in Islamic countries, but no teacher will point that out because it's considered racist. So my daughter thinks this is happening in Clapham.'

If the Education Secretary had his way, it probably would!  

Friday, 29 September 2023

Who Is The Customer?

It's not you or your child, is it?

Bean Primary School has banned packed lunches for children in Year 1 and Reception due to the need to guarantee a certain number of cooked dinners from the meal provider. But parents are outraged by the implementation of the policy which they say strips their children of their choice between a packed lunch or a hot dinner.

Why would a school ever sign such a contract? You never agree to something that's not in your control, or you have to then attempt to control it... 

Some also bemoan the quality of the cooked lunches - citing meals such as 'onion bhaji and chips'.

Surely a carb-heavy meal is the worst thing for promoting attentiveness in an after-lunch lesson? 

However, the headteacher of the school in the village of Bean, Kent, insists the lunches are of excellent quality and include alternatives for children with special dietary requirements.

I wonder if she - and the rest of the staff - are forced to eat them too? I can bet what the answer is... 

Fay Armitage, whose lactose intolerant daughter Bonnie is in Reception at the school, is vehemently opposed to the new policy. She says four-year-old Bonnie regularly comes home with tummy aches from school as she's no longer able to control how much dairy she has in her diet. Mrs Armitage was hoping to send Bonnie to school each day with a packed lunch so she would know exactly what she'd eaten throughout the day. But parents have now been forbidden to do so, as all children in Reception and Year 1 must partake in school dinners.

It should never, ever be the case that a school tries to dictate what children must eat. Haven't they learned that lesson in the past? 

The new policy currently only applies to children in Reception and Year 1. But under the government's universal infant free school meals (UIFSM) policy, the same scheme will gradually be rolled out to each new academic year group until it covers the entire school, and there are three choices to order from. Parents are now arguing that under the new policy, Unicef children's rights, which the school is signed up to, have been breached.

Is popcorn allowed, because I need to go get some! 

Monday, 3 July 2023

'There are some longer-term consequences of the lockdown that concerns us...'

Wow, quite something for an MP to admit! Oh, wait, he's the school's minister..?

'... and one is that parents have been slightly more cautious about sending their child into school with a mild cold.'

Gosh! I wonder why? 

It comes as new analysis shows a 'staggering' increase in persistent absence from schools across the country following the pandemic.

Another flock of chickens hoves into view, clucking wildly... 

Professor of Social Mobility at the University of Exeter Elliot Major, who was part of the research team, said the rise in absenteeism has been 'startling'.
He said: 'This data shows the impact of coronavirus is sadly not just a one-off disruption, from which pupils would soon bounce back.
'The rise in absenteeism among pupils has been startling and there has been a staggering increase in persistent absence.
'We now face a national education crisis in the post-pandemic era: a huge slice of the Covid generation have never got back into the habit of regularly attending school.'

More popcorn, anyone? 

Wednesday, 14 June 2023

That Long March Reached Some Pretty Exclusive Institutions...

Teachers at a leading sixth form will no longer answer to “Sir” and “Miss”, because they’re “deeply unequal” and feed into a view of the world that diminishes women, the school’s executive principal has told students.
Students will instead be required to address staff by their name – as in “Mr Handscombe” – and failing that, in an emergency where a pupil may have forgotten and needs a swift alternative, “teacher” will be acceptable, “in a pinch”.

How nice of him! It seems I've heard this before, though...

It is not the first time the school has tried to make the switch. When it opened in 2014, the same approach was attempted but there was too much else to think about, staff could not make it stick and “sank into cultural misogyny”, Handscombe told students.

Ah! But presumably, he thinks he's got a better chance now. I wonder why? 

“Which is what this is,” he said. “I don’t think that any of you are being actively woman-hating when you call ‘Miss’ over to get help with your chemistry, but we’re all feeding into a view of the world that diminishes women.
“Men get to be fearless leaders and alpha types, get credited for hustling whilst behind the backs of women it’s asked whether they deserve it, whether their career comes from good ideas or good looks, power moves or diversity lists.”

Maybe it's because everyone seems like they are just going to roll over and take it? 

Geoff Barton, general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, said: “Addressing teachers as ‘Sir’ and ‘Miss’ is as old as the hills and something you’ll hear in many schools. It’s a way of implicitly reaffirming the authority of staff. But we live in changing times and obviously people are giving more and more thought to the use of language and its connotations.”

No, most people couldn't give a monkeys, Geoff ol' chum. It's a tiny unrepresentative selection that are driving this. Because people like you are too afraid to stand up to them. 

Wednesday, 7 June 2023

Which Schools, Joanne..?

Harris, who taught in an all-boys school for 15 years, said “the way we educate our children” must change if we wanted to see fewer crimes against women
She said: “We have to stop girls being apologetic when they have done nothing wrong. We have to stop boys being entitled when they’re actually not entitled to have more than anybody else. We’ve got to stop teaching them differently as teachers, that will help a lot.
“Also we’ve got to stop giving them the message that it’s wrong for a boy to read books about girls. Because even schools are giving them this message. And this is where the problem happens, where women’s voices are perceived as less.”

I mean, if you don't name any (and in these modern times, what school would dare give such a message?) we might think you're just talking absolute bollocks, mightn't we? 



Wednesday, 28 September 2022

Aren't You Forgetting The 'Render Unto Caesar' Bit..?

A Christian teacher who was jailed following his refusal to use gender-neutral pronouns (Ed: *sighs* No, he wasn't...) is back behind bars after again refusing to stay away from school.
At Dublin’s High Court today, Mr Burke, who was representing himself, maintained that he would not purge his contempt of court for violating the order, insisting that he was being persecuted for his faith.

Clearly, he isn't 'being persecuted' and as for his legal woes, it's not for his faith. I thought a committed Christian would know the injunction against bearing false witness... 

He will now face a hearing at the High Court at a later date, which yet to be confirmed. He will remain in custody until then unless he changes agrees to abide by the order to stay away from the school.
In court today when asked by Judge Eileen Roberts if he would abide by the order, he said: ‘I cannot do that. I go back to jail as a law-abiding citizen of the state always. But God first.

God, if he existed, would probably think you're as much of a complete tosser as everyone else... 

Mr Burke’s parents, brother Isaac and sister Ammi, a qualified solicitor were with him in court and stared dispassionately as he was led away.


Wednesday, 1 June 2022

Aren't Schools Already Little Activist Factories..?

...decolonising the curriculum isn’t about burning copies of Macbeth, or chucking Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations in the bin. It’s not even about only studying writers from marginalised identities.
Says who? Why, says Nadeine Asbali, a secondary school teacher in London. And I guess she should know, eh, Reader?
As a mixed-race English teacher who believes strongly in diversifying the English syllabus, for me, it’s about re-examining the lens through which we view canonical texts in the first place – shifting it to become more critical, more aware of the systemic forces at play both within and around a text.
So much of Shakespeare is about power: who holds it and who doesn’t and why.

I wonder who it is that doesn't, in the gospel according to Nadeine? 

Decolonising the study of Shakespeare is to take these questions one step further, removing them from the text and applying them to the world around us. To teach students, through literature, to challenge the status quo.


Call me a biased English teacher, but literature is the perfect medium for this.

I really don't need to call you anything, do I? You're doing a fine job there all by yourself... 

Unless you’ve experienced it, it’s hard to put into words how it feels to meet yourself in a book for the first time.

That's not why people read books, is it, Nadeine? Not ordinary people, anyway. 

I want to read about international spies, buccaneers on the high seas, daring spaceship pilots, FBI agents catching killers... I don't want to read about a middle aged middle class woman going to work in an office every day. 

The first time I did, I was an A-level student faced with Othello, whose contested “Moorish” background was the closest to my north African heritage I’d ever encountered on the page. And who did I meet? A man whose violence was likened to a wild beast and whose race rendered him a savage, a danger to white women.

Did...did you get to the end of the play, Nadeine? Because, ummm, no spoilers, but... 

Monday, 14 March 2022

Be Careful What You Wish For, Henry...

Worried children at a primary school in the most polluted area of a community have appealed to parents and carers to help them cut damaging fumes by walking and biking and not keeping vehicles running.

Out of the blue? They all just decided this off their own bat? 

Head boy Henry King said: “Year six students at Bedale Primary School have been getting increasingly worried. This issue is going to get bigger if we don’t act now. We can’t do it alone, we need your help.
“Our concern over this problem was created during a scientific lesson with Dr Matt Sawyer about the human body. He told us about the effect air pollution has on our bodies and we were really shocked. Health problems like asthma, heart and lung problems.”

Ah! Of course not. Yet more indoctrination.  

We want none of this to happen to our students. We were shown a map colour coded to the worst areas of air pollution in Bedale. Firby Road and Benkhill Drive were a deep red; our school was surrounded by pollution. This is not good for our students' health. Here is how you can help.
“When you are in your car, don’t have it running, all of the exhaust fumes go into one place. Also, by not using your car, money on fuel and possibly someone's life could be saved. Walking, scooting and biking places is healthier for you and the environment. We can save the environment, one step at a time.”

OK, Henry. No more being driven to after school activities in Mummy's Volvo. No more crisps and yoghurt in the larder and fridge when you get back, either, Mummy's not allowed to go to the shops to replenish supplies.  

Oh, your Playstation isn't working? Well, on your bike with you to the repair shop!

You're a bit chilly up in your bedroom? Sorry, can't turn up the heating. That's polluting. 

What's that, your favourite rugby shirt is dirty and the other players are making fun of you? Oh, well, that eco-setting on the washing machine doesn't really work so well, I guess. Never mind. It's for the good of the planet, isn't it?

Friday, 3 September 2021

This'll Go Down Well At Friday Prayers...

Teachers can help counteract the rise of the “incel” movement and the dangers of misogyny with school lessons on respect for women and healthy relationships, ministers believe.

Start with the mosques, shall we? 

A government source said that Gavin Williamson, the education secretary, expects teachers to be able to tackle the risks from incel culture through the relationships, sex and health education (RSHE) curriculum within schools.

Ah! No danger of shaking anyone's worldview then, since they probably don't let their children attend these anyway... 

It follows concerns sparked by Britain’s worst mass shooting in over a decade, in which Jake Davison, 22, killed five people including his mother and a toddler in Plymouth last week.After the attack, it emerged he had shown interest in the incel – or involuntary celibate – online culture fuelled by misogyny and abuse of women. Police are investigating whether this was a motive for the shootings.

Going to run up against the thorny issue then, that he didn't solely target women, aren't you? 

On Thursday, an inquest heard that he argued with his mother, for whom he expressed hatred online, before the killing spree.

He's dead, she's do they know?

But maybe I'm making light of a serious issue, and there's lots of Jake Davisons out there (thanks, GPs!)? Are the people who make a living off this sort of thing seeing a lot of cases? 

William Baldét, a Prevent coordinator and practitioner in countering violent extremism for 10 years, said: “I’ve not personally seen anyone coming through who was explicitly driven to violence by the incel community but we have seen an increase in people engaging with those subcultures. It may be because we are better at recognising it, it may be because of an increase, or both.”

Ah. And if he can't manufacture it... 

He added: “It’s clear that misogyny as a concept runs deep through a lot of extremist ideologies. Incel is different in that it’s built around a hatred of women and feeling of inferiority, rather than bringing about societal change, but there’s a related need to tackle misogyny across society. That should be part of the whole system, at every level, and not just framed trough (sic) counter-terrorism.”

Of course, he can. They always can, can't they?