Sunday 28 July 2024

Troubled times

A number of readers (not sure how many) are aware that my main blog was deleted by ggl two days ago … they’d spammed one of our main contributors, I reinstated the post … wham, that was it. 18 years of posts and comments down the gurgler. Like that.

The two current sites are:

… and the same old:

On my X timeline, antiWoke regulars mysteriously disappeared as well. On the other hand, it is the Silly Season … posts from years back were about July and August being the worst months for blogging … this year’s break from boredom being the so-called Olympics which we knew would be bad.

Just on that topic, far too many of our colleagues are being played like violins by the evil muvvers organising all the mayhem these days … in this case, the IOC.  Consider these two tweets from antiWoke tweeters, two of the last ones from our side not falling prey to the con trick:

Now … reading those, what’s the self-respecting antiWoke warrior’s immediate reaction?  Well 80% of the nonWoke, I’d estimate, rushed like sheep to defy that and plastered pictures and footage of the vile “ceremony” all over the net, thereby doing the evil muvvers’ job for them … they relied on silly conservatives taking the red rag of that bull and striking a blow for perversion by inflicting the Paris ordure on everyone else.

My X timeline has … had … dozens of nature and history tweeters … not now … thanks to my antiWoke colleagues plastering filfth all over the timeline. Not the Woke left doing this, mind you … nope, these were my own colleagues and friends. Thank you very much.


  1. I fell asleep during the ceremony and missed Celine's performance, which everyone said was tremendous! So the news they've yanked tthe video is disappointing.

    1. Dion is dark energy - just look at her clothing range for kids. Did yourself a favor by falling asleep.


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