Friday, 11 October 2024

A True Deterrent Would Include Deportation

A former PhD student has been sentenced to four and a half years in prison for arranging to send a young girl to Iraq for female genital mutilation (FGM), in the first conviction of its kind in England and Wales. Emad Kaky, 47, was found guilty of conspiring to commit FGM last month, the first time a person had been convicted of a conspiracy charge in relation to FGM.

Strangely, we aren't told what his relationship to the victim was, or how he seemingly had custody of the child in order to do it. No doubt to protect her identity, but there's a mother involved somewhere here, surely... 

A two-week trial at Nottingham crown court heard how Kaky had arranged for a child to travel from the UK to Iraq where he had organised for her to be subjected to FGM and forced into marriage. Emad Kaky described FGM as ‘normal’ in messages found on his phone. The plans were uncovered, before the crimes could be carried out, by a witness who arranged for the girl to travel back to the UK and reported Kaky to the police.

A foreign custom, planned to be carried out by a foreigner in a foreign land, caught by good old British justice

Sentencing Kaky, Judge Nirmal Shant KC said his plans were barbaric. “You made concerted efforts to make sure this happened. I make, nonetheless, some adjustment for the fact that no FGM took place, and importantly, thankfully, [the girl] was unaware of any of these plans,” she said.
This offence calls for a deterrent sentence. What you did, what you had planned, was barbaric.”

Not that much of a deterrant, is it? Four and a half years being sheltered and fed at the taxpayer's expense? 

Janine McKinney, chief crown prosecutor for CPS East Midlands, said: “This has been a landmark prosecution, not just because it is the first conviction of its kind, but for the message it sends to people who may be vulnerable to this horrific form of abuse.”

It'd be a far stronger message if he was kicked out of the country at the end of it. 

The defence barrister Geraldine Kelly told the court Kaky’s academic accomplishments as a PhD student at the University of Nottingham were “respected” and “impressive”, and that losing his job was “in itself a form of punishment”.

No sweetie, those are consequences. Why in a case with three women involved - judge, prosecutor and defence - is the outcome so bloody weak? 

Thursday, 10 October 2024

“Healthcare” in Britain

… or “one of our highly trained professionals will be with you shortly”. At TCW, the frustration of healthcare in Britain yesterday bubbled over:

After about a month I had heard nothing so I contacted the GP surgery asking about the results. Rather than offering an appointment for me to discuss the results with my GP, the surgery sent me a (completely incomprehensible to me) three-page print-out full of medical terms and measurements I had never heard of giving the results of 28 analyses the blood-testing lab had done.

As I have no medical training, this was worse than useless to me. So I started to wonder why my GP had no desire to discuss the results with me either in person or in an on-line consultation. 

Yet, while my GP seemingly doesn’t want to engage with me about the results of my blood tests, I am constantly getting emails, SMS messages and even phone calls from the surgery encouraging me to have all sorts of wonderful vaccinations – covid booster, meningitis, shingles, pneumonia, flu and probably a couple of others I’ve forgotten about.

In fact, the day after the surgery emailed me the blood-test results without offering me a GP appointment to discuss them, the surgery phoned me to encourage me to come in for a flu vaccine and a covid booster.

My own (rare) experience of trying make contact with the surgery is to be met with some recorded commercial name, the usual press one or two, giving some long url online, saying these are highly trained switchboard operators and highly trained medical professionals but if I dared to abuse them, all calls are recorded and ae (presumably) to pass on to the nearest serious crime squad. 

That disembodied menu followed by some awful, loud noise behind, supposedly post-2000 “music” I think it’s meant to be.

The final joke is that I am 4, 3, 2, 1 or next in the “cull queue” (sic). 

Oh and yes … the constant stream of texts urging me to come in now for a vaxx … interesting but in NI now, they’re in the process of becoming mandatory, these vaxxes … a karen’s paradise.

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Shouldn’t This Be A Job For The Police?

A doctor accused of wrongly discharging a boy from hospital before he died from sepsis cannot be tracked down, health chiefs have admitted. Dylan Cope, nine, suffered a burst appendix which led to a sepsis infection spreading through his body - and a coroner later ruled that had he been kept in hospital to have his appendix removed, 'his death would have been avoided'.
But a mystery medic discharged him with an advice sheet for flu after failing to read the referral note from the doctor. An inquest ruled Dylan partly died from neglect and his parents have been trying to trace the doctor who assessed him.

Why? Shouldn't the police be doing this? Isn't it their job? 

Yet almost two years following the schoolboy's death, parents Corinne and Laurence Cope say they have been told the health board are unable to identify the clinician in question. They appealed to the Grange University Hospital in Cwmbran, south Wales. to hand out anonymised portraits of staff so his father - who had accompanied Dylan to hospital - could identify him, but have been told this is not an option.

Why not? It's almost like they don't want to find him, isn't it? 

Mrs Cope has now said: 'Losing Dylan is a life sentence of pain for us, and for all we know the person who was instrumental in reassuring Laurence is carrying on in his profession as usual.
'If they can't identify all staff involved, how can they ensure that this will not happen again 
'We are concerned for future patient's safety. If they don't identify people, then there is no accountability. Accountability is a key part of learning.'

There's never any accountability.  

Mr Cope said the doctor, who was in scrubs and a facemask, was in his 30s to 40s, slim to average build, tall and with a slight 'foreign' accent.

Probably of little help in a modern NHS hospital. 

Tuesday, 8 October 2024

Three more looks at covid and vaxxes

First of the three, from Gab:

It is worth mentioning that political polls that break out issues by gender, have shown significant differences between men and women for decades on basically every issue, regardless of party affiliation.

No matter your opinion on millions of years of human evolution, or God creating women for men, either way leads to an inescapable genetic level preference for specific gender traits that are simultaneously different and complementary.

We may think of ourselves as removed and superior to hunter gatherer and/or agrarian societies, but in truth, humans are still fine tuned to thrive within those patriarchal and trad wife systems.

Immediately after suffrage in 1920 and 1928, women, during "The year of the woman", elected Herbert Hoover as President. He would later go on to create the dust bowl and great depression, which took alot of wind out of women's political sails. Interestingly, the main reason cited by many women for voting for him was that he ran the Food Administration during WWI, and organized the public to minimize and ration food consumption to feed Europe. Many of the rationales for the "voluntary" food restrictions were strikingly similar to Covid-19 restrictions. There are more than 100 years separating the two events, and very different women drove both through similar types of social pressure for similar reasons.

I think that people need to be mindful that men and women do view things through different lenses, and arrive at different solutions from different starting points. We need to recognize each others strengths and weaknesses and play to the strengths. Historically, men, aided by women, build great countries from nothing, women demand equality, women eventually achieve equality, the country collapses within a few generations, men read history and connect the dots, and then men, aided by women, build a new great country from nothing. Rinse and repeat in perpetuity.

That was on Gab but here are the two urls as well:

Hmmmmm … don’t know what to make of all that.

Monday, 7 October 2024

What 'Interventions'...?

Last night, the London Borough of Sutton robustly defended its interventions with the family.

The truth is, you didn't make any because the mother was uncoperative and so you simply closed the case. But that's not a concern, because of the few times they did actually get to see them, when they noticed nothig amiss, which beggars belief.

'Three successful visits took place, including two undertaken by a qualified social worker,' said Jonathan Williams, Director of Children's Services, commenting on contact following the referral from the pre-school.
'The final outcome ascertained that the boys were happy, healthy and maintained a good relationship with their mother. The social worker was also able to conclude that the minor incident had been addressed and there were no other safeguarding concerns. The case was subsequently closed.
'Following the closure of the case, the younger children continued to attend pre-school and the older children attended school. No concerns about safeguarding, welfare or the children's development, between that point and their tragic death were raised with the Council.'

The fact thay all stank obviously wasn't mentioned by the teachers, because in the past, commenting on how black children smell hasn't gone so well, and they would have no doubt been cowed by that. 

He said that a multi-agency review subsequently 'found that the children were happy, healthy, well-presented, well-nourished and had a positive relationship with their mother'. And he added: 'The multi-agency review that took place did not query the professional practice and the Government's national panel agreed that a local child safeguarding practice review was not required.'

Despite the fact that the children lived in utter squalor which is obviously not a concern and the mother simply refused visits. 

Rose had a long history of contact with social services – it is unknown why – and was deeply suspicious of them.

Another factor that proves her mental illness, clearly! 

Saturday, 5 October 2024

Assisted dying

Off Guardian yesterday:

Let me tell you how #AssistedDying will work in the UK once they push it through… For the first year or so it will just be an option, you won’t hear much about it except in articles with headlines like “Assisted dying saved my parent/partner/child from years of pain”. After a year or two a report will come out claiming success via some tortured invented statistical measure like “assisted dying boosts patient well being scores in surveyed NHS hospitals”. Another will follow claiming waiting lists have improved due to decreased overcrowding in palliative care wards. They might even claim it’s decreased the NHS’s carbon footprint. Opinion pieces will appear with titles like “Assisted dying success story shuts down conspiracy theorists”. The minimum age to be considered for assisted dying will gradually be lowered. And the list of diseases and conditions for which assisted dying is a “recommended treatment alternative” will expand. Eventually non-lethal diseases will be included, then psychological illnesses too. Then will come an “emergency” - a fake one, obviously - and the NHS will come out of it shining thanks to resources “freed up” by euthanasia programs. Next will come the editorials. “Assisted dying is good for patients and saved the NHS during [fake pandemic], it’s time to make it mandatory”. A backbench MP will introduce a bill forcing anyone diagnosed with a fatal illness to be put on an assisted dying list. The bill will fail, and most of the press will oppose it, but the government will issue “common sense” compromise regulations where assisted dying is the default, but patients can opt out of if they want. It will never actually BE mandatory. But it WILL be harder and harder to get out of. Patients who don’t want to sign DNRs or opt for end of life care will be branded “selfish” and “irresponsible”. Studies will claim they are a strain on the NHS resources. Down the line, opting out will incur penalties to your pension payments and mean you are charged for healthcare, making it impossible for many older people to afford to stay alive. Then they’ll start panels where patients who are “mentally incompetent” have assisted dying recommended by “mercy tribunals”. …and the whole time the establishment will claim there is freedom of choice, and no slippery slope at all.

Friday, 4 October 2024

Removing Personal Responsibility

...and replacing it with woke rhetoric:

Civil servants were told to rewrite a proposed social media campaign to combat drink-spiking after the original appeared to blame victims, a minister has told Labour conference delegates. Alex Davies-Jones, the minister for violence against women and girls, suggested that Whitehall encouraged a “culture of victim blaming” and should instead focus on stopping perpetrators.

What exactly did it say? 

At a fringe event on Sunday at Labour’s conference in Liverpool, Davies-Jones said she refused to accept the script her civil servants had drawn up ahead of an awareness campaign that was due to coincide with freshers’ week at universities. “The civil service brought me my script for talking about this on social media, on TikTok, trying to bring in the youth,” she said. “One of the things they wanted me to talk about was how we keep ourselves safe from spiking – ‘cover your drink, make sure you look out for your friends, don’t accept a drink from a stranger’.
All perfectly reasonable, no? Exactly the sort of 'be cautious!' warning you get everywhere these days. Pretty unremarkable:

So why exactly is the Minister so agin' this?
“I refused to do it. I said we need to start reframing this, stop this culture of victim-blaming. If you want to go out and enjoy yourself, you should just be able to go out and enjoy yourself and not have to worry about keeping yourself safe. ”

So, on that basis, are we getting rid of all the warning signs to beware of phone thieves? Those ones that tell you to keep your mobile out of sight? 

She said that instead she ordered civil servants to go back to the drawing board and draft a campaign script that warned perpetrators not to spike or face prosecution and get treatment for their behaviour.

Because the sort of people who do this won't do it if they see a poster warning them not to... Is she drunk? Or just another Labour idiot promoted well beyond her capabilities?

Her approach mirrors a new strategy to tackle rape, known as Operation Soteria, under which police officers focus on the rape suspects’ behaviour and previous sexual activity rather than investigating the credibility of the victim.

Well, that's not a policy that's going to backfire, I'm sure!  

Thursday, 3 October 2024

Let's play Superinjunction

In this game, girls and boys, the n1 rule is not to name, in comments, any of the parties we suspect are mentioned in a superinjunction anywhere in Britain. 

You'd understand that ggl comments are such that admins cannot edit them => therefore we must be vigilant, Julia and I, and simply not "unmoderate" any naming of names which could lead to recognition of the alleged miscreants.

The wildest aspect of this thing is that we may not even mention whose private life is being protected from scrutiny, what form of sexual inclination involved which people, even adult-minor, and we can't drop hints which leave no doubt ... no one said this was going to be a fun game this Thursday morn.

And what if we were not even sent a "desist" order?  Desist orders are generally for major MSM, esp. the now and then scurrilous ... wonder what happened to Rebekah Brooks anyway ... but if we breach a Superinjunction, in which no one knows that there even is one in place or for how long, nor are we MPs in parliament ...

... then to link the word Superinjunction to any public figure(s) whatever is a potential breach involving your nest egg or even years in the slammer.

Therefore, our admins here must be vigilant not to allow through any comment referring to any meathead whatever who might be up to hanky-panky ... sorry 'bout that.

Wednesday, 2 October 2024

Creeping Wokism

It's really creeping in everywhere, now. Reading a review of 'The Rings Of Power' in an online blogsite from the US publisher Tor books, I came across these examples:

Bear in mind I'd come here to have a read of what someone else thought of a fantasy tv show, in a fantasy literature-focussed online magazine. 

I'd expected critique of the writing, direction and faithfulness to the source material. But instead, I got the same old tired woke nonsense I get from everywhere else. 

Which is probably why, scanning down any list of new sci-fi or fantasy literature coming out, especially ones for the 'young adult' audience, the words 'queer' or 'trans' leap out at you. A lot

A culture that can't breed new members must, after all, find a way to recruit them.

Tuesday, 1 October 2024

The necessity of making lives unworkable

In the legendary tale, not only did the Israelites have to make bricks for the Pharoah … now they had to go out and collect the straw as well. When a people are hated and the govt has complete power over their lives, then with complete impunity they start imposing yokes … say pensioner payments, hiking tuition fees etc., pricing homes well out of the range of first home buyers … and so on.

The prime directive is to make life a misery for those you hate.

And in North Carolina, this is exactly what the Demonrat governor, DC itself, plus local councils have done in response to the carnage. I’ve been following the thing at our place across the way and the responses have been chalk and cheese.

That photo above is not about NC but over here and in fact, outside our place here, diversions are up for roadworks … except there are none, there rarely are … yet every few days, up go the diversions.  Back to Hurricane Helene.

DeSantis sprang into action, crews were out as early as possible, the recovery and repair proceeded, still proceed now. In NC though, local councils are refusing to let people back, long after water receded, but not only that, crews cannot get through by road or boat.

Too dangerous, say the coordinated left … not for a month. In Florida, they already have power restored to most areas. DeSantis offered to send crews, to fly in supplies. Thanks but no thanks, says NC … does not fit the agenda.  A clear red/blue divide … bodies reported everywhere, some in trees.  Too dangerous, say the Demonrats.  Volunteers from neighbouring states are being stopped by Demonrat councils.

They tried it in Florida but DeSantis ordered councils to let crews, and soon after people, through.

And NC Demrat Lt Governor?  He’s out campaigning for Harris, Biden was on the beach, Harris is MIA.  Trump is in Georgia, at the devastated places.  One mindset says get in, get the thing fixed … the other says we have to wait a month to do anything.  

Where is most prevention of repairs happening?  Rural areas … red voting.  There was footage last evening of Biden asked how the Fed govt is helping. “They’ve had all they’re getting,” he replied.

And back over our side of the pond again … let’s say, hypothetically, we had a communist PM, a greedy sod, meatheaded, belligerent … and let’s say he was near- universally condemned … what would his typical reaction be?

Quite right … bring down a super-injunction to prevent anyone exposing it.