Tuesday 1 October 2024

The necessity to make lives unworkable

In the legendary tale, not only did the Israelites have to make bricks for the Pharoah … now they had to go out and collect the straw as well. When a people are hated and the govt has complete power over their lives, then with complete impunity they start imposing yokes … say pensioner payments, hiking tuition fees etc., pricing homes well out of the range of first home buyers … and so on.

The prime directive is to make life a misery for those you hate.

And in North Carolina, this is exactly what the Demonrat governor, DC itself, plus local councils have done in response to the carnage. I’ve been following the thing at our place across the way and the responses have been chalk and cheese.

That photo above is not about NC but over here and in fact, outside our place here, diversions are up for roadworks … except there are none, there rarely are … yet every few days, up go the diversions.  Back to Hurricane Helene.

DeSantis sprang into action, crews were out as early as possible, the recovery and repair proceeded, still proceed now. In NC though, local councils are refusing to let people back, long after water receded, but not only that, crews cannot get through by road or boat.

Too dangerous, say the coordinated left … not for a month. In Florida, they already have power restored to most areas. DeSantis offered to send crews, to fly in supplies. Thanks but no thanks, says NC … does not fit the agenda.  A clear red/blue divide … bodies reported everywhere, some in trees.  Too dangerous, say the Demonrats.  Volunteers from neighbouring states are being stopped by Demonrat councils.

They tried it in Florida but DeSantis ordered councils to let crews, and soon after people, through.

And NC Demrat Lt Governor?  He’s out campaigning for Harris, Biden was on the beach, Harris is MIA.  Trump is in Georgia, at the devastated places.  One mindset says get in, get the thing fixed … the other says we have to wait a month to do anything.  

Where is most prevention of repairs happening?  Rural areas … red voting.  There was footage last evening of Biden asked how the Fed govt is helping. “They’ve had all they’re getting,” he replied.

And back over our side of the pond again … let’s say, hypothetically, we had a communist PM, a greedy sod, meatheaded, belligerent … and let’s say he was near- universally condemned … what would his typical reaction be?

Quite right … bring down a super-injunction to prevent anyone exposing it.

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