Monday, 30 September 2024

More Green Spaces, Or Different, Safer Green Spaces?

Children in the UK urgently need more easy-to-access green space, according to the head of a sports charity calling on private schools to open up their grounds.
It seems Kieran Connolly hasn't seen a map of London, which is absolutely loaded with green spaces.
Connolly grew up in south-east London and played on the Catford Pitz pitches there before they were bought in 2011 by St Dunstan’s college. He said: “Pitz was a bit of a lifesaver for me, and I think many other young people. The gate was just open, you could go in and play. There was space for everybody. You’d go there, meet people, play matches, meet with your friends, spend hours there. They weren’t even locked, you just go there and play for free.” However, the £22,599-a-year independent school initially reserved the fields for sole use by its students. Connolly contacted councillors who were able to help him persuade the school to allow the charity to use its floodlit pitches once a week to provide football sessions for young people in Catford.

Was it the pitch that was wanted, or the safety and security of being somewhere other than any of those green spaces open to the public, I wonder? 

Since August last year, St Dunstan’s has given free access to Sports Fun 4 All for an hour every Monday after the school day ends. The school has also become more involved with local community groups, schools in and around Catford, and its latest partnership is with Chelsea FC, which will include hosting regular tournaments on the site for local state schools. And most recently, through a partnership with St Dunstan’s college, Lewisham council and the Westside Young Leaders Academy, the Lewisham Young Leaders Academy (LYLA) was established to help disadvantaged African, Caribbean and dual-heritage children aged eight to 18. The space is also opened up free of charge to local primary schools to use for their sports days.

I am getting a definite feel from between the lines that the main threat to African, Caribbean and dual-heritage children's enjoyment of sports in public spaces is other African, Caribbean and dual-heritage children in those public spaces, who haven't brought along footballs, but zombie knives and machetes...

While Connolly is grateful to now be able to run the sessions, he would love all children to have easy access to green space in the way private school students have. “It would be better if we had way more floodlit facilities and green spaces for these young people to play sport and football. We’re not here to make the next professional footballer. What we have done is given hundreds of young people access to a free space every single week that they otherwise wouldn’t be able to access.

But then where would we build all the extra housing we apparantly need to accommodate this ever-growing 'community'? 

Sunday, 29 September 2024



James very recently wrote a polemic about how the elderly and old are treated in this wonderful ‘caring’ world which is Great Britain & Northern Ireland.

As I qualify on all counts as regards treatment, I’ll give a couple of instances which proves that, whilst the message states that we are looked after from cradle to grave; in reality? Not So Much!

I point to two items, one in my own deeply personal life, the other in the quagmire which ruled during the first, second and subsequent lockdowns, and was directly aimed at mainly old and elderly people.

As many may recall, I lost my wife Jacqueline to an NHS Hospital Regime which a) sets in written and approved terms, its rules as to the disposition regarding the aftercare of (mainly) elderly or frail patients: and then blithely disregards just about every category, every so-called ‘Red Line’ written: BECAUSE THEY CAN. They said that there was a Document which ruled how they treated patients if that patient suffered a heart attack.

That document, which is birthed in the manner which a group of Consultants study the file and medical records and physical health of every patient. This is called the DNACPR, OR DO NOT ATTEMPT CARDIO PULMONARY RESUSCITATION file. If the Recovery STATISTICS point towards a patients inability to successfully withstand any type of resuscitation; those same Consultants sign that Document: and if there is a heart attack; then NOTHING  further is authorised: THE PATIENT IS LEFT TO DIE! They did this in my wife’s case, they did approximately the same in many hundreds, perhaps thousands of other patients; and they got away with this mass slaughter because no one was allowed to visit any hospital patient before, during and definitely after treatment was over. 

They wrote the medical records, no-one could challenge them because they write the history, and if anyone made any errors, it was covered up, no-one was disciplined. I only found out about the DNACPR on my wife’s file because I saw it on the records sent to the Coroner. 

I went to the Inquest, and made such a stir that I was granted an adjournment for a second Inquest. I did my very best for the memory of my Jacqueline: but all I achieved was to give my side of events as part of a hospital teaching video. I even contacted the Ombudsman. All that achieved was a letter saying the Hospital Trust understood my loss!

The ONLY concrete fact who emerged right at the very end of my investigations was the truth that this LEGALLY ALL-POWERFUL DNACPR DOCUMENT which covered my wife’s singular LACK of Treatment; had somehow disappeared, and failed to be located, despite a search lasting days. 

The other item was the manner in which literally THOUSANDS of Patients were decanted from their hospital beds and sent to ill-prepared care homes WITHOUT BEING TESTED, and thousands died because the ‘experts’ reckoned there was no risk.

Rosie Duffield and the wider issue

There have always been groups which have allied themselves with those having genuine issues, they've infiltrated those groups and have risen to being spokespeople and "thought leaders" of those groups ... but they're actually inimical to the true interests of that demographic.

What is the purpose?  It's to split, confound, to have them at each other's throats ... here's one example:

There's a girl I've been running clips of for over a decade, now married, with children, she now rarely vlogs ... take your pick of her output ... this is on her experiences in civil air patrol ... and this is her on the lie of feminism:

Same thing happened in the 60s when women like Phyllis Schlafly became active for women but the Marxists saw this in power terms and sent in communists such as Betty Friedan who both trivialised and twisted the issues away from those issues and into championing women's grievances against men ... instead of getting men onside ... another was Helen Reddy, another Gloria Steinem ... loudly identifying themselves as champions of women when they were anything but ... they were all about cultural war along gender lines.

And now we have a lady who's seen how these cultural enemies of women ... biologically women themselves ... are taking outrageous positions and are attacking those resigning, the latter saying enough ... this is not what I signed up for, supported by good women:

There were similar good women like SH and RH in NI decades back who said enough of the killings ... not the Bernadette Devlins but many unsung women saying the whole thing was insanity.  This Whittome ... whom is she in thrall to? 

Those pushing demi-men into women's sport, women's bathrooms etc. ... that's whom.

Who are some of the strongest supporters on X just now for Rosie D?  Non-Marxist men plus women ... together.

Saturday, 28 September 2024

Peter Pienaar and Richard Hannay

Different characters appear on the public stage and try to convince us that things are the way they paint it ... one of the more recent is this Robert Jenrick

It reminds me of The Thirty-Nine Steps (the Buchan book from 1915) and the character Hannay mentions, a South African Peter Pienaar, appearing in a few Hannay stories of the time and illustrating the whole thing about plausibility.

The overwhelming evidence, together with a series of hunches, have the unlikely hero Hannay, accompanied by the British muscle, descending on a coastal gentlemen's retreat, where the dastardly, stop-at-nothing, wartime German agents were holed up BUT the supposed miscreants  were playing the English gentlemen to a tee and Hannay had great self-doubt ... maybe they had got it wrong after all ...

I watched Harris get up before a microphone, incensed that Trump was about to bring economic ruin to America ... she was pretty good at it, almost as convincing as Robert Jenrick or Andrea Jenkyns ... the full on Reform type conservatives the latter were ... except that the form guide said differently. Where had they been during their years in govt? Where had their principles been then?

And across the pond, there was Harris, angrily defending the people ... while she was party to 20,000 Haitians going into a red rosette town, Springfield, ruining that town.  Plus all the rest of it. One of the few times she was on cue and steaming ... it was disconcerting.

And Trump? In his speech, outlining her crimes ... yes he went on and on and on, bitterly ... such that he began to pale ... and yet we've all been piecing together evidence for a few years now ... the real story is quite different to how Harris's scriptwriters were portraying it.

And Starmer?  Good mate of the people? Of the pensioners?

Friday, 27 September 2024

'Look On My Works, Ye Mighty, And Despair’

The far right across Europe used to dream of seeing their countries leave the European Union. In France, they called for a Frexit; in Germany, it was Dexit. But recently these calls have quietened. The reason is not that far-right parties have become enamoured of the EU, but rather they now understand that instead of quitting, they can reshape the EU into a collection of “strong” nation states that will each enact their own rightwing anti-migration agenda.
As Jordan Bardella, president of the National Rally (RN) in France, recently remarked in explaining why his party no longer called for France to quit the EU: “You don’t leave the table when you are winning the game.

If you can't beat them, join them (and subvert them), eh? How delicious! 

The German government is on a dangerous path. The country holds a central position in the EU and is its largest economy, meaning that this plan, which goes against one of the central tenets of the EU, threatens to undermine the European project.

Oh noes! Disaster! Who could do such a thing? 

A cornerstone of that project was the ambition to make national borders disappear by creating the passport-free Schengen area, which now includes 25 of the 27 EU member states. It was one of the reasons why the EU received the Nobel peace prize in 2012 – although even then, thousands of migrants were dying at the EU’s external borders every year. At the time, a representative of the union declared: “Over the past 60 years, the European project has shown that it is possible for peoples and nations to come together across borders. That it is possible to overcome the differences between ‘them’ and ‘us’.”

Actually, enough Europeans have realised that it doesn't show that at all, that in fact it shows the opposite. And they've had enough of a union that's no longer working for them, but for itself.  

Besides stoking up racist resentment in society and undermining the rights of vulnerable groups, the German government risks putting the EU itself in jeopardy. The very idea of a political community that enshrines the right to free movement across borders is crumbling before our eyes. And it is not migrants who are to blame.

Ah, well, it had a good run while it lasted. 

Thursday, 26 September 2024

The nature of these silly sausages

James Melville is a pundit on X from the Old Left as he sees it … the soft left in my terms who were all for govt helping workers, the unfortunate and so on.  This is part of his critique on Starmer:

John Smith (former Labour Party Leader) once said, “People in Britain today are angry: not just disappointed, not just disillusioned, but angry. They are angry at the state of Britain; angry at the total absence of leadership; angry at the absence of vision; angry at the hypocrisy and double standards; and they are angry at the incessant incompetence of a Government they no longer respect and increasingly despise.”

Starmer would have to be the worst exponent of wrong policy after Blair … but Blair was just malevolent and clever. Starmer is malevolent and as thick as pig excrement. One thing I read about his acolytes and him were that they’re bottom of the barrel in ethics and brains (let’s not mention dress sense) but they are drunk on the fawning of others which they would never have had in real life.

And the absence of ethics means they must bully to self-justify. What a sorry lot, unfit for purpose.

Wednesday, 25 September 2024

Shouldn't Nature Get The Award?

Each year, the James Dyson Award celebrates the most creative inventions from around the world. This year's UK winner is a bizarre pinecone-shaped device which has been hailed as 'wonderful'. The oddly-shaped block has no moving parts, almost no metal, and is mainly made of charcoal and wax.

And did this 'invention' spring fully formed from the mind of the creator?  

While it might be hard to tell based on appearances, the Pyri device is designed to help prevent forest fires by providing an early warning system to local communities. Pyri's design was inspired by 'pyriscencent' pine trees which only drop their seeds when wildfires melt their resinous outer casings. Just like those pinecones, the device's outer casing is made of a wax which melts as the heat of a fire approaches 80°C (176°F). As the outer shell melts away it releases a saltwater solution whose electrolytes produce a small electrical current which powers a radio transmitter.That radio signal is strong enough to be detected by towers which can triangulate Pyri's signal over 50km (31 miles).That data can then be sent to local communities and firefighting services to provide an early warning against wildfires.

So that's a 'No'. All they've done is add the WIFI - so shouldn't mother nature get the award? 

The young inventors of Pyri are Richard Alexandre, Karina Gunadi, Blake Goodwyn and Tanghao Yu, who met while studying at Imperial College and the Royal College of Art in London.

They will be dubbed 'inventors' when really they are plagiarists. 

Tuesday, 24 September 2024

The Beloved Leader demands ...

 ... at this very tense conference:

(H/T Robspitzy)

If we accept this ruling ...

... and I must be the last one still to comment, it being from July, Dr. Mal and Zoe H, who had sued the Wail over an article on their stance on statins ... see p3 of 255 to get the general idea ... had drawn a line in the sand over who was actually guilty of "misinformation" or "disinformation".

I have no updates on the appeal, should there have been one ... but the implications and ramifications of the judgment are wideranging.  In short, if the medical profession and the MSM were taking a stance NOT based on clinical results but rather on trouser lining of pharmaceutical companies and those they supply ... on statins ... then what else were they doing naughties over?

Officially I mean, with a judgment against them?

Were the MSM to be officially guilty of dis/misinformation, thus defamation ... then imagine the class actions that could trigger?

Monday, 23 September 2024

Man With A Hammer Sees Nails Everywhere...

The Oscar-winning British film director, Sir Steve McQueen, who is most famous for bringing the horror of the slave trade to cinema screens, has turned his lens on the forgotten, and even officially censored, terrors that London underwent during the second world war.
His starry new film, Blitz, which opens the London film festival (LFF) next month, is a powerful ­evocation of the perils of life during the German Blitzkrieg – a bombing campaign that aimed to batter Britain into submission in the early 1940s.
And he's chosen to include the Bethnal Green Tube disaster, when a crush killed 173 Londoners. 

The film is told through the eyes of what I assume is considered to be a typical mother & child from the East End of London in 1943. Let's take a look at a still:
Ahead of the premiere, McQueen said: “Blitz is a movie about Lon­doners. It honours the spirit of what and how Londoners endured during the blitz, but also explores the true representation of people in London.”

Are you sure about that?