Tuesday 24 September 2024

If we accept this ruling ...

... and I must be the last one still to comment, it being from July, Dr. Mal and Zoe H, who had sued the Wail over an article on their stance on statins ... see p3 of 255 to get the general idea ... had drawn a line in the sand over who was actually guilty of "misinformation" or "disinformation".

I have no updates on the appeal, should there have been one ... but the implications and ramifications of the judgment are wideranging.  In short, if the medical profession and the MSM were taking a stance NOT based on clinical results but rather on trouser lining of pharmaceutical companies and those they supply ... on statins ... then what else were they doing naughties over?

Officially I mean, with a judgment against them?

Were the MSM to be officially guilty of dis/misinformation, thus defamation ... then imagine the class actions that could trigger?

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