Sunday 29 September 2024

Rosie Duffield and the wider issue

There have always been groups which have allied themselves with those having genuine issues, they've infiltrated those groups and have risen to being spokespeople and "thought leaders" of those groups ... but they're actually inimical to the true interests of that demographic.

What is the purpose?  It's to split, confound, to have them at each other's throats ... here's one example:

There's a girl I've been running clips of for over a decade, now married, with children, she now rarely vlogs ... take your pick of her output ... this is on her experiences in civil air patrol ... and this is her on the lie of feminism:

Same thing happened in the 60s when women like Phyllis Schlafly became active for women but the Marxists saw this in power terms and sent in communists such as Betty Friedan who both trivialised and twisted the issues away from those issues and into championing women's grievances against men ... instead of getting men onside ... another was Helen Reddy, another Gloria Steinem ... loudly identifying themselves as champions of women when they were anything but ... they were all about cultural war along gender lines.

And now we have a lady who's seen how these cultural enemies of women ... biologically women themselves ... are taking outrageous positions and are attacking those resigning, the latter saying enough ... this is not what I signed up for, supported by good women:

There were similar good women like SH and RH in NI decades back who said enough of the killings ... not the Bernadette Devlins but many unsung women saying the whole thing was insanity.  This Whittome ... whom is she in thrall to? 

Those pushing demi-men into women's sport, women's bathrooms etc. ... that's whom.

Who are some of the strongest supporters on X just now for Rosie D?  Non-Marxist men plus women ... together.

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