Sunday 29 September 2024



James very recently wrote a polemic about how the elderly and old are treated in this wonderful ‘caring’ world which is Great Britain & Northern Ireland.

As I qualify on all counts as regards treatment, I’ll give a couple of instances which proves that, whilst the message states that we are looked after from cradle to grave; in reality? Not So Much!

I point to two items, one in my own deeply personal life, the other in the quagmire which ruled during the first, second and subsequent lockdowns, and was directly aimed at mainly old and elderly people.

As many may recall, I lost my wife Jacqueline to an NHS Hospital Regime which a) sets in written and approved terms, its rules as to the disposition regarding the aftercare of (mainly) elderly or frail patients: and then blithely disregards just about every category, every so-called ‘Red Line’ written: BECAUSE THEY CAN. They said that there was a Document which ruled how they treated patients if that patient suffered a heart attack.

That document, which is birthed in the manner which a group of Consultants study the file and medical records and physical health of every patient. This is called the DNACPR, OR DO NOT ATTEMPT CARDIO PULMONARY RESUSCITATION file. If the Recovery STATISTICS point towards a patients inability to successfully withstand any type of resuscitation; those same Consultants sign that Document: and if there is a heart attack; then NOTHING  further is authorised: THE PATIENT IS LEFT TO DIE! They did this in my wife’s case, they did approximately the same in many hundreds, perhaps thousands of other patients; and they got away with this mass slaughter because no one was allowed to visit any hospital patient before, during and definitely after treatment was over. 

They wrote the medical records, no-one could challenge them because they write the history, and if anyone made any errors, it was covered up, no-one was disciplined. I only found out about the DNACPR on my wife’s file because I saw it on the records sent to the Coroner. 

I went to the Inquest, and made such a stir that I was granted an adjournment for a second Inquest. I did my very best for the memory of my Jacqueline: but all I achieved was to give my side of events as part of a hospital teaching video. I even contacted the Ombudsman. All that achieved was a letter saying the Hospital Trust understood my loss!

The ONLY concrete fact who emerged right at the very end of my investigations was the truth that this LEGALLY ALL-POWERFUL DNACPR DOCUMENT which covered my wife’s singular LACK of Treatment; had somehow disappeared, and failed to be located, despite a search lasting days. 

The other item was the manner in which literally THOUSANDS of Patients were decanted from their hospital beds and sent to ill-prepared care homes WITHOUT BEING TESTED, and thousands died because the ‘experts’ reckoned there was no risk.

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