Thursday 26 September 2024

The nature of these silly sausages

James Melville is a pundit on X from the Old Left as he sees it … the soft left in my terms who were all for govt helping workers, the unfortunate and so on.  This is part of his critique on Starmer:

John Smith (former Labour Party Leader) once said, “People in Britain today are angry: not just disappointed, not just disillusioned, but angry. They are angry at the state of Britain; angry at the total absence of leadership; angry at the absence of vision; angry at the hypocrisy and double standards; and they are angry at the incessant incompetence of a Government they no longer respect and increasingly despise.”

Starmer would have to be the worst exponent of wrong policy after Blair … but Blair was just malevolent and clever. Starmer is malevolent and as thick as pig excrement. One thing I read about his acolytes and him were that they’re bottom of the barrel in ethics and brains (let’s not mention dress sense) but they are drunk on the fawning of others which they would never have had in real life.

And the absence of ethics means they must bully to self-justify. What a sorry lot, unfit for purpose.


  1. Not only do they bully to self-justify, they do it to self-satisfy. They enjoy it. Free Gear needs an outlet to vent his frustration at being denied sausages at home because there is no kosher pork.

  2. Is Mr Starmer a psychopath? He seems to exhibit some of those characteristics.
    I wonder what it's like growing up with a psychopath as a father?


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