Sunday 1 September 2024

Stopping the fanatics?

On the 20th anniversary of Beslan:

... comes this move in Poland:

Contrast that and in other European nations to the policy in the English and French speaking west ... the polar opposite ... born of course of bitter experience within those nations.  

There it is before us ... and still Woke left fanatics want more of the same.

Saturday 31 August 2024

Even by their own “Science” …

The point of this post is … are we talking:

  1. mendacity, the auto-mania to lie, lie, lie … deliberately
  2. pig ignorance from a poor education, a brainwashing narrative, even youth
  3. psychosis … complete lack of compassion, ethics, a moral compass
  4. agenda to destroy, related to 3 and the other points?

Complication that question is … are we talking:

  1. your average normie, esp. the now poorly brought up and educated, media owned
  2. karens … those of the “lock up any seeming to threaten my charmed life” sort
  3. myrmidons … the army of hate not hopers etc.
  4. henchmen, e.g. the Emmanuel Goldsteins
  5. co-conspirators
  6. the Evil Muvver himself?

The answer to the first question might be different for each in the second.  Now a bit of meat on the bones, something to actually debate … from The Daily Sceptic today:

Dangerous stuff all this ‘green’ hydrogen. Apart from a tendency to explode unless handled with extreme care, its higher combustion temperature can produce more harmful nitrogen dioxide than natural gas. Nitrogen dioxide is a nasty pollutantand has been linked to childhood asthma and other major ailments. Furthermore, hydrogen is the lightest of gases and escapes easily into the atmosphere – where a newly-published science paper suggests, pound for pound, it produces 37 times the warming of carbon dioxide over a 20-year period. 

This is because hydrogen is oxidised by the hydroxyl radical leading to the formation of tropospheric ozone and stratospheric water vapour. Both these gases are so-called ‘greenhouse’ gases and alarmist scientists are keen to exaggerate their effect. If you are worried about atmospheric pollution and greenhouse gases, despite all past observational evidence that suggests the ‘greenhouse’ impact of the gases ‘saturates’ at certain levels, then promoting hydrogen is a very bad look indeed.

It has all the hallmarks, does it not, of a group of grinning psychos sitting around a table, dreaming up more and more insane ways to hook the normies … the poor, taxpaying sods … to ruin them, to wreck them, to reduce them to penury and misery … to kill them.

And why would you even wish to do that? Seething hatred for humans leading productive, happy lives.

And lastly … what does that say about the minds, the personas of these monsters?

Friday 30 August 2024

And I'm Just Fine With That...

...because as a taxpayer, I expect parents to feed their own damn kids!
More than half a million children will go hungry during school holiday periods from the October half-term if the government fails to renew a £1bn local welfare crisis fund due to end in six weeks’ time, charities have warned.
English councils last year spent £370m from their household support fund (HSF) allocations on holiday food vouchers for pupils on free school meals (FSM) – but more than a quarter of authorities say this support could disappear if the fund is ditched.

Well, they've still got the child benefit. They could always spend it on feeding the child for a change.  

“If HSF ends, with no long-term strategy to replace it, it will instantly plunge millions into more financial turmoil. The effects of poverty, deprivation and even malnutrition will be exacerbated and the additional costs to public services will be huge,” a report by the charity End Furniture Poverty report concludes.

'Furniture Poverty'...? What on earth..? 

Yes, Reader, it's a real thing, apparently. 

Council-run local crisis support would disappear from nearly a third of English local authority areas covering 18 million people, including Birmingham, Bradford, Nottingham, Westminster, Croydon, Hampshire, Slough, and Stoke-on-Trent. Its removal would also push scores of local food banks to the brink of insolvency, with many having become reliant on HSF cash grants to meet the explosion in demand for charity food as a result of Covid and the cost of living crisis.

Give something away for free and there's a rise in demand for it? Well, imagine my shocked face!  

The chancellor, Rachel Reeves, last month identified the £500m HSF budget for the first six months of this year as one of a number of “unfunded” commitments made by the previous government – part of a £22bn spending shortfall – which would come under Treasury scrutiny. Campaigners say they believe ministers will be wary of provoking a public backlash if school holiday food vouchers disappear in many areas of England. A popular campaign led by the footballer Marcus Rashford in 2020 twice forced the then prime minister, Boris Johnson, to reverse plans to scrap holiday free school meals support.

I think campaigners should be well aware by now that Starmer's government couldn't care less about a 'public backlash'... 

Campaigners are urging the HSF to be maintained for at least six months. Claire Donovan, the head of policy at End Furniture Poverty, said: “We know the HSF is a sticking plaster, but we desperately need one last extension of funding while an urgent review of local authority crisis support is carried out.”

Let's hope you don't get it. Because you should never have got the initial money in the first place.  

Wednesday 28 August 2024

A Rose Weed By Any Other Name....

Gypsy and Roma traveller pupils are to be referred to as 'mobile children' under new government guidance. New pupil absence advice issued by the Department for Education uses the term to refer to students 'of no fixed abode' who miss school while their parents are 'travelling during the course of their trade or business'.

Wouldn't this now put them on the same level as children of force's families who get moved around with their squadrons? 

The law allows children to be away from the classroom while their parents are travelling for occupational reasons. Such as absence is commonly marked with a 'T' by teachers in what is called the 'T code'.

So will it now be an 'M' code? Is that the only change? Seems pretty pointless...and not just to me. 

Minister of State for Skills Baroness Smith of Malvern said that the change had been made to clarify that a child's 'mobility' rather than ethnicity qualifies them for authorised absence. But the purpose of the move has been questioned by advocacy groups.
The Advisory Council for the Education of Romany and other Travellers (ACERT) said it was unclear what purpose the altered wording served given that the corresponding legislation remains the same.

Sounds like change for change's sake. Just more makework for the public sector. 


Tuesday 27 August 2024

The Winter of Abject Misery

Just posted this on X:

Meanwhile, our Julia has returned to the game and so has this lady over in the States:

Let the "fun" begin.

Monday 26 August 2024

Not this hill? One some months down the track?

Not sure what exactly it was which had our Julia banned from X for a day ... I thought it may have been her own two posts on More Revolving Door Justice or the one before ... If Only PC Rain Had Turned Up.

While pondering that, going through Julia's X files at that platform, I found myself unable to access the site any more ... my bans there having been during the infamous Dorsey and Woke communist karen staff. Now that could mean anything, including things I've been writing ... they never specify ... just say we've offended "the community", whatever and wherever it is situated.

It does make one think though. I was about to run the clip with the waitress who was hit with a cutlery laden plate at Sodnan by one of them and the clip was her trying to press charges ... many have run it today, including SadButMadLad, so I stuck to American atrocities for awhile.

I saw that Allison Pearson and Alex Phillips were going hell for leather about the Two Tier Beloved Leader just wondering how much longer all this complete lawlessness by modern plod can stand in Britain. Problem is ... the 80% say as long as it takes to be rid of you psychos, while the under 20% just say as long as it takes to jail or otherwise silence the 80%.

Interesting times.


Update 2001: Julia's back on X and tearing it all up.

PCCs Spending Your Money

But not necessarily on what you want, of course...
A new role has been created to provide emotional support to families of victims seriously injured or killed in road accidents.

Is this something that's desperately needed, then?  

As part of a collaboration with road safety charity Brake, Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne has funded the new Independent Road Victim Advocate (IRVA) position. The IRVA, who will be employed by Brake, will be specifically trained to assist families during their most challenging times.They will be able to help with day-to-day tasks that can become overwhelming for people who have lost a loved one such as managing their finances and helping them to understand procedures such as court cases.

'Managing their finances'..? Seems to be going a bit further than the uaual police victim support services!  

Will it replace them?

Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne said: “Through ongoing conversations with the road safety charity Brake and hearing about the work of its National Road Victim Service, I noticed a gap in our support provision regarding family members of those killed or seriously injured on the roads.
"I wanted to provide families who are going through unimaginable distress, with a specialist and tailored support network that will complement the investigative and operational work of our family liaison officers.

So...that's a 'no' then. It's in addition to them. Isn't this duplication of effort?  

“The IRVA caseworker is the first of its kind in Sussex and I am delighted to be working with leading charity Brake as we support those who need it most.
“Most collisions on our roads are preventable and every fatality is one too many. Alongside the additional support that will be provided to families through the role of the IRVA, I also intend to set up a dedicated ‘Fatal Five Unit’ to move forward the Vision Zero approach to road safety and cut fatal and serious collisions by half by 2035."
Funding for the role was obtained from the Ministry of Justice, with nearly £60,000 put in place to secure an IRVA position for the county.

The Ministry of Justice doesn't have any money. This is coming from the taxpayer. Is it a good use of scarce resources? 

It seems it's just another petty bureaucrat spending like a drunken sailor to enhance her own profile. Isn't it about time to scrap PCCs?

Sunday 25 August 2024

The virtue signalling which dare not speak its name

 From the Daily Sceptic this morning:

… is this Kemi Badenoch virtue signalling … oops, I mean being way ahead in the Tory leadership poll … makes a change having an open poll when Them above feel it’s odds on for her to win, involving absolutely no racism whatever.

“Them” can then turn around and glare down upon the assembled faithful: “Go on, let’s see who opposes her because you’re Racist if you do,” to which some wit might retort, “It might be misogynist you know.”

The member who can be relied upon to say the “wrong” thing then blurts out: “Could we not have a British native, one of the multigenerational indigenous in the nation?” 

Cries of, “Shame! Shame!” follow. To which another mumbles, in an aside, “What, Tom Bombadill with attitude instead?”

Juss sayin, like.

Saturday 24 August 2024

How to Remove the Allergy Problem


Every Restaurant/Cafe/Coffee shop should be able to post a PROMINENT notice stating:-

This Restaurant/Cafe/Coffee Shop does not, and will not, cater for those people with Allergies.

If you, or members of your Party have an allergy, do not come here because you will not be served.

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