Saturday 31 August 2024

Even by their own “Science” …

The point of this post is … are we talking:

  1. mendacity, the auto-mania to lie, lie, lie … deliberately
  2. pig ignorance from a poor education, a brainwashing narrative, even youth
  3. psychosis … complete lack of compassion, ethics, a moral compass
  4. agenda to destroy, related to 3 and the other points?

Complication that question is … are we talking:

  1. your average normie, esp. the now poorly brought up and educated, media owned
  2. karens … those of the “lock up any seeming to threaten my charmed life” sort
  3. myrmidons … the army of hate not hopers etc.
  4. henchmen, e.g. the Emmanuel Goldsteins
  5. co-conspirators
  6. the Evil Muvver himself?

The answer to the first question might be different for each in the second.  Now a bit of meat on the bones, something to actually debate … from The Daily Sceptic today:

Dangerous stuff all this ‘green’ hydrogen. Apart from a tendency to explode unless handled with extreme care, its higher combustion temperature can produce more harmful nitrogen dioxide than natural gas. Nitrogen dioxide is a nasty pollutantand has been linked to childhood asthma and other major ailments. Furthermore, hydrogen is the lightest of gases and escapes easily into the atmosphere – where a newly-published science paper suggests, pound for pound, it produces 37 times the warming of carbon dioxide over a 20-year period. 

This is because hydrogen is oxidised by the hydroxyl radical leading to the formation of tropospheric ozone and stratospheric water vapour. Both these gases are so-called ‘greenhouse’ gases and alarmist scientists are keen to exaggerate their effect. If you are worried about atmospheric pollution and greenhouse gases, despite all past observational evidence that suggests the ‘greenhouse’ impact of the gases ‘saturates’ at certain levels, then promoting hydrogen is a very bad look indeed.

It has all the hallmarks, does it not, of a group of grinning psychos sitting around a table, dreaming up more and more insane ways to hook the normies … the poor, taxpaying sods … to ruin them, to wreck them, to reduce them to penury and misery … to kill them.

And why would you even wish to do that? Seething hatred for humans leading productive, happy lives.

And lastly … what does that say about the minds, the personas of these monsters?

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