Wednesday 28 August 2024

A Rose Weed By Any Other Name....

Gypsy and Roma traveller pupils are to be referred to as 'mobile children' under new government guidance. New pupil absence advice issued by the Department for Education uses the term to refer to students 'of no fixed abode' who miss school while their parents are 'travelling during the course of their trade or business'.

Wouldn't this now put them on the same level as children of force's families who get moved around with their squadrons? 

The law allows children to be away from the classroom while their parents are travelling for occupational reasons. Such as absence is commonly marked with a 'T' by teachers in what is called the 'T code'.

So will it now be an 'M' code? Is that the only change? Seems pretty pointless...and not just to me. 

Minister of State for Skills Baroness Smith of Malvern said that the change had been made to clarify that a child's 'mobility' rather than ethnicity qualifies them for authorised absence. But the purpose of the move has been questioned by advocacy groups.
The Advisory Council for the Education of Romany and other Travellers (ACERT) said it was unclear what purpose the altered wording served given that the corresponding legislation remains the same.

Sounds like change for change's sake. Just more makework for the public sector. 



  1. Minister of State for Skills? What and who, pray tell, defines skills these days?
    Asking for a friend.

  2. Sounds similar to the treatment (literally) meted out in Bournemouth:
    "A group of six caravans and vans turned up at Highmoor Farm, the town’s last remaining working farm, on Friday, August 16.
    BCP Council’s spokesman council staff are due to attend the encampment to carry out welfare checks on the travellers.
    He said: “We are aware that an encampment has formed at Bishop Close, of a reported six units.
    “Our staff will attend site to confirm and to carry out the statutory welfare and educational needs assessment, along with any necessary risk assessments in order to determine the level of support to be given to the group.”
    According to one resident, access to the farm was gained after the locks to the gates were broken.
    Dorset Police has been approached for more details. "

  3. What you call such people makes no difference - "traveller" goes in my ear, "gypo" goes to my brain

  4. Pikey goes straight to mine, however paki denotes sexual predators!

  5. I was a mobile child ... once I had that pedal bike, there was no stopping the little tyke.


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