Thursday 29 August 2024

Noble and Weasel ideas

Two screen shots I'm afraid. This 👇🏻


  1. Of Noble ideas, I'd love to know one that the Current Labour Government have. What idea, what policy do they have that one could call noble? I can't think of one.
    Instead we get ideology. An ideological position that excuses the evil done in the name of that ideology. For instance how many pensioners will freeze to death this winter because of the ideological following of the net zero policy?
    How many people will be stabbed to death because of the slavish following of the multicultural ideology?
    You can see on Kier Starmer's face he's a sociopath: there is not one ounce of compassion or empathy in the man. All the deaths at the hand of his ideological stance are just collateral damage. The ideological ends justify the means, no matter the body count.

  2. Greetings Mr JH. Apologies for posting this here ( I have been unable to at any ther of the sites).
    Regarding the ongoing publishing struggles- I’ve never blogged, nor social media. Last week I saw an interview with a guy who was forced to start his own platform.

    I apologize if the place is a waste of your time, meanwhile, I hope it may be of some value to you.

    May G-d bless protect preserve you and yours



    1. Thank you very much for that, Juan. Yes ... similar.

  4. Bill Gates, just one of the WEF cabal giving this government it's policies, feels that there are too many people on this planet, and so steps must be made to reduce that number. Fake pandemics leading to vaccinations designed to kill (ask India about the effects of the polio vaccinations for children donated by him), plus cancellation of benefits, such as the UK winter fuel allowance for the elderly. This government won't have to pay pensions, housing allowances, or even the cost of free bus passed if your dead. This will also free up housing to be allocated to supporters of the regime. I'm reducing the population, it won't of course, include the elite and their acolytes. The Soviet Union was a trial run. The EU is another one, albeit with fewer massacres. China and Islam are learning from earlier mistakes and furthering their own aims, religiously and politically, to determine if their policies are better than Gates, Soros, et al.
    We really do live in interesting times.


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