Saturday 24 August 2024

What should we call this ideology ruling Britain right now?

June Slater is a significant UK pundit on various platforms. The question which remains after her truth telling below is … will the stasi come for her? I’ll come back to that question after her words: 
If you're feeling sad and a little bit mesmerised, then know you're not alone. It's a general feeling shared by some Labour voters too. Their eagerness to get The Tories out has left a lot of Labour voters with .. buyers remorse. 

They didn't expect the pensioners to be whacked first. The public have repeatedly given direction to cut immigration, cut foreign aid, cut taxes, cut energy costs. They've increased everything on the list.

As usual, instead of the government addressing the primary problems, they come down good and hard on the reaction to the primary problems, hence disproportionate sentencing, and the primary problem is ignored.. the anger boils, the people are ignored again.
My immediate question is … does it depend almost entirely on whom you are … easy touches for the authorities versus the largely untouchable … people like Nigel or Douglas Murray? Do personal proclivities come into the decision by govt?

What about John Redwood?
The hike in energy prices is unwelcome. So why does the government ban new U.K. gas supplies which would ease the shortages of domestic energy and cut the extra cost and CO 2 from importing LNG gas?
Can he find himself in prison for 18 months for that? And how legal is any of it anyway?

But the question in the heading … what name should be applied to what is going on? So far, few have called it fa**ism … most non Wokerati are calling it co**u*ism. It’s certainly totalitarian what the Beloved Leader and henchmen are openly doing.

Reader Andy at a place called NOWP was calling out PETA this morning and I replied:

Andy, ta for that. I ran it from Julia as a lighthearted thing yesterday at UHC Friday till after lunch [5 to 8] but you put meat on the bones, as indeed did Julia herself at her place. It was about paint and yet more lunacy.

The culprit? In this case retards called PETA. It’s the interconnection between these crazies … might be any of em … BLM, Antifa, that Eco glue to the road and climb gantries lot … any of em … but they’re all interconnected, with umbilical cords to the money … with the MSM, political class, judiciary, “entertainment”, medicine, any decision-making position in society … all brainwashed … have you seen Starmer’s dead eyes?

And there’s a psycho intelligence behind it all … it’s easy to trace it to the Lincoln School of sround 1900, the suffragette communists, the 60s feminazi communists, the WEF communists … as Dirk Gently pointed out … the fundamental interconnectedness of all things.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is what we’re really up against but the psycholoons sre up to something bigger … the values underpinning the non loony human. And some very strange alliances among us too, under duress.

Friday 23 August 2024

Falling Foul Of Employment Law...

A judge has ruled that three white police officers were unfairly passed over for promotion because of their race. Detective Inspector Phillip Turner-Robson, Inspector Graham Horton and Kirsteen Bishop, a custody inspector, brought employment tribunal proceedings against Thames Valley Police claiming to have been disadvantaged because of they were, as described in the tribunal, 'white British.'
The tribunal heard that in an attempt to improve diversity among senior staff a superintendent at the force was told to 'make it happen' by appointing an 'Asian' sergeant to the rank of detective inspector.

In other words, told to do something illegal. But Julia, you will say, why expect a modern-day senior police officer to know the law? And you'd be right. 

But the HR department did know the law:

This was despite having been warned about the legal risks of not holding a competitive process.

Looks like not all the scofflaws are on the other side... 

...the following month, Superintendent Emma Baillie made the decision to move Sergeant Sidhu, whose forename was not provided, into the role without undertaking any competitive process or advertising the vacancy to staff, the tribunal was told. The sergeant had not even been promoted to inspector at the time she was made detective inspector, the tribunal heard, after deputy chief constable Jason Hogg and the Superintendent had 'jumped the gun' and given her the senior role.

It gets better and better, doesn't it? 

She then tried to 'retrospectively justify' the decision by saying the appointment came under a 'BAME Progression Program which clearly did not exist at the time'.

In other words, by lying. Don't they frown on that sort of thing?

Why, yes Ted, they do, don't they?

Why is she - and Hogg -  not facing malfeasance in public office charges? 

Thursday 22 August 2024

From our armchairs

I’m afraid I’m going to echo Andy at 769 in being unimpressed by armchair Neil Oliver now:

That Oliver chap on truth, like a fiat currency has become meaningless. He mentions the words of St. Augustine; The truth is like a lion, you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose, it will defend itself. As NO says, the lion has been defanged, truth has no traction any more. Hope still cowers in the corner of Pandora’s box.

To him may be added all of us other armchair warriors … I think the most annoying thing with NO (as distinct from N.O., the site) is the comfortable armchair, quite free from any attack (he also has the dogs), mouthing fighting talk … and even that fighting talk is now “incarcerable” by Starmer’s Stasi.

Wyatt, in the States, and I paraphrase, said that he was afraid we're not going to be able to vote ourselves out of this one.

True … decades of indoctrination of people now in their 20s, 30s, 40s, even 50s has produced moral and courageous bankruptcy which they’re not in the least aware of … they really do believe they’re “the good people”, these Eloi. The dissidents make fighting noises from keyboards and vlogs, while the rest tear them down, servants of the Woke Moloch. At least the armchair warriors recognise self-preservation ... we take some risks.

Where are the Bowtie Martins now? What risk is Tulsi taking, Naomi Wolf? Why should girls take risks anyway? My generation says it’s a man’s job. I’ve lost some sites, been kicked off twitter … big deal, so what? What about the dawn raid in the States which dragged away Rudi Giuliani? What about General Flynn … that was risk. Larry McDonald on that aeroplane shot down … high risk. Enoch Powell, William Jenner in 1954 in the Senate.

Admirable but what sort of dent did it make on the inexorable juggernaut which outflanks every dissident, unherdable cat? And the fighting ones of early boomerhood and older … now dying off, assisted on our way by every medical administrator and paid medico. Why do you think I stay away from medical places? Training? Eating as well as I can, fall back, start over?

Wednesday 21 August 2024

No Nominative Determinism Here...

Maya is decidely not...

The political “centre” usually reacts to the far right by denouncing its methods and distancing themselves from its coarse, racist rhetoric – but ultimately conceding to its underlying argument. In the days after the general election, Tony Blair advised Keir Starmer that to ward off the far right, he should celebrate what is good about immigration but be sure to “control” it. No matter how respectable and sensible such advice may seem to some within our political classes, the sentiment that “controlling” immigration is a way to appease socially conservative voters is one cause of the corrosiveness.Why? Because it implies that a fear of immigration is a legitimate concern, and that reducing immigration is the appropriate method to assuage that fear.

So isn't it?  

Are concerns about immigration “legitimate”? Demonstrably, no.

Don't bother looking, Reader, she believes 'demonstrably' is just a word, and doesn't go on to demonstrate anything.  

The “legitimate concerns” in this case are illegitimate. Admitting this doesn’t mean dismissing what people are saying. Equally, engaging people with these views need not lead to legitimisation. The choice is not ignore or accept. Politics is about persuading people of another way; to think this can’t be done is patronising as well as dangerous.

To think it can be done by simply telling everyone that they are wrong is pretty patronising too.  

The government could change the narrative by making the history of empire and migration a statutory party of the curriculum, and by actively countering racism in the press, among opposition parties and within its own ranks. But it could also use this moment to change people’s material circumstances by getting rid of “hostile environment” policies and providing safe routes of travel (one of the only viable solutions to stop people from having to cross the Channel). It could also make visas cheaper, provide better housing, simplify labyrinthine Home Office processes and end temporary, exploitative visas, giving people the ability to come here on decent terms and stay if they want to.

So, to challenge people's assumptions the 'answer' is to flood the country with yet more immigration. Well, that's bound to work! And the craziness doesn't stop there!  

This boldness should be extended beyond immigration. The government should tax the richest, invest in public services and do what’s needed for a just transition from fossil fuels.

Might as well shoot for the moon, eh, Maya? 

The reasons behind the recent violence are many and complex – it cannot be neatly chalked up to the immigration debate alone. But the anti-immigrant sloganeering needs to stop: whether it’s the appeasing of “legitimate concerns”, a commitment to “stop the boats” or the more-acceptable-in-polite-society promises to put “controls on immigration”.

Ignoring and belittling legitimate concerns has never ever worked in the history of mankind, Maya.  

Tuesday 20 August 2024

Fate worse than death?

Consider this which was in comments at our reader site:

Media Move Into Election-Interference Mode: Massive Difference in Positive and Negative Reports

The gap between completely wrong, officially so, backed by a lying MSM and a bully “govt” is so 1984, it’s horrifying for any who can anticipate, historically … even just a bit.

At this point … this from today’s Daily Sceptic:

The Terrible Fate That Awaits Jailed ‘Far-Right’ Protestors in Britain’s Overcrowded Prisons, Including Those ‘Guilty’ of Sharing Memes on Social Media

Hmmmmm … terrible fate, yes, but I’m not sure the writer covered the worst fate, apart from 23 hour a day incarceration, the drugs, the prospect of a J6 situation where people are kept in there in appalling conditions, unhygenically etc.

What could be worse is a reasonable question. And I’m constrained to even answer that as the stasi go searching through soc-med for pretexts … there is one demographic group which cannot be criticised and they fill the jails now out of proportion … they also have enormous money behind them to pay the beaks to leave cell doors unlocked … they have an ideological mission, even plod are utterly scared of them.

So Comrade Beaver does have a most effective weapon with which to shut us up … not a squeak over the appalling human “rights” travesties.

All of which comes back to one awful fact … to a greater or lesser extent, people are keeping their heads down, not a peep. Either they’re genuinely brainwashed by the MSM, by “entertainment”, the box, the appalling culture today … even the schlockfest called Strictly …… or else they do see … but say nowt.

And this, chaps and chapesses, is pure USSR. I don’t write that fancifully, I lived there post Gorbachev, I heard many, many stories of how it was … the way neighbours on the same floor were watchful, never smiled, watched their words carefully … not a word which could be construed negatively … because there was an office you could go to to “denounce” your neighbour and the black moriah then turned up at midnight, a bit different to the UK’s and US’s dawn raid.

There’s nothing fanciful in any of this … in Russian, transliterated, the staff car was called “chorni voron” or black raven. There was nothing fictional either in the core plot of Terry Gilliam’s Brazil. I’ve spoken with family who had it happen more than once.

What does it do for incentive, entrepeneurialism, a healthy civic life? It kills it stone dead.

Does Chief Politburo Head, Comrade Beaver, care? Even understand the full horror of what he’s done, turning Britain communist?

Monday 19 August 2024

Maybe You're Warning The Wrong People?

The parents of teenager Natasha Ednan-Laperouse, who died after eating a Pret a Manger baguette, today urged the Government and food firms to 'wake up' to 'how serious food allergies are'.

Why them? Why not parents of children and pharmacists? Because in this story they seem equally culpable... 

Nadim and Tanya Ednan-Laperouse spoke out while attending the inquest into the death of Hannah Jacobs, 13, who suffered catastrophic reaction after a single sip of a Costa Coffee hot chocolate. The couple who founded The Natasha Allergy Research Foundation said they were 'devastated' to learn of the case and added: 'How many more children must die before we start taking food allergy seriously?'

Who is that 'we'? Well, maybe start with this girl's own mother: 

On the first day of the inquest at East London Coroner's Court, Hannah's mother, Abimbola Duyile, recalled the moments that led to the tragedy. She had warned staff about her daughter's allergies, she said, apologising to the barista for 'being a pain' after requesting the milk steamer was cleaned to ensure traces of cow's milk were eliminated.

Now, Reader, like me, you may well be thinking that if you have a life-threatening food allergy, you'd be mad to eat anything you haven't personally prepared, or observed being made in front of you. 

And this girl appears to have been the same, reportedly preparing her own food and drink in the main. So why did she take the risk on this occasion? 

Ms Duyile said Hannah had enjoyed a soya hot chocolate at Costa on several occasions before, having been convinced by her mother to try a hot drink there.

Why would you...? I trust foreign staff who might not fully understand the risk seems crazy, does it not? 

Yet Costa employee Ana Sanz, who was an assistant manager at Costa franchise in Barking at the time of Hannah's death but was not working until later that day, admitted to the court that she had used Google Translate to help her complete allergy training, as her first language is Spanish. She suggested that other employees she worked with may have also done the same.

*sigh* The employee who took the order, one Urmi Akter, was supported at the inquest herself by a Bengali interpreter. You couldn't make it up, could you?

Roughly 10 minutes after being served the drink in February last year, Hannah took her first sip and almost immediately began vomiting, according to her mother's statement. Ms Duyile then rushed her daughter across the road to a pharmacy, where she asked for antihistamines which had previously worked to relieve her allergic symptoms. However, Hannah complained that her chest was becoming 'tight and painful' and she was struggling to breathe. A pharmacist administered an auto-injector filled with adrenaline (also known as Epipen), but it contained half the dose of medication recommended for teenagers and adults.

So despite this seriously life-threatening allergy, she didn't have an epi-pen already? Just who is responsible here, because I'm not convinced it's solely the food companies.

Saturday 17 August 2024

Sidelights on housing in Britain

In two parts … one here, t’other at the new N.O. ... both come from the TDS article by Alan Bunce. The writer of the article is described thus:

Alan Bunce is the Editor of regional property website Thames Tap. This article was first published on the U.K. Property Forums website. You can gauge the tone of that site by going there.

The tone seems, to me, to be in the same vein as, say, the Taxpayers’ Alliance. If then, mild-mannered publications take this tone, quite at odds with the extremism shown by gummint on both sides of the aisle over the decades, we do get to the question of how on earth anyone of this quality of understanding of a nation’s needs were firstly parachuted in, how they were even voted in, and how one lot can form govt with less than 20% of the vote.

Quickly skipping over that elephant in the room which, if one mentions it, the stasi come for you and you're in the slammer, missy or matey, we can cast our gaze more widely at, say, ASLEF and ask how the hell did what just happened … happen?

There’s something rotten in the state of Britain … but we knew that. Anyway, to today's quote:
Nowadays everyone wants brownfield land built on and I’ve little doubt they’ll soon want Grey Belt land built on too. Once that’s all gone, they’ll need to think hard about another colour with negative connotations.

While these policies will likely get houses built, the Government’s emboldened status, backed by its huge majority, is being reflected in the approach of developers and their representatives.
Take a look at the July 9 meeting of Thurrock Council’s planning committee and note the tone of the applicants in each of two proposed, major housing developments.

These two three-minute speeches can be seen in the webcast here starting at 29m 23s and 1h 16m 58s.

Rather than try to persuade the committee, representatives from Mulberry Strategic Land and Grasslands cared little what the councillors thought and basically challenged the committee to refuse their schemes. Their basic theme was ‘the Government is on our side’.

As it happens both were refused and committee chair Cllr Michael Fletcher (a Labour member) ended up calling for more respect from applicants. But my money is on the developer at any subsequent appeal.
That's a turn up, innit ... a writer more for council than 'development' and yet the question of barracuda developers is almost as crucial in 2024 as that of the elephant in the room as alluded to above.

I mean, look at the architectural state of London just now ... look at the quality of new buildings ... I stop short of using the word shoddy as we don't need the stasi on our doorstep, do we?

Friday 16 August 2024

If You Get The Very Basics Wrong, Why Should We Listen Further?

Carole Cadwalladr on the riots:
"The 1996 Dunblane massacre and the outcry that followed are held up in the US as a textbook example of how an act of terror mobilised a country to demand effective gun regulation.The atrocity, in which 16 children and their teacher were killed, provoked a wave of national revulsion that, within weeks, led to 750,000 people signing a petition demanding a change to the law. Within a year and a half, new legislation had outlawed the ownership of handguns."

But Carole, we still have gun crime. So really, how effective was it? It stopped some innocent people enjoying a legal hobby, and the thugs and criminals went right on doing what they do...

Almost 30 years on, the horrific violence visited on a dance class in Southport has sparked a very different reaction. A reaction that shocked many in Britain this week but which experts in domestic extremism – and especially those who look at the intersection of violence and technology – say is all too depressingly familiar. And in this, our new age of algorithmic outrage, depressingly inevitable. “We’ve always had radicalisation, but in the past, leaders would be the bridge and bring people together,” said Maria Ressa, the Filipino journalist and trenchant tech critic who won the 2021 Nobel peace prize. “That’s impossible to do now, because what used to radicalise extremists and terrorists is now radicalising the public. Because the information ecosystem is designed that way.”

Ah, so now we must ban the Internet? I think that's going to prove a tougher opponent than the target shooting community... 

The question is what Keir Starmer will do.

The wrong thing, of course! Since this whole thing started, he's unerringly done that every single step of the way. 

Ebner points to the fact that this is no longer about dark corners of the internet: politicians are among those who have been radicalised. “They now say things that they would not have said previously and use dog whistles to the far right, flirting with conspiracy myths that used to belong to fringe far-right movements.

And now everyone can see that they actually had a point after all and that the conspiracy is out in the open. No wonder people like you, Carole, are shitting themselves at no longer being able to control the narrative... 

Thursday 15 August 2024

The emasculated male

My reaction to this one is perhaps not what many might suspect …

Suicide is the number one killer of Australian men. A court system perceived to favour women with child custody and the family home (even where these men are unemployed and have nowhere else to go) are major factors in the suicide of many Australian men.

All right … yes, the Big Payback by certain types of Hate Men women for perceived wrongs in the 50s, the 1890s, probably in 1425 … I’ve not a lot to say about history but if you’re going to bludgeon male kids before they’re grown, instilling guilt and self-loathing for others’ wrongs in the past … that actually says something about you as a person.

My reaction this time is not to the Feminazi female and lefty male scumbags supporting them but to the young males themselves, having no father in the home but just a succession of men pincushioning their mum at home … and that’s before we even get to this gender dysphoria bollox.

Now look … if you scroll down my X timeline, you’ll see a fair bit of this female world, from forests to fine artifacts to the fairy world and Wind in the Willows … so there’s definitely a certain SNAGishness in Jimbo (lack of parents I put it down to) but there’s also the usual demeanour seen here … that born of a time now long past. Direct, I call it.

What about these poor little sods today though? What chance any sort of masculinity? What chance they’ll be the bread winner in this manufacturing free new nation, where their talents are not needed? Correction … very much needed but not wanted by a particular type running society?

I’d say there’s an almighty crime against humanity going on here and the litmus test is actual suicide which, sorry … but that’s pathetic … as in pathos. I’ll say one thing … if they’d had a trad western upbringing … yes, including the Trinitarian God … they’d not be suiciding. No way. 

For a start, there’d be two parents in the home … there’d actually be a home … if there were paedo things happening, it might be later but it would eventually come out through the local infrastructure … the schoolteacher would still be a respected figure, unlike in today’s rainbow politics days. It was never “great” but it was a darned sight better than this hell on earth now.

And now more of the same, courtesy of just over 80% of the voting public staying home and just under 20% of red rosette nutters getting their communist into power.

Why did 80% not vote, apart from lethargy?  Well some did ... the Tories and others did actually return Members ... triumph of hope over experience of broken promises?

Where's it all now going?

Wednesday 14 August 2024

First World Problems

Many Norwegians are feeling guilty, according to Elisabeth Oxfeldt. The professor of Scandinavian literature at Oslo University says wealthy Norwegians are increasingly contrasting their comfortable lives with those of people who are struggling, particularly overseas.

Oh my, the poor dears! 

“We’ve seen the emergence of a narrative of guilt about people’s privileged lives in a world where others are suffering,” she says. Thanks to its significant oil reserves, the largest in Europe after Russia’s, Norway is one of the world’s richest countries. The strength of its economy, as measured per member of its population, is almost twice that of the UK,, external and bigger even than that of the US. Norway even runs a budget surplus – its national income exceeds its expenditure. This is in marked contrast to most other nations, including the UK, which have to borrow money to cover their budget deficits.

And so, the bleak Scandinavian psyche must needs discover something to fret about, instead of revelling in their good fortune.

Prof Oxfeldt is an expert on how Scandinavian books, films and TV series reflect the wider culture of their time. She says she increasingly sees these mediums explore Norway’s wealth guilt.
“By looking at contemporary literature, films and TV series, I found that the contrast between the happy, fortunate or privileged self and the suffering ‘other’ brought about feelings of guilt, unease, discomfort or shame.
“Not everyone feels guilty, but many do,” adds Prof Oxfeldt, who has coined the phrase “Scan guilt”. Plots featured in recent Norwegian dramas include members of the “leisure class” who rely on services provided by migrant workers who reside in bedsits in their basements. Or women who realise that they have achieved gender equality in the workplace by relying on low-paid au pairs from poor countries to care for their children, says Prof Oxfeldt.

Hmm, doesn’t sound that different to the UK, really. Have they considered all getting columns in the ‘Guardian’ or ‘Independent’…?

Unsurprisingly, Norway has long been one of the happiest in the world, according to the World Happiness Report. It is currently in seventh place., external But on the other hand, reasons Børre Tosterud, an investor and retired hotelier, Norway’s “utter reliance on oil earnings” has resulted in an excessively large government budget, an inflated public sector, and a shortage of labour that holds back the private sector. “It’s not sustainable,” he insists.

It’s not? Oh, well, I guess that’s a warning our own government should be heeding, then. Anyone think they will?