Saturday 24 August 2024

What should we call this ideology ruling Britain right now?

June Slater is a significant UK pundit on various platforms. The question which remains after her truth telling below is … will the stasi come for her? I’ll come back to that question after her words: 
If you're feeling sad and a little bit mesmerised, then know you're not alone. It's a general feeling shared by some Labour voters too. Their eagerness to get The Tories out has left a lot of Labour voters with .. buyers remorse. 

They didn't expect the pensioners to be whacked first. The public have repeatedly given direction to cut immigration, cut foreign aid, cut taxes, cut energy costs. They've increased everything on the list.

As usual, instead of the government addressing the primary problems, they come down good and hard on the reaction to the primary problems, hence disproportionate sentencing, and the primary problem is ignored.. the anger boils, the people are ignored again.
My immediate question is … does it depend almost entirely on whom you are … easy touches for the authorities versus the largely untouchable … people like Nigel or Douglas Murray? Do personal proclivities come into the decision by govt?

What about John Redwood?
The hike in energy prices is unwelcome. So why does the government ban new U.K. gas supplies which would ease the shortages of domestic energy and cut the extra cost and CO 2 from importing LNG gas?
Can he find himself in prison for 18 months for that? And how legal is any of it anyway?

But the question in the heading … what name should be applied to what is going on? So far, few have called it fa**ism … most non Wokerati are calling it co**u*ism. It’s certainly totalitarian what the Beloved Leader and henchmen are openly doing.

Reader Andy at a place called NOWP was calling out PETA this morning and I replied:

Andy, ta for that. I ran it from Julia as a lighthearted thing yesterday at UHC Friday till after lunch [5 to 8] but you put meat on the bones, as indeed did Julia herself at her place. It was about paint and yet more lunacy.

The culprit? In this case retards called PETA. It’s the interconnection between these crazies … might be any of em … BLM, Antifa, that Eco glue to the road and climb gantries lot … any of em … but they’re all interconnected, with umbilical cords to the money … with the MSM, political class, judiciary, “entertainment”, medicine, any decision-making position in society … all brainwashed … have you seen Starmer’s dead eyes?

And there’s a psycho intelligence behind it all … it’s easy to trace it to the Lincoln School of sround 1900, the suffragette communists, the 60s feminazi communists, the WEF communists … as Dirk Gently pointed out … the fundamental interconnectedness of all things.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is what we’re really up against but the psycholoons sre up to something bigger … the values underpinning the non loony human. And some very strange alliances among us too, under duress.

1 comment:

  1. June is oblivious to the monumental ever increasing pile of evidence that people who are in or who work for "government" are there to expand and maintain government.

    "Salt the earth and start again" Old Holborn RIP


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