Thursday 22 August 2024

From our armchairs

I’m afraid I’m going to echo Andy at 769 in being unimpressed by armchair Neil Oliver now:

That Oliver chap on truth, like a fiat currency has become meaningless. He mentions the words of St. Augustine; The truth is like a lion, you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose, it will defend itself. As NO says, the lion has been defanged, truth has no traction any more. Hope still cowers in the corner of Pandora’s box.

To him may be added all of us other armchair warriors … I think the most annoying thing with NO (as distinct from N.O., the site) is the comfortable armchair, quite free from any attack (he also has the dogs), mouthing fighting talk … and even that fighting talk is now “incarcerable” by Starmer’s Stasi.

Wyatt, in the States, and I paraphrase, said that he was afraid we're not going to be able to vote ourselves out of this one.

True … decades of indoctrination of people now in their 20s, 30s, 40s, even 50s has produced moral and courageous bankruptcy which they’re not in the least aware of … they really do believe they’re “the good people”, these Eloi. The dissidents make fighting noises from keyboards and vlogs, while the rest tear them down, servants of the Woke Moloch. At least the armchair warriors recognise self-preservation ... we take some risks.

Where are the Bowtie Martins now? What risk is Tulsi taking, Naomi Wolf? Why should girls take risks anyway? My generation says it’s a man’s job. I’ve lost some sites, been kicked off twitter … big deal, so what? What about the dawn raid in the States which dragged away Rudi Giuliani? What about General Flynn … that was risk. Larry McDonald on that aeroplane shot down … high risk. Enoch Powell, William Jenner in 1954 in the Senate.

Admirable but what sort of dent did it make on the inexorable juggernaut which outflanks every dissident, unherdable cat? And the fighting ones of early boomerhood and older … now dying off, assisted on our way by every medical administrator and paid medico. Why do you think I stay away from medical places? Training? Eating as well as I can, fall back, start over?

And you? Some openly say dangerous things because of your fighting background and well done, others keep the head well down. Look … no criticism from me … of you … you MUST protect your circle plus yourself, do you think I’m knocking that?

I’m knocking the situation which took decades, generations, not the lack of “doing anything” now it’s all sewn up and the communist meatheads like Breshnev Starmer are in … the thinkers behind the plan knew FPTP voting was bollox over here … under 20%, of whom most were civil service or “guest voters”, can form a draconian govt because, miraculously, under 20% can give you the number of seats Labour has.

What of preferential voting? Where voters fill in boxes with numbers, the least votes drop out but their votes still count … they go onto the pile of those voters’ second choice. Then the next lowest drop out, until finally there are two left and the one over 50% on preferences wins the seat. Still produces a red-blue two party pretend democracy.

All right … proportional … all the lefty parties combine to outvote the nominal right? Unstable. What’s the least bad system? And what of the gerrymandering? The parachuted in candidates by The Power? What of Harris in the States? De facto President when no one voted to put her there, not unlike with the EU Commission?

Sewn up, innit? So yes, we can criticise NO, his armchair and Nigel his MPship … that and the gong are his ultimate aim, cutting out the Ben Habibs, pally with Tice … talk which does nothing. At least Nigel started long ago and took stick over it.

But where has it all got us? Brexit? Really? Betrayed by each Tory leader, it’s a damp squib … not our intention. Johnson had an 80 seat majority … how? On promises, yes?

Why did no one complain? We did but the bought MSM blocked us, the corrupt, bought judiciary incarcerated the uppity ones.

If I repeat Wyatt … not going to get out of this by voting … Wyatt’s on the hit list for sure, early roundup … the PTB that set all this up, patiently, absolutely no respect for the sheeple they laugh at ... they mock, globally in scope, using other powers like the deathcult and China, the Zionists not of true Jewish roots … juggling act but ultimately, greed, blackmail and threat win out among the moral pygmies.

Just doom and gloom now first thing in the morning? Well put it this way … if it’s not somehow stopped … poison in the air, the water, the medications, the food, the end of the money supply … if it’s not stopped, then they’ve already laid out their psychopathic, genocidal plan, have they not?

However, history says things do go wrong for such monsters, at great cost to us along the way, including mass starvation of the west. But they do go wrong … until one day ...

... they don’t go wrong and a Christian believes that that’s when the whole thing comes to an end with the Return. That’s the earth done for.

Or do you believe in the essential ability of each of us to beat this satanic machine? In Poland … solidarity, yay … Tusk now runs and ruins that country. The machine is in charge.

Have a great weekend ... tomorrow's Friday.


  1. Why be afraid to echo someone's comment that you happen to agree with? Just do it! NO always was a purveyor of doom. Now he's shown his true colours. He's in it for the money and sad shmucks will pay to be lectured in hopeless. Well done to all those who have seen through him at last!


  2. According to you we're all doomed even if the 'return' happens. A 'jam tomorrow' promise is what generations of politicians have been offering as well. IF our reward is in heaven or at some mythical point in the future then there's no point complaining from behind a keyboard because making people aware that they're doomed will just hasten the destruction. It could also hasten their incarceration if they take inappropriate action as a result.

  3. Certainly two views.


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