Tuesday 20 August 2024

Fate worse than death?

Consider this which was in comments at our reader site:

Media Move Into Election-Interference Mode: Massive Difference in Positive and Negative Reports

The gap between completely wrong, officially so, backed by a lying MSM and a bully “govt” is so 1984, it’s horrifying for any who can anticipate, historically … even just a bit.

At this point … this from today’s Daily Sceptic:

The Terrible Fate That Awaits Jailed ‘Far-Right’ Protestors in Britain’s Overcrowded Prisons, Including Those ‘Guilty’ of Sharing Memes on Social Media

Hmmmmm … terrible fate, yes, but I’m not sure the writer covered the worst fate, apart from 23 hour a day incarceration, the drugs, the prospect of a J6 situation where people are kept in there in appalling conditions, unhygenically etc.

What could be worse is a reasonable question. And I’m constrained to even answer that as the stasi go searching through soc-med for pretexts … there is one demographic group which cannot be criticised and they fill the jails now out of proportion … they also have enormous money behind them to pay the beaks to leave cell doors unlocked … they have an ideological mission, even plod are utterly scared of them.

So Comrade Beaver does have a most effective weapon with which to shut us up … not a squeak over the appalling human “rights” travesties.

All of which comes back to one awful fact … to a greater or lesser extent, people are keeping their heads down, not a peep. Either they’re genuinely brainwashed by the MSM, by “entertainment”, the box, the appalling culture today … even the schlockfest called Strictly …… or else they do see … but say nowt.

And this, chaps and chapesses, is pure USSR. I don’t write that fancifully, I lived there post Gorbachev, I heard many, many stories of how it was … the way neighbours on the same floor were watchful, never smiled, watched their words carefully … not a word which could be construed negatively … because there was an office you could go to to “denounce” your neighbour and the black moriah then turned up at midnight, a bit different to the UK’s and US’s dawn raid.

There’s nothing fanciful in any of this … in Russian, transliterated, the staff car was called “chorni voron” or black raven. There was nothing fictional either in the core plot of Terry Gilliam’s Brazil. I’ve spoken with family who had it happen more than once.

What does it do for incentive, entrepeneurialism, a healthy civic life? It kills it stone dead.

Does Chief Politburo Head, Comrade Beaver, care? Even understand the full horror of what he’s done, turning Britain communist?


  1. Is this a ploy by Labour to force the working class into radicalism? I mean, if you're going to go to jail for the slightest infraction, you might as well go big. Might as well get hung for a Sheep as a Lamb. What if the working class protesters armed themselves and took out every last copper so there was no-one to arrest them, and no witnesses? What if the working class stormed Westminster with guns and rocket launchers (donated by the racists in Ireland)?
    Starmer is a piece of work: it takes a spectacular type of idiot to go to Ireland and tell people they are racists for protesting against the importation of a religious group when the Irish people recently fought a very bitter battle over slightly different shades of the same religion after protestants were imported into Ireland. What's going to happen when a completely different religion with different values is imported?

  2. Starmer is merely doing what he's told by the alleged war criminal, Blair who, in turn, is doing what his WEF masters tell him to. Promoting economic, class, and religious strife around the world is just part of "the great reset", to reduce the world population to a 'manageable' 60 million, with roughly 1 million being the ruling elite of Soros, Schwab, Gates, et al, and their acolytes. Private Frazer was right, after all.

    1. Comrade Starmer is WEF's man - doesn't need an intermediary. He's on record as saying he'd choose Davos over Westminster. The last PM was on board with WEF though he was slightly more covert about it. Election results mean nothing. They aren't there to serve us. They are there to serve themselves at our expense.

  3. Starmer is truly a blockhead to start with … bovine, if that does not insult cattle.

  4. It matters not that Starmer is a blockhead as long as he is willing to follow orders from above and accelerate the 2030 agenda.


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