Thursday 15 August 2024

The emasculated male

My reaction to this one is perhaps not what many might suspect …

Suicide is the number one killer of Australian men. A court system perceived to favour women with child custody and the family home (even where these men are unemployed and have nowhere else to go) are major factors in the suicide of many Australian men.

All right … yes, the Big Payback by certain types of Hate Men women for perceived wrongs in the 50s, the 1890s, probably in 1425 … I’ve not a lot to say about history but if you’re going to bludgeon male kids before they’re grown, instilling guilt and self-loathing for others’ wrongs in the past … that actually says something about you as a person.

My reaction this time is not to the Feminazi female and lefty male scumbags supporting them but to the young males themselves, having no father in the home but just a succession of men pincushioning their mum at home … and that’s before we even get to this gender dysphoria bollox.

Now look … if you scroll down my X timeline, you’ll see a fair bit of this female world, from forests to fine artifacts to the fairy world and Wind in the Willows … so there’s definitely a certain SNAGishness in Jimbo (lack of parents I put it down to) but there’s also the usual demeanour seen here … that born of a time now long past. Direct, I call it.

What about these poor little sods today though? What chance any sort of masculinity? What chance they’ll be the bread winner in this manufacturing free new nation, where their talents are not needed? Correction … very much needed but not wanted by a particular type running society?

I’d say there’s an almighty crime against humanity going on here and the litmus test is actual suicide which, sorry … but that’s pathetic … as in pathos. I’ll say one thing … if they’d had a trad western upbringing … yes, including the Trinitarian God … they’d not be suiciding. No way. 

For a start, there’d be two parents in the home … there’d actually be a home … if there were paedo things happening, it might be later but it would eventually come out through the local infrastructure … the schoolteacher would still be a respected figure, unlike in today’s rainbow politics days. It was never “great” but it was a darned sight better than this hell on earth now.

And now more of the same, courtesy of just over 80% of the voting public staying home and just under 20% of red rosette nutters getting their communist into power.

Why did 80% not vote, apart from lethargy?  Well some did ... the Tories and others did actually return Members ... triumph of hope over experience of broken promises?

Where's it all now going?

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