Tuesday 13 August 2024


There’s a video up in another place on the MGB … Ruairidh does much of that sort of thing … aerospace, trains, whatever … shipping … and the conclusion he comes to is the same as so many vloggers and bloggers on Britain’s manufacturing history … it’s summed up in this comment from an obviously non-Brit:

Back when I started blogging, as distinct from commenting on blogs, a chap called Chris Dillow visited, I visited him … he was on about a thing called “managerialism” and I thought that it was one of the left against capitalism … close all shops, no more self-employed ventures … but it was far more than that, wasn’t it?

I’d just returned from Russia and one thing which stood out in memory was my mate there and I going to a new megastore built by Ikea, with Swedish management. However, as often happened in Russia around 2000, they’d watch the western foreigners set up the venture, then walk in and take it over. 

Well this is what happened with the megastore. My mate surprised me as they’re proud of their country … we by the way visited the food place every Thursday to chew the fat … he said to me … now watch the place go to ruin … just watch how this Ikea cafe drops in standard.

And it did … even down to new staff being surly, rude, couldn’t care less. Every country has its ra ra ra fine side … but it has its downside too.  One of the worst aspects of Britain, apart from shoddy buildings in the past few decades and the really schlock modern culture is upper management, i.e. the Managerial Class … just as bad as the Political Class and its low grade decision makers … just look at Westminster.


There’s a sister post to this at the main (substack) N.O. site … it comes to the issue through the smearing of those calling out the vaxx and lockdown outrages of 2021 to 2024 and still happening now. 

This post comes at the “smearing” topic via the police …

Maybe the MPF might start being honest, not telling porkies by omission.  One aspect is good cop bad cop … there are decent cops, too frightened to speak out … there are bad cops joining the whole sicko thing with gusto, kneeling humiliatingly, bowing to the invader, contrasting with five or six of them turning up at some woman’s home, sawing the door in half (on video), piling into her home and dragging her out.

Cooper’s partly right, in that she got the public perception of runaway, rainbow plod, kneeling when not running away alternating with the bullying thuggery. Much of it … but not all … comes from above and shifting this to the States for a mo, to Butler … you saw the testimony from the SS man who stated that he was ordered not to take out the gunman … though he saw him seconds before.

Much of this is top down and bringing in fictional Bourne characters, we’re talking Noah Voson, Conklin but those much higher up than those two. In Nixon’s days, it was Mark Felt … today the names are very public.

Over here … Rowley springs to mind but even he’s the puppet of whomever’s above him. These are the ones needing removing.

Meanwhile, meathead Starmer and Rowley, plus that CPS clown, play their part smearing the ordinary Brit.

The good aspect is when they start trying to prosecute those from other lands, e.g. Musk. Plus we are international ourselves … witness Nigel with Maria B on Fox. The days of oppressing just the natives and no one outside gets a say … that’s gone. Yes, they can pick of you or me, but thousands of others take our places.

To my mind, smearing is where the other side has no valid case … the vast majority of the disgruntled being working people with no time for all this rubbish. If they rally at all, it’s on a Saturday, in London … vans of fully riot clad plod leap out and start laying into grandmothers.

Police are unhappy? Leaving in droves?  No respect left? Wonder why.

Monday 12 August 2024

Even Their Briefs Are Bonkers!

The barrister Paul Powlesland, who has acted for climate protesters, was called to jury service last week, and made judicial history by taking an oath on the thing most holy to him – not an ancient book, but a cupful of water from his local river in north-east London:
“I swear by the River Roding, from her source in Molehill Green to her confluence with the Thames,” he said, “that I will faithfully try the defendant and give a true verdict according to the evidence.”


Powlesland explained that he wanted to promote the idea of the sacredness of nature, and its place in the legal system. “I hope that many others follow suit,” he said, “and animism is soon found more regularly in our courts.

Well, you do you, Paul. I'll be hoping for more sanity in them myself. 

Sunday 11 August 2024

In a national v globo dispute … who wins?

There’s an intriguing conundrum right now and I’m not sure anyone fully has the hang of it. Yes, we all know about Build Back, about the crisis planners, e.g. Event 201 … the plandemic, all of that … we know about the poisoned vaccines across the world and you could be forgiven for thinking that companies, platforms and organisations with global clout, on whom so many depend day to day … they’re above any law.

Then we get this:

The bollox this Vstager carries on about … what’s she going to do? Blanket ban X? In which country? Italy might not agree, nor Hungary, nor quite a few, as their pollies need X, ggl etc. to spread their message. The US is interesting … election months.

And the rubbish about extraditing Musk to Britain … what sort of psycho is Starmer? Andrew Torba has already told him where to put it.  So there’s an arch-globalist, Starmer, telling other global company heads what to do … in a national, not global way.

This constant strength testing … national versus global, is intriguing.

Saturday 10 August 2024

The smell of fear (quite rightly perhaps, perhaps not)

The gals across the way at our place are far fewer than the boys but when they do write or send, it's worth looking at.  I would say that as a central plank of my own platform, stall, whatever, is "men and women or women and men finding ways to effectively working together, using known strengths, the other covering when their strengths are to the fore."

Just sounds logical to me but there's been an entire political industry since Weishaupt, since Marx, the suffragettes, the Frankfurt School, since Friedan and similar Marxist harpies ... dedicated to finding points of grievance between the sexes, rather than points of agreement ... then working on them, prising them open, rubbing salt in ... and all weaponry of the shadow power have been dedicated to making women's lives a misery in the long term ... youtube has any number of vlogs, by women, on the topic ... such that may women are fearful in so many ways now, having lost so much faith in the medical profession for example ... just look for Mary Tally Bowden for a start ... she's on X.

Here's another example, sent by our Toodles across the way:


There's also the other side of the coin ... robbing boys of masculinity so that they grow up as Little Lord Fauntleroys and Christopher Robins, rather than the boy in The Who's "I'm a Boy":

I'm a boy, I'm a boyBut if I say I am, I get it
… Wanna play cricket on the greenRide my bike across the streamCut myself and see my bloodWanna come home all covered in mud
But that song itself is about gender dysphoria ... in the 60s ... so the notion has been around a long time. Coming back to Toodles and her reading:

The national probability-based U.S. survey, led by Dr. Laura D. Scherer and colleagues, involved 495 women aged 39 to 49 years without a history of breast cancer or known BRCA1/2 gene mutations. Participants were presented with a breast cancer screening decision aid (DA) that provided information about screening benefits and harms, as well as a personalized breast cancer risk estimate.

The study’s findings were striking:

  • Before viewing the DA, 27% of participants preferred to delay screening.
  •  After viewing the DA, this number increased to 38.5%.
  • There was no significant increase in the number of women never wanting mammography (5.4% before vs. 4.3% after).
  • Women who preferred to delay screening had lower breast cancer risk than those who did not.
  • Information about overdiagnosis was surprising to 37.4% of participants, compared to 27.2% for false-positive results and 22.9% for screening benefits.

These results suggest that when women are provided with comprehensive information about the benefits and risks of mammography screening, a significant portion prefer to delay the procedure, especially those at lower risk for breast cancer.

It all comes down, does it not, to "sound information", consistent, not to line Big Pharma's pockets but to help the women themselves ... out of a love for women as a species (as I'm guilty of jokingly calling them, applying it to men too ... are we not from Mars).

I'm at an NHS partner course, surrounded by mainly women and all go in for readings of this or that regularly, whereas it takes a lot to get me along once a year or biennially ... my health is staying out of those places. They cornered me three months ago and at least the readings were ok.

Point of this post? It's becoming more widespread, distrust of Authority, and we can argue about this ... is Authority today worthy of any trust, or is it all about not caring in the least, about me me me, about greed and to hell with the patient?

Friday 9 August 2024

You're Employed To Drop Bombs And Shoot Down The Enemy...

...so giving a bit of 'offence' should be like water off a duck's back:
The RAF has also launched a wider review of historical assets and terminology in a bid to prevent offence being taken, the MoS has learned.
Sources said 'further changes' could be ordered, pending its findings. The RAF said last night: 'As a modern and diverse Service, our focus must be on not giving prominence to any offensive term that goes against the values of the Royal Air Force. Therefore, 14 Squadron have ceased using their historic unofficial nickname.
'The traditions and informal nicknames used by the RAF in the earlier days have a place in our history. However, some are no longer appropriate in the 21st Century.'


14 Squadron has connections to the region dating back to both world wars. The squadron's motto 'I spread my wings and keep my promise' is taken from the Koran and even appears in Arabic on its royal crest.


Thursday 8 August 2024

Ladies and gentlemen … this is not a drill …

… not a trial run like the plandemic, like the residual vaxx damage … this is the real thing now.

This post, appearing at both OoL and N.O., relies on two sets of quotes … one general principles … and the second … specifics about the current British situation. To my mind, the quotes are quite telling.

Here are the general quotes about people and understanding … some are old, some not so old:

Wednesday 7 August 2024

Oh, C'mon, There Can't Be Much Doubt About The One On The Left...

...he's clearly not missed many meals! 

It’s been one of Cat Onyac’s better days. Her two children are concentrating on their crochet project, sitting in the sunshine at HvH Arts in north London. And they’ve eaten. “All the children get a hot meal,” she says. The family is at a summer scheme for children in Camden on the edge of Keir Starmer’s constituency, and food is just as important as learning photography, painting or music.
Salads might be a better option in summer, Cat...
“That means not worrying whether they’re going to eat or not,” says Cat, a single parent. “It helps reduce the shopping bill. I’m not worrying what am I going to make for them and are they going to be the only child who hasn’t had anything to eat?”

What are you doing with the child benefit you get then?  

It’s people like Onyac and her family who were on the minds of the seven Labour MPs who rebelled against the party last week and voted for an SNP amendment to lift the two-child benefit limit. That, along with the benefit cap, the effects of inflation and the roll out of universal credit, pushed 700,000 more children into poverty over the past 14 years.

No, it didn't. They are talking about relative poverty, not absolute poverty.  

Tuesday 6 August 2024

Social credit score

An item came through which I caught in passing, it was copied to paste, I had a phone call ... you know what happened.

All right ... Aus Labor Crims have started the social credit score to post online ... apparently someone commenting needs 250 points, determined by the Woke left zoomer bureaucrats.

To say it's utter bollox is an understatement .  Not meaning true or not true ... I mean it won't stop comment ... there are obviously ways around, even using carrier pigeons, word of mouth etc.

Then the money side of it ... everyone will be a good little boy or girl for 90% of their time. In Russia, the method was called Samizdat, as many know.  There are ways.

The more worrying aspect is Starmer's standing army of black shirts or, translated into the Python film Brazil, the self help police.  Bizarre? Yes but Starmer's quite serious.


Monday 5 August 2024

"We cannot get justice without CCTV"

The mother of a young boy with complex needs has called for all special schools to have CCTV after her son was attacked by a teaching assistant. Her 13-year-old son Tobie, from Wolverhampton, is autistic and non-speaking. He was kicked, pushed and had his head held down in the 20 minute assault, and his mother Charlotte said a security camera had picked up the full extent of the attack. "To see that man attack him in a place he thought was safe - it was just horrendous," Charlotte said.

Unfortunately, even with the CCTV, she didn't get justice.... 

Tobie's attacker, William Kevin Clifford, 61, pleaded guilty to child cruelty at Wolverhampton Crown Court earlier this month and was given a suspended sentence of nine months.

*sighs* You won't believe why....

Passing sentencing, the judge told the court: 'William Kevin Clifford has several mitigating factors and a huge amount of suffering whilst waiting for this case to be concluded, including anxiety, weight gain and the inability to secure any employment.'

He's the real victim here, you see...anyone else would simply say those thing were consequences of his actions, not any sort of mitigation. 

"If that security camera had not picked it up, then we would never have known what had happened Tobie,' Charlotte said. "If this could happen in Tobie's school, with a formidable team of staff, it can happen anywhere."

And while the 'pinishment' for it is barely even a slap on the wrist, why would it ever stop happening?  

Currently, it is down to the individual school to decide whether it wants CCTV. Campaigners in the past have taken a petition to the Scottish Parliament but their call to make surveillance mandatory was rejected over concerns about the balance between privacy and protection.

Or more likely, concerns about how widespread this behaviour is?