Tuesday 13 August 2024


There’s a video up in another place on the MGB … Ruairidh does much of that sort of thing … aerospace, trains, whatever … shipping … and the conclusion he comes to is the same as so many vloggers and bloggers on Britain’s manufacturing history … it’s summed up in this comment from an obviously non-Brit:

Back when I started blogging, as distinct from commenting on blogs, a chap called Chris Dillow visited, I visited him … he was on about a thing called “managerialism” and I thought that it was one of the left against capitalism … close all shops, no more self-employed ventures … but it was far more than that, wasn’t it?

I’d just returned from Russia and one thing which stood out in memory was my mate there and I going to a new megastore built by Ikea, with Swedish management. However, as often happened in Russia around 2000, they’d watch the western foreigners set up the venture, then walk in and take it over. 

Well this is what happened with the megastore. My mate surprised me as they’re proud of their country … we by the way visited the food place every Thursday to chew the fat … he said to me … now watch the place go to ruin … just watch how this Ikea cafe drops in standard.

And it did … even down to new staff being surly, rude, couldn’t care less. Every country has its ra ra ra fine side … but it has its downside too.  One of the worst aspects of Britain, apart from shoddy buildings in the past few decades and the really schlock modern culture is upper management, i.e. the Managerial Class … just as bad as the Political Class and its low grade decision makers … just look at Westminster.

We see it in Cressida Dick, Rowley, anyone making decisions at the top.  A minor example which sets the tone for this post was two years back when I complained over and over about Hermes, now Evri … seems I was not alone in that. I’m a fairly good customer, buy a fair bit, it was acknowledged at one stage … any minor thing was sorted at lower echelon level.

Anyway … some toerag bowled in and said I was “guilty of” some most unusual criticisms … I was hereby banned (or whatever euphemism it was) from buying anything at their site.

You wot? Pure upper manager two second look … instant big stick reaction. Where did that tosser get off? How did he develop such an attitude … did he think it made him all-powerful?

British managerialism at its worst. Meanwhile, Amz itself ignored it, I gnored it … we just carried on as before.  Sometime later, I was visted by a lady from Hermes … perfect deliveries for some months.

And that is what we have today with this big stick to anyone even thinking of retweting or reposting.  So we should examine these horses’ backsides who somehow make it to the top of the tree in any field at all … or are parachuted in sideways with not so much as a by your leave … Humza springs to mind. I go by the rule of thumb that they’re liable to be big stick tossers.

Latest was Welby, saying anyone disagreeing with rainbow wokery was “not Christian”. Really rich coming from a satanist.

Churchill made an oblique comment which is still germane to this issue:

Yes … there is that … but there are also some of the finest minds in history, inventors, manufacturers, composers, mechanics … they produced under duress, let alone the intrepid adventurers … they produced great successes and then … and then … someone or something completely bggrd it up for them. I half suspect that these pompous managerialists are ordered to by their temple or boss in Europe.

It’s not, then, as Churchill suggested, only the self-effacing way that most Brits have just allowed the country to be taken over … but the old intrepid type has either died, been silenced or incarcerated … every single bloody time … one by one.

By whom?

By useless managerialists right up themselves … mutually and self congratulatory, smug, lazy … useless. And heaven help anyone calling them out.

I owe Chris Dillow an apology.

1 comment:

  1. One more example of our tendency to let the dross govern us is the treatment of Alan Turing.
    It seems the dross either think that gifted people are worthless or it doesn't matter if some of them are destroyed because there are plenty more where they came from.
    To repeat what Plato said - if you don't take an interest in politics, you'll eventually be governed by your inferiors. And that's where we've been for decades.


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