Tuesday 6 August 2024

Social credit score

An item came through which I caught in passing, it was copied to paste, I had a phone call ... you know what happened.

All right ... Aus Labor Crims have started the social credit score to post online ... apparently someone commenting needs 250 points, determined by the Woke left zoomer bureaucrats.

To say it's utter bollox is an understatement .  Not meaning true or not true ... I mean it won't stop comment ... there are obviously ways around, even using carrier pigeons, word of mouth etc.

Then the money side of it ... everyone will be a good little boy or girl for 90% of their time. In Russia, the method was called Samizdat, as many know.  There are ways.

The more worrying aspect is Starmer's standing army of black shirts or, translated into the Python film Brazil, the self help police.  Bizarre? Yes but Starmer's quite serious.



  1. Stinker Starmer tells us that vigilantes are a bad thing. But apparently not when muslims, calling themselves vigilantes roam the streets brandishing machetes and beating up lone white men.
    Then there's the video of the overweight cop telling a bunch of muslims that "we are here to protect you".
    Now Stinker is giving £100+ million to muslims to increase security around their mosques. But not a penny, of our money, mind, to increase security around churches which have been under attack by muslims for decades.
    I have long thought that Stinker was a stinker but now he's got the reins of power, the stench is overwhelming. And his deadpan, gormless countenance is inducing antiperistalsis of the oesophagus in me every time I have to see him. Same with house flipper Cooper-Balls.

  2. His head seems to be swelling.

    1. His one brain cell must be extra lonely then.


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