Tuesday 13 August 2024


There’s a sister post to this at the main (substack) N.O. site … it comes to the issue through the smearing of those calling out the vaxx and lockdown outrages of 2021 to 2024 and still happening now. 

This post comes at the “smearing” topic via the police …

Maybe the MPF might start being honest, not telling porkies by omission.  One aspect is good cop bad cop … there are decent cops, too frightened to speak out … there are bad cops joining the whole sicko thing with gusto, kneeling humiliatingly, bowing to the invader, contrasting with five or six of them turning up at some woman’s home, sawing the door in half (on video), piling into her home and dragging her out.

Cooper’s partly right, in that she got the public perception of runaway, rainbow plod, kneeling when not running away alternating with the bullying thuggery. Much of it … but not all … comes from above and shifting this to the States for a mo, to Butler … you saw the testimony from the SS man who stated that he was ordered not to take out the gunman … though he saw him seconds before.

Much of this is top down and bringing in fictional Bourne characters, we’re talking Noah Voson, Conklin but those much higher up than those two. In Nixon’s days, it was Mark Felt … today the names are very public.

Over here … Rowley springs to mind but even he’s the puppet of whomever’s above him. These are the ones needing removing.

Meanwhile, meathead Starmer and Rowley, plus that CPS clown, play their part smearing the ordinary Brit.

The good aspect is when they start trying to prosecute those from other lands, e.g. Musk. Plus we are international ourselves … witness Nigel with Maria B on Fox. The days of oppressing just the natives and no one outside gets a say … that’s gone. Yes, they can pick of you or me, but thousands of others take our places.

To my mind, smearing is where the other side has no valid case … the vast majority of the disgruntled being working people with no time for all this rubbish. If they rally at all, it’s on a Saturday, in London … vans of fully riot clad plod leap out and start laying into grandmothers.

Police are unhappy? Leaving in droves?  No respect left? Wonder why.

1 comment:

  1. Polis. No career path up through ranks. Experience trumped by a degree in some Arts' n' farts topic, silly baseball hats, no local loyalty - just trucked in, mob handed, no numbers and fully masked, from some faraway fortress to deal with those they are told are the problem. Then home for tea.


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