Thursday 8 August 2024

Ladies and gentlemen … this is not a drill …

… not a trial run like the plandemic, like the residual vaxx damage … this is the real thing now.

This post, appearing at both OoL and N.O., relies on two sets of quotes … one general principles … and the second … specifics about the current British situation. To my mind, the quotes are quite telling.

Here are the general quotes about people and understanding … some are old, some not so old:

And thus we get to the Kierkegaarde situation of clown world, with the clowns in the main very, very nasty people inside clown suits … there to do you literal harm.  This quote does sum up the last moments of the civilisation … with people STILL not understanding in the least … and the enemy knowing full well that the majority do not understand … in fact the bad players depend on that. The more bizarre the costume, the more the audience whoops and cheers … but in fact it is the end of them:

And now to some specifics from the past few years and days:

Lastly, I saw a clip, put up by Them, of a police team sawing a person’s house front door in half vertically, with great relish … kicking it in and all piling in to arrest the sole person they were after.

My question is … who authorised that level of delight and relish in kicking down a British person’s door, just as in the raid on Mar-a-Lago in the States? What sort of a mind are we actually dealing with here? A merciful, ethical mind?


  1. The Bible explains all that is happening. We are living in a fallen world and Satan is the ruler - for now.
    My solution is to pray to God for protection for myself and my family. Only Jesus can protect us against the satanic forces that have been unleashed and surround us. But no one, or rather, very few of us believe that these days.

  2. I don't know why, but I keep being reminded of the Peterloo massacre.
    Similar Northern Towns, similar disfunction between working class and elites. Similar concern by the elites regarding the dissemination of the truth. The massacre led to the creation of the Guardian, a Newspaper decrying the current working class as far-right. An amazing amnesia regarding their roots and a deliberate following of the elite narrative rather than holding the powerful elites to account.
    The elites slandered the Peterloo mob just as the mobs today are being slandered.
    History is a great tool. It provides great perspective even on modern-day events.

  3. JH: Historian Robert Poole has called the Peterloo Massacre "the bloodiest political event of the 19th century in English soil", and "a political earthquake in the northern powerhouse of the industrial revolution".[1] The London and national papers shared the horror felt in the Manchester region, but Peterloo's immediate effect was to cause the government to pass the Six Acts, which were aimed at suppressing any meetings for the purpose of radical reform. It also led indirectly to the foundation of The Manchester Guardian newspaper.[2] In a survey conducted by The Guardian (the modern iteration of The Manchester Guardian) in 2006, Peterloo came second to the Putney Debates as the event from radical British history that most deserved a proper monument or a memorial.

  4. Like all organisations which start out with good intentions, and then a change of leadership changes the direction of that organisation, The Guardian is now the media mouthpiece of the Labour Party, with very selective reporting, quotes, and opinions. Is there any other newspaper which advertises vacancies in the BBC or Civil Service? If not, that certainly explains a lot.

  5. The six acts resonate today, given that they curtailed the right to assembly (you had to have the permission of a magistrate or sheriff if over 50 people) - these days it's dispersal orders and they also limited the dissemination of information, putting duty on newspapers and forcing newspaper owners to provide a bond. And they introduced measures to speed up the conviction of miscreants (sounds vey familiar).
    Also similar are the calls to limit the internet.
    I'm appalled at the Labour party. They, the party (supposedly) of Socialism, the foundations of which were very much birthed in the activism in Manchester and which influence Engels during his time in the city. One of the founding fathers of Socialism. The Labour party are no better than the corrupt politicians of 1819.
    I'm also blown away by the political similarities the corn laws artificially raised the price of food for everyone, but hit the poor the hardest. Today it's net zero taxes that are artificially raising prices and causing hardship for the poor.
    We should learn more history, because we learn so much about where certain actions lead.

    1. "I'm appalled at the Labour party." Surely not?


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