Saturday 12 November 2022

Two countries ... similar issues


Companies always over-hire then fire extensively but seldom look at the mismanagement from the top that created the problems. HR depts are a major factor in poor management by using ridiculous "standards" for hiring, promoting those resumes that have the right buzzwords while weeding out the better qualified candidates because their cover letters weren't "good enough", as well as posting jobs that have already been filled by the boss's nephew because policy dictates the job must be posted.

The over-reporting by depts means that management relies heavily on spreadsheets that have been thrown together sloppily, never double-checked, with the old "garbage in, garbage out" adage fully in play. Bad information leads to poor decision-making.

Tech companies are over-priced, dictatorial playgrounds for the new billionaire class in this country. Top management has promoted censorship while pushing their pet causes & political viewpoints. It has to end.

IanJ from N.O.:

The prescription in the title triggered this - has your 'surgery' or pharmacy been difficult to collect prescriptions from lately? 

Mine has - even when sent electronically from the surgery, prescriptions were not being printed until one went into the shop - followed by a wait of .... or a second visit to collect.... then maybe a third if something was n/a. 

Could they check when the prescription was issued? (computers are good at this!)  No, we have a new system..... My answer was to ask to collect prescription at the surgery, deliver to pharmacy, then wait for items. 

But ... the surgery wants to be paperless and is using (guess what) a new system... OK... 

But ... the pharmacy doesn't use this system and now has to search online for the prescription, find it, then process. I'm still experimenting with this, but for >10yrs, there has been a working, reliable system, until someone (?), jobsworth, Hunt saboteur or whoever, whether in the pharmacy or the surgery, has found a neat way to wreck it while throwing blame onto everyone else. 

Am I a conspiracy theorist?  Too right, I don't trust the buggers as far as I could throw them!

There've been better, more stable times than these.

Friday 11 November 2022

Armistice Day … 11th of the 11th, at 11 a.m.

For those across the world still observing this Remembrance, please be upstanding at 11 a.m.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: 
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

Yes, Because The Laws You Demand Apply To You Too...

The President of the National Union of Students, who was sacked following an investigation into allegations of antisemitism, says she was 'discriminated against as a black Muslim woman'.

Is there some sort of clause that says it's OK for black Muslim women to be anti-semitic, then? 

Shaima Dallali, 27, became the first president to be fired in the 100-year history of the NUS after 'significant breaches of policy' were found. It came after she was suspended from her role at the end of August, just a month into her two-year term.
But she has rejected the findings of an independent disciplinary panel and is considering taking legal action after her contract was terminated yesterday.

Hah! What sort of law firm would take on such a... 

In a statement released on her behalf today, law firm Carter-Ruck...

Oh. Right.  

...said she had already 'apologised fully for an inappropriate Tweet which she had published in 2012 (that is, a decade before becoming President)'.

Didn't you get the memo? It doesn't matter how long ago transgressions were made... 

Lawyers added that she had also made clear her position that other tweets which faced criticism and which pre-dated her election to her NUS role 'were not antisemitic'.

Didn't you get the memo that says 'it's what those offended feel that matters' either..? 

Thursday 10 November 2022

Entire Voting Audience Awarded Eye-Sight Tests

There was a story, in the Breitbart News, regarding the contest to select the Miss Greater Derry 2023 in New Hampshire, part of the Miss America organisation.

My headline? View the picture of the Winner, and then maybe you will understand my immediate reaction, which was to wonder what all the other young women were thinking about, when they decided to remain in the contest, after realising what the Opposition actually was.

It's the sources which really count

This post will appear in two places, it also cross-refers, as there's little point just transferring graphics from one place to another.  It's about sources, multiple sources, plus things triggered in our heads when we see something which adds to something we saw earlier.

This is not even up yet at our place yonder but it will be this afternoon:

It Feels Like We Are Watching the First Wholly Manufactured Election in Our History in Which All Key Competitive Races Were Programmed By Langley.

There's a different source which says much the same thing and I saw similar yesterday.

The US midterms that was and four specifics I'll refer to now, from a virtual torrent of information, including that quote, also Trump conceding so quickly, by saying, "We can lose the battle but learn much in order to win the war."

Really?  In Kari Lake's case in corrupt Maricopa, a firebrand MAGA went into an election run by her opponent Kate Hobbs, Secretary of State, in which the machines suddenly stopped working and Lake's voters in strong GOP precincts were told to stay in line for hours. If you could not, you left the ballot for later sending downtown to Hobbs's counting centre.  There was footage of ballot dumping as well and, "Here we go again." Hobbs had refused to debate, plus she has a strong Soros connection.

There was a brain damaged vegetable sent to the Senate and the memes of course featured Biden and him attempting to converse.

All that was ignored by Mad Cow Maddow on skeleton CNN whose faux outrage was over armed "thugs" standing over ballot boxes to prevent Demrats voting. Quite ignored.

Back over here, Yvette Cooper flat out lies about no plans for digital ID and this item from Wales completely ignores the bellowing elephant in the room. If you still resolutely do not understand the propaganda job being done on Welsh people, even in the url, then there is no chance you'd ever understand.

This comment very much sees:

I saw this on the *** today and wondered why our 'conservative govt' are still letting them land - surely Border force and RNLI are commiting offences too! 

Since 28 June 2022, it has been a specific crime to knowingly arrive in the United Kingdom without proper permission. The penalty is up to four years in jail. This offence of illegal arrival was created by the Nationality and Borders Act. Tom Pursglove, the then junior ministers for tackling illegal immigration, explained to MPs that the proposed new offence aimed to tackle small boat migrants. "They arrive in, but may not technically enter, the UK," he said.

It speaks of "committing offences", which also takes us back to Arizona, plus the southern border. 

What was the one resounding "MAGA" success by the way?  De Santis on 60%, a race allowed to be free because he took steps, plus he was allowed to by the Feds.  Why?  Pundits point to kicking out Zuckerbucks, plus laws tightening voting method, plus a task force overseeing voting in key places, e.g. Broward. Plus he's the only real chance to stymie Trump in '24, plus his wife is WEF.

We now come to sources.  Quite gone as far as reality goes are those whose sources are MSM and office talk, plus talkback radio. We're not even on the same page to begin with. Even we over yonder have been hotly debating sources of late ... contributors have been putting cases and backgrounding sources, ferreting, which has seen certain exposers of controlled opposition spammed and even refused the right to comment.  By whom?  Not by me, that's for sure.

Censorship ... big tech censorship. On the other hand, there is one Demrat troll here, a leftwing academic from the States whom I'll openly block ... if you're a political blogger, tweeter or gabber, tell me you have never had to deal with trolls or censorship?

Why does Toby Young ignore the very real reticence on many MAGA's parts to roundly endorse De Santis?  Simple ... Toby's politics are M25 bubble conventional, LBC stuff, even GB News.  The sources sent by others on De Santis he's not seen because he's never looked because he doesn't know how, because he's so busily off on his own white charger.  Worthily, yes, but ignoring most of the minutiae.  Thoroughly decent chap and all that.

Sources, people ... sources ... in the final analysis, we are but our sources in the political conversation.  And no one has accessed all possible sound sources ... plus too often they start off soundly but then branch off into trollery. 

Wednesday 9 November 2022

The TRUE and DEADLY Cost of being 'SMART'

I have not been writing a great deal in the past few weeks, as I’ve been dealing with other things, but; after watching the TV news just this afternoon, I decided to comment.

The single source of my annoyance? The stories about how almost 70,000 households have been switched, by the use of a selective electronic circuit in their strangely-named ‘Smart Meters’ from paying by the chosen method of a Direct Debit, to a pre-payment service: with absolutely NO NOTICE whatsoever! 

Now I have written previously about these so-called ‘Smart Meters’, and about how the only way that a consumer can actually “save money” with using these infernal devices is to switch any or all devices OFF. To be perfectly frank, the only bunch that wins from the connection of a ‘Smart Meter’, are the bloody suppliers and generators of both electricity and gas.

But here’s the truly annoying thing that even I did not either know or appreciate; which is that these Electronic meters can be; and have been modified so that they will ONLY WORK when a pre-payment has been made, and if the cash is not immediately available, that electricity or gas will not flow until that CASH is paid! 

As winter speedily approaches, and the true cost of living rockets upwards, many of those families will suddenly find that COMPUTERS have no sympathy; no compassion; and have no gas or power to heat their homes or cook their food.

Others Should Face This Charge Too, Shouldn't They?

Boden, of Romford Way in Barrow Hill, Chesterfield, and Marsden, of no fixed address, deny murder, two counts of child cruelty, and two charges of causing or allowing the death of a child.

Every single social worker and health visitor who had any dealings with these creatures, in fact... 

Jurors were shown photographs of the couple's cluttered home in Old Whittington, near Chesterfield, Derbyshire, and blood-stained items found by police inside, including a vomit and faeces-stained cot mattress cover, duvet cover, Mickey Mouse baby grow and a 'Captain Cute' T-shirt.
Paramedics were called to the address at 2.33am on Christmas Day, finding Marsden 'upset and screaming' and the child without a pulse. Medics discovered Boden trying to resuscitate Finley on the kitchen floor but also 'noticed that his (Finley's) clothing was dirty, had dirty hands and fingernails, and he had new and raw scrapes and abrasions on his nose and linings of his nostrils,' said Ms Prior.
Ms Prior said: '(Medics) thought Finley had been dead longer than the parents were suggesting.' The address was later described by a doctor as 'extremely dirty, smelly and very cluttered', while a paramedic said it 'smelt of cannabis'.

And yet that's no bar to being allowed to look after a child, it seems. 

'His parents, we say, worked together to hide the injuries from the social worker, from the health visitor and the police for their own self-centred reasons.
'They didn't want social services to remove Finley if the appalling way they were treating Finley was discovered.'

Why on earth did they worry about such an unlikely occurrence? 

Tuesday 8 November 2022

Amnesty? Really?

As an inveterate harbinger of doom, nevertheless I’m deeply conscious that all we’re bringing you is a constant torrent of gloom and dashing of hopes … which is precisely what Klaus, Sore Ass, Gates and their legions of mobsters and karens wish us to do.

This Tuesday morning, there happens to be some light relief over at our place, plus Julia’s always a nice place to start the day.  But I do have to warn the reader that further down in this post, a long way down, is heavy … it’s anger triggering, ok?

First, reader Andy sent this as another take on things going on:

As with his manner, I also find these ladies below quite restful.  Call me kinky for watching this but the tone of ladies nattering is, for me, a great cure for insomnia and stress:

It’s especially relaxing if regional British and sing-song like.  When I go shopping and some lady says, “It’s on aisle 17, loovly, halfway along on the right,” then I find that very calming, even if it was eventually aisle 16, near the start on the left because they’d rearranged all the shelves.

So … in a good mood, a calm mood, a well fed mood, one can better meet something like this recent memory:

Amnesty with zero remorse from you?  You do understand where you can stick that, don’t you? Your day of reckoning is coming, globo-psychos and karens.

Monday 7 November 2022

The True Enemy Within...

Staffordshire county council has agreed to remove the name of terrorist Usman Khan, who killed two people in the London Bridge attacks, from a council report over concerns it could 'inflame' the far right.

What has it got to do with Staffordshire, anyway? 

In 2019, Cambridge University graduates Jack Merritt, 25, and Saskia Jones, 23, were attacked and killed by convicted terrorist Khan, 28, who was born in Stoke-on-Trent.

Ah. Well, no doubt they do want to obscure that inconvenient fact. But a fact it remains. Still, these loony-left councils, eh? What are they l... 

At the Conservative-run council's Safeguarding Overview and Scrutiny Committee...


...councillor Gillian Pardesi argued that including Khan's name and ethnic background could provoke an increase in hate crime.


The chairman of the committee disagreed with cllr Pardesi and said the authority should be wary of 'watering down' information that was in the public domain.
Councillor Bob Spencer said: 'I think the expression of how that translates into the far-right threat is not 100 per cent clear.
'I think we ought to be careful about how we report some of the things and some of the words that we use. However, having said that, if we are simply mirroring or echoing the phrases and words already used by the coroner, that gives it the requisite validity around us using those as well. 'I think this is public knowledge and within the public domain - we're not telling people something that they don't know. I don't see the value personally in changing the language of Home Office reports. I do worry about us constantly watering down facts.'
But sadly, Bob, you're not getting any traction. Richard Littlejohn is rather more forthright: does give yet another depressing insight into the official mindset when it comes to downplaying Islamist atrocities, especially on British soil. This isn't just confined to pusillanimous politicians, the Guardianistas who run the justice system and the Home Office, or the officer class at Scotland Yard, all brainwashed by the Left-wing freemasonry Common Purpose. It now extends throughout every branch of government and so-called 'public service', including Staffordshire council.


Sunday 6 November 2022

If this is not countered right now, bye bye OoL

… plus any other polit-website not kowtowing to Globo-Psycho.

Almost continuing on from the NZ situation (previous post), we now return to the UK and this article Sunday morning:

To quote one part would be to detract and the following remarks assume you’ve first read it.  I, along with others, have criticised Toby’s M25 bubble glasses he sees the world through but in this case, it’s appropriate.  Westminster, years back, suffered the indignity of the Scottish Marxists physically occupying the front bench (briefly) and they did so with scant respect.

Of course the rest of the Commons are hardly worthy of respect anyway but that’s beside the point in this particular case where a feckless communist law up in the knuckle end suddenly applies UK wide.  And you think that’s not at the back of the SNP mind?  Revenge for Culliden or the clearances?  These ‘people’ (the SNP, not Scots as a whole) are insane, psycho, unfitted for office.

If you beg to differ, fine … at least we still can … which will not be the situation if this ever gets to apply. I’d draw your attention, ladies and gentlemen, to the Named Person bill which appointed a ‘named person for every Scottish baby (the ones surviving feckless, open slather mass abortion and or paedo-ing of infants) and that marxist then ‘mentors’ the child for at least his/her minority.

Just think of thecstate of mind of Govan Krankie forcing that through … Jackboot (I am the way, the truth) Ardern, version two.  Yet you saw ‘her’ voted back in or at least cheated back in downunder by what must be a loony electorate.  And in the spirit of this current insanity of tail wagging dog and handing the entire country over to a minority, how about this here?

Did I invent that?  Or was it a real sign?  Think on’t and on its implications.  Under Krankie Law (UK), anything at all at OoL runs a great risk, inc. Julia’s posts, of displaying not the correct totalitarian enthusiasm.  And you think they won’t come for you readers too?  Heard of GCHQ?

Also remember Tamara Lych, arrested and imprisoned for the Freedom convoy:

Also remember Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips?  They’re in prison right now for refusing to shop a colleague who exposed corruption in 2000 Mules.  

If such people are not to be remembered, then what’s the point?