Saturday 12 November 2022

Two countries ... similar issues


Companies always over-hire then fire extensively but seldom look at the mismanagement from the top that created the problems. HR depts are a major factor in poor management by using ridiculous "standards" for hiring, promoting those resumes that have the right buzzwords while weeding out the better qualified candidates because their cover letters weren't "good enough", as well as posting jobs that have already been filled by the boss's nephew because policy dictates the job must be posted.

The over-reporting by depts means that management relies heavily on spreadsheets that have been thrown together sloppily, never double-checked, with the old "garbage in, garbage out" adage fully in play. Bad information leads to poor decision-making.

Tech companies are over-priced, dictatorial playgrounds for the new billionaire class in this country. Top management has promoted censorship while pushing their pet causes & political viewpoints. It has to end.

IanJ from N.O.:

The prescription in the title triggered this - has your 'surgery' or pharmacy been difficult to collect prescriptions from lately? 

Mine has - even when sent electronically from the surgery, prescriptions were not being printed until one went into the shop - followed by a wait of .... or a second visit to collect.... then maybe a third if something was n/a. 

Could they check when the prescription was issued? (computers are good at this!)  No, we have a new system..... My answer was to ask to collect prescription at the surgery, deliver to pharmacy, then wait for items. 

But ... the surgery wants to be paperless and is using (guess what) a new system... OK... 

But ... the pharmacy doesn't use this system and now has to search online for the prescription, find it, then process. I'm still experimenting with this, but for >10yrs, there has been a working, reliable system, until someone (?), jobsworth, Hunt saboteur or whoever, whether in the pharmacy or the surgery, has found a neat way to wreck it while throwing blame onto everyone else. 

Am I a conspiracy theorist?  Too right, I don't trust the buggers as far as I could throw them!

There've been better, more stable times than these.


  1. Ref the prescriptions. The starting point is that everything the government touches that does not directly bring money into its coffers they fuck up. Every time. Time after time and the only growth industry created from that is investigations into what went wrong and lessons learnt. Which is a bit like school. It is the same lessons every time. Nobody gets punished, unless it is a member of the public, and nothing changes.

    We are circling the drain and our civilisation is going down.

  2. My experience of obtaining and fulfilling prescriptions has generally been positive. When I was caring for mum her prescriptions were delivered before they were needed. This happened even if the surgery hadn't issued the prescription. The pharmacy would fill out a blank and send it to the surgery (over the road) for signature. It worked because those involved made it work. So why the change? Cock up or conspiracy springs to mind.


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