Tuesday 2 November 2021

Quo competence anymore?

Now I have a dilemma - the text is private email, yet she includes links also and that text is so to the point, it's something which has certainly been on my mind, so I'll run it herewith:

Not before time, the first one.  The second one is absolutely appalling... apparently every main speaker yesterday used the identical phrase about it being our fault and the population needs to be reduced, hence the vaccine.  Unfortunately I cannot see how anything can be done to reverse it, can you?? Good thing we are at the end of our lives, wouldn't want to be young today.

And of course, being more aged than young and seeing our demise accelerated ahead of time instead of every effort being made to keep us alive, which used to be the way, and observing how everyone from Schwab to Vox Day to the Ok Boomer chanting kids are all cheerily hoping to speed us on our way and get us financially off their hands, well, all I can say is ...

You're aging too, you know.  We get there first, that's all.  When you get there in zombie time, is the place better or worse than what we had?  And look at the quality of person who'll be ruling over you - Ardern, Cortez and Omar the alleged adulterer.

Look at the quality of the brain in each case.  Communist simpletons like Corbyn and Starmer are one thing but compound that with One Nation socialists like Carrie-ruled Johnson [nooky only if he's a good boy and pushes climate bollox] and truly evil muvvers like Schwab ... and there are your "leaders".

Fun future for all?

The more frightening thing is that there really are people who voted for Ardern, for Cortez in her case. At best, they're kids, when world leaders used to be in their 50s/60s, having seen enough but not yet senile.

Quo competence anymore?

Monday 1 November 2021

Maybe You Shouldn't Have Just Stood Guard..?

Police were forced to protect a dying seal on a beach as crowds hurled stones at it in its final moments.
The seal died just hours after officers attended the scene in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk to guard it on Tuesday.
Some people were spotted throwing stones at the grey seal, while parents were seen taking pictures of their children alongside the dying mammal.

Maybe you should have arrested a few of the ghouls and morons? 

Or some of the grandstanding idiots who claim to 'help wildlife' (as long as it's not too inconvenient for them, of course): 

Daniel Goldsmith, chairman of Marine Wildlife Rescue, attended the scene.
"Upon arriving we realised that we needed to euthanize the seal, which would be the most humane course of action.
"We needed to do it as soon as possible, otherwise it would end up at sea and its suffering would be prolonged. The crowds that had gathered made it difficult to do this safely."

Really? Why? The police were there standing guard, weren't they? 

"We contacted Great Yarmouth Borough Council in order to assist with the removal of the seal after it was euthanised but they said they could not do so without advanced notice. We hoped to return later that day so the crowds would be quieter and hoped that the council would help then."

Wait, what? You knew the animal needed to be euthanised then and there. Why didn't you do it, instead of whining about 'crowds'..?

"Unfortunately they still couldn't. We returned at 4.30pm and the seal eventually went back into the sea, where it was seen floating limply but was not really swimming.
"It may take several days or weeks for a seal in this state to die and will likely turn up elsewhere along the coast in a poor state."

Well, yes, because you let it! And no, the council isn't on the hook for that, you are! 

Great Yarmouth Borough Council said: "We received a call yesterday from a man who was on his way to Yarmouth to potentially put down a seal that had been found on Yarmouth beach.
"We were happy to assist and advised that the council could collect it from the beach once it was dead, but not before as the council does not handle live animals.
"The council advised we would be able to collect the dead animal the following morning. Normal council policy is for collection of animals within 24 to 48hrs, dependant on their location and how easy the access is to the site."

Someone needs to ask some hard questions of Mr Goldsmith. The behaviour of the spectators has drawn all the media attention. He should be getting some, too. 

Sunday 31 October 2021

Grief: If I had Only Known!

I have waited to speak on this subject, in deference to Her Majesty’s Coroner, to the legal process of the Inquest system; but mainly to ensure that my beloved wife is given HER due, in reminding everyone involved that no one is above the LAW!

To be human is to feel emotion. From the sounds of sixty-five thousand voices, most of whom were hoping against hope that England would soar against the curse which has bedevilled the very idea of a series of penalty kicks resultant in an English triumph, to the sound of a trumpet sounding ‘The Last Post’. I understand the emotions which grab the very core of a human’s mind, that very thing which separates us from the animals. When Shakespeare penned those words which he gave to Henry The Fifth in the scenes before the battle at Azincourt; did he wonder, or even imagine, that somehow the miracle of ‘Moving Pictures’ would immortalise his words in film, as Laurence Olivier brought that fervour to a distinctly unimaginative army of bowmen?

Some may scorn the bagpipes, but, to a semi-detached Gaelic mind, the skirl of ‘Amazing Grace’, or ‘Flowers of the Forest’ brings a tangible moment where the skin just tightens around the back of one’s neck; the heart beats just that bit faster, the pride in those emotions surfaces for many.‘ For my wife, it was the majestic Song to the Moon from Rusalka by Dvorak, sung by Milada Subrtova. We both loved classical music. My wife veered more towards music from ballet, as she also was possibly happiest when watching her favourites. 

My late brother, knowing that we were due across to England on holiday some four decades ago, booked tickets to see Nureyev; and my wife thought that she was nearing ‘nirvana’, watching her hero dance to the music she adored. My own tastes veered towards the music of the masters, Beethoven, Mozart and Vivaldi. That the music she loved most was that played as the curtains slowly closed around her coffin was chosen by myself, but, IF I HAD ONLY KNOWN, that same music could have continued to sooth her troubled mind for months, if not for years.

Of all the myriad human emotional lamentations, without any doubt the most common is the expression  ‘If only I had known’. As I kissed my wife farewell, as I raised my phone and sadly snapped the last image, as I know now it to be, of my wife, as I watched her be wheeled away towards the lifts and the awaiting wards: If only I had known’.

If Only I Had Known that at least one man would treat her as just a case, not a human being but as an exercise in ridding him, and his hospital, of a tiresome presence if things didn’t go as planned. I doubt if the word ‘criminal’ even strayed across his consciousness as he phoned this unsuspecting husband, sick with worry over a hospitalised, injured wife, and entered on a long prepared monologue about how elderly people could not withstand the shock of resuscitation, and often did not survive for long, even if they recovered. 

The words “Do Not Attempt Resuscitation’, or “Do Not Attempt Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation”, or DNACPR form part of both NHS and Hospital Trust Documentation”; but, as I discovered, their use is hushed, hindered, and indeed, rarely spoken out loud. Those words, those Acronyms, were never mentioned within that monologue!

IF ONLY I HAD KNOWN that this arrogant scumbag would slap a DNACPR notice upon my frail, ill, injured wife’s bedside file, because, IN HIS F*****G OPINION, it was in her best interests to just be left to die. To die without at least a comforting hand from a man and a husband who had faithfully kept his promise, in those words which still echo down the decades “In sickness and in health,’til death us do part!”

If only I had known that the ruling Hospital document for the DNR acronym, or the more authoritative DNACPR acronym, had not been revised for over five years, and even then was treated like another piece of hospital documentation; I would have acted and spoken very, very differently in defence of how my wife, of some fifty-three years of marriage, would be treated and respected, instead of, as she actually was treated, as a piece of garbage, to be got rid of as soon as possible!

The sheer arrogance exhibited by the Hospital Trust in its documentation is only matched by the same arrogance which infests the people whom carry out the demands and operations noted by the pages which state how the process known as DNR, or ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ is operated. The needs of both patient and of family caring for that patient are ill-served by that document, in or out-of-date as it so obviously is. Time after time, in both National NHS and Hospital, the statement is made that Patients or Legally appointed Family Members should be told and encouraged to understand the DNACPR legislation as judged to be necessary. Unfortunately, I was never, ever told that a DNAR notice featured on my Jacqueline’s file, otherwise I would have laid siege to the the bloody hospital! 

As I discovered during the actual Inquest, the DNR notice may have sped my wife’s passage towards an untimely death. She was doing fine after the operation, but her breathing became erratic, but instead of immediately administering CPR which MIGHT have aided recovery, she was left untouched by the hospital team, her progress towards death was unimpeded by any effort to sustain life simply and solely because of the presence of that Do Not Apply Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation notice, which has the full effect of Law.

There is No Appeal against a DNACPR Document

The ONLY concession I achieved during the Inquest was when the surgeon, who actually seemed a decent enough bloke, said: 

“The Process should maybe have been handled better!”

My own thoughts on the ‘Process’ are, unfortunately: UNPRINTABLE!

Saturday 30 October 2021

The nub of the matter

The name of this site is Orphans of Liberty and it has always been about the freedom to speak and write, provided it's not an outright defamatory lie.  The Covid thing, the poisoned jab - all of that is one issue.  The main one though is this:

The problem comes when an out and out troll tries to crash the site with a view so far devoid of reality and with an agenda of taking down one or both admins.  That person gets short shrift, I know of one such person in the past few months.  Naturally, he who is happy to deny others their rights cries what about his own right to wreck?  Answer is simple - there are plenty of sites he can go to and comment on, this site has a particular view and that's that.

Friday 29 October 2021

There's Nothing New Under The Sun...

Parents have long chastised children with the threat of withholding dessert unless the dinner plate is licked clean.
Now, however, it seems they will have to go one further and eat the crockery too before they can tuck into pudding - as a British company have launched a range of edible spoons, cups, plates and bowls. The tableware is made from wheat bran, similar to breakfast bran flakes, and is designed to hold hot or cold food.

It is, of course, the brainshild of an 'eco-company'

The plates are likely to cost more than the average picnic lunch, however, with a pack of ten large bran plates costing £7.99.
Stroodles has been making eco-straws made from pasta since 2019 and is now expanding its range to cover the full dining experience.

Sounds familiar, and I can't think wh...


We're going backwards. So why is this considered 'progressive'?

Thursday 28 October 2021

Just going through old pictures

... and found these:

Remember the joke about Brexit being respected?  Cost about £9m in leaflets to households, didn't it?

Wednesday 27 October 2021

She's Been Removed To A Gulag To 'Educate Herself', Comrades...

The director of one of the UK's biggest heavy metal festivals has "taken a step back" from her role after coming under fire for...

Smashing up a hotel room? Biting the head off a bat? Satanic imagery? 

...an "uninformed" tweet.


Bloodstock's Vicky Hungerford was criticised after tweeting her annoyance at people putting their preferred pronouns on their email signatures.
It is a common practice in the LGBTQ+ community, and used by trans allies as a show of solidarity.

Oh, FFS! It's nothing of the sort, it's a tedious modern invention to let virtuesignallers prove how hard they genuflect to the latest trends. 

Ms Hungerford said she was "genuinely upset I have caused upset".

Well, you shouldn't be. 'Upset' is what these people feed on - they crave it like vampires crave the blood of virgins. 

A statement from Bloodstock Festival said: "We are deeply sorry to everyone affected by these uninformed comments.
"For now, Vicky has taken a step back from Bloodstock effective immediately, and will be taking the time to properly educate herself for a better understanding."

And if that isn't the creepiest thing you've ever read, I don't know what would be... 

Tuesday 26 October 2021

Deaths in England and Wales

Neil Clark via Rossa's mother:
This is the big, important story that NO mainstream journalist seems to be covering. Deaths in England & Wales since the summer running at 12/13% above the 5-yr-average (22% now in Wales) but only 6.2% related to Covid. What’s going on? 

Factored in

Consider this from Anonymous Patriot:

It’s been weeks since the evidence from the Arizona audit was released to the world, and nothing has been done. And don’t give me the “these things take time” BS. If it were the other way around, there would have been indictments the next day. They literally have Maricopa County officials ON CAMERA deleting records before the audit.

This is exactly why the whole disgusting system needs to be reset and rebuilt. It cannot be salvaged. The corruption runs too deep, and our system of “justice” is broken.

Completely with his sentiments, yet a classic error, one he is expected to make and one which Them have factored in.  See, in a wholesale collapse and sweeping away, the mistake is in thinking that the sane people win out - they don't, they can't combine, they pull their punches, they are decent people, they are not fanatical like the far-Woke, who are clinically insane.

When you look at what the criminal DemRats are doing with total impunity, just who or what is going to stop them?  A lot of words from keyboard warriors such as us?  Who's going to stop Johnson on his suicidal path for example?

There needs to be a more clever solution.

Monday 25 October 2021

How Witchhunts Can Start...

A horrified mother was left shaken after a man...

Ooh, flashed her? 

..."took pictures" of her and her children while they waited at the bus stop.

Wait, what? 

The 27-year-old had been warned by a fellow passenger that she had seen footage of the family on the man's phone, which he had just taken.
Both disgusted and frightened, the mother-of-four quickly hopped on the bus and took her children home before calling the police.

So...she didn't actually see this man take pictures of her, she was told this by another complete stranger? And this generated such a panic she fled? 

She explained: "The whole thing has completely shaken me up, to the point I don't really feel to safe (sic) to be out on my own with my kids.
"I was waiting for the bus with my kids in a push chair, the other two were at school, when a woman behind the guy involved started walking towards me.
"The woman stopped me and asked if I knew the man that was standing a bit further up the street, to which I said no.
"As she walked past, she'd seen him taking pictures/videos of me and the kids on his phone.
"I was so shocked, but I knew I couldn't confront him. I didn't know how he'd react and it could've put me and the kids in more danger. "

Note that phrasing: 'more danger'. As if she was in any to start with, unless she's from one of those tribes that believes he was stealing her soul... 

All that was going through my head was I've got to get them on the bus and get them home."

Someone you don't know tells you something you didn't see that in no way harms you and you have to run home?   

Determined to warn other families, the mother is now urging anyone with any information to contact the police.

Oh, FFS!  

"All I know is he had a bit of paper in his hand and a phone, it looked like he was looking at the paper and doing something on his phone.
But I wasn't paying too much attention to what he was doing where I was just making sure we got on the bus safely."

You know, I've often stood in the street taking video of a particular spot that would probably have contained images of people. What am I doing, trawling for victims? No. Scanning a Pokestop. 

Maybe that's what this man was doing. Maybe he was thinking of moving and taking images of the street to show his housebound partner. We don't know and we won't know. 

But now anyone doing any of those things - all quite legal - run the risk of being regarded as a potential criminal. 

All because of two women. And even before this witchhunt has got off the blocks, the next one has started its run, baton in hand, cheered on by the media.