Wednesday, 27 October 2021

She's Been Removed To A Gulag To 'Educate Herself', Comrades...

The director of one of the UK's biggest heavy metal festivals has "taken a step back" from her role after coming under fire for...

Smashing up a hotel room? Biting the head off a bat? Satanic imagery? "uninformed" tweet.


Bloodstock's Vicky Hungerford was criticised after tweeting her annoyance at people putting their preferred pronouns on their email signatures.
It is a common practice in the LGBTQ+ community, and used by trans allies as a show of solidarity.

Oh, FFS! It's nothing of the sort, it's a tedious modern invention to let virtuesignallers prove how hard they genuflect to the latest trends. 

Ms Hungerford said she was "genuinely upset I have caused upset".

Well, you shouldn't be. 'Upset' is what these people feed on - they crave it like vampires crave the blood of virgins. 

A statement from Bloodstock Festival said: "We are deeply sorry to everyone affected by these uninformed comments.
"For now, Vicky has taken a step back from Bloodstock effective immediately, and will be taking the time to properly educate herself for a better understanding."

And if that isn't the creepiest thing you've ever read, I don't know what would be... 


  1. Please tell me this is a spoof.

  2. I think I'd respect people more if they said "I don't care". Because this really is trivial sh*t and there are bigger issues to be sorting out. It's like pandering to a noisy toddler, or prioritising a noisy injured person: the real priority is the person not making any noise.

  3. She should have doubled down with "F**k your stupid pronoun" and told those demanding an 'apology' to do something sexually improbable to themselves with a broken bottle. Offering them 10% of the ticket sales should they do so.


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