Tuesday 26 October 2021

Factored in

Consider this from Anonymous Patriot:

It’s been weeks since the evidence from the Arizona audit was released to the world, and nothing has been done. And don’t give me the “these things take time” BS. If it were the other way around, there would have been indictments the next day. They literally have Maricopa County officials ON CAMERA deleting records before the audit.

This is exactly why the whole disgusting system needs to be reset and rebuilt. It cannot be salvaged. The corruption runs too deep, and our system of “justice” is broken.

Completely with his sentiments, yet a classic error, one he is expected to make and one which Them have factored in.  See, in a wholesale collapse and sweeping away, the mistake is in thinking that the sane people win out - they don't, they can't combine, they pull their punches, they are decent people, they are not fanatical like the far-Woke, who are clinically insane.

When you look at what the criminal DemRats are doing with total impunity, just who or what is going to stop them?  A lot of words from keyboard warriors such as us?  Who's going to stop Johnson on his suicidal path for example?

There needs to be a more clever solution.

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