Tuesday 26 October 2021

Deaths in England and Wales

Neil Clark via Rossa's mother:
This is the big, important story that NO mainstream journalist seems to be covering. Deaths in England & Wales since the summer running at 12/13% above the 5-yr-average (22% now in Wales) but only 6.2% related to Covid. What’s going on? 


  1. What’s going on? That’s a rhetorical question, right?

    The statistics are so manipulated, at every level, as to be laughable.

    Just as at the height of the plandemic every death, no matter how bizarre, was ‘linked’ to covid by the (definitively non-diagnostic, especially when run at >35 cycles) PCR test. When early (and cheap) treatment was refused and patients sent or confined at home until they were at deaths door. When every elderly or disabled person admitted was immediately given a DNR order (without their or their families consent, or even knowledge) and if, and only if, not vaccinated put on a ‘care’ pathway that guaranteed their demise (no supportive therapies, high PEEP ventilators, high dose IV fluids and midazolam).

    Now we’re beginning (and this is just the first small inkling of what is to come) to see the results of the (entirely and always) known side-effects of the vaccines and … at every level (doctors not reporting, PCR running much lower cycles, defining someone under 14 days post vax and/or not boostered as unvaxed, etc., hospitals and health authorities ditto, ONS and .Gov manipulating data, media not just refusing to mention but censoring anyone who dares) they are doing everything in their power to conceal that fact.

    To be clear, all the evidence shows that of all those ‘covid deaths’ at least 60% were so easily treatable as to have not even required admission, and ‘all’ amount to effective, and actual and deliberate ‘medical murder’. As to what is happening now, the ONS’ own statistics show that we are just beginning to see not only the overt side-effects (myocarditis, Bell’s palsy and other neurological afflictions, strokes and clotting disorders) but the drastic ‘weakening’ of the vaxed persons immune system, leaving them so vulnerable to future strains (seriously the vaxed 30-49 age group has a -50% risk, double the rate/risk of infection of the unvaxed).


    What we’ve see so far is just the tip of the iceberg, the beginning of the (planned) great die-off, (one example is on average myocarditis/pericarditis has a 20% fatality rate in 2 years, 50% in 5 years will anyone notice it's just the vaxed dying?).

    They’re hoping nobody will notice, they hope to blame new variants, that people wont realise but … I suspect that all those .Gov, public health and every single doctor/nurse who ‘just followed orders’ will view a Nuremberg as a rosy outcome.

    My advice? Go long on piano wire manufacturers, those lampposts will be crowded.


  2. Interesting stats. Mainly because the excess deaths seem to coincide with the introduction of vaccinations for younger people.

  3. There have now been more post-jab deaths in the UK & USA (& probably everywhere else) than ALL deaths from ALL previous vaccines in the last 150 years. And expect many many more in the next year or two, especially amongst those submitting to 'boosters'.
    See: https://www.covidvaccinevictims.com/, which includes the USA's VAERS data.


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