Wednesday 17 July 2024

And There Will Be No Consequences For The NHS...

...all the consequences are borne by the victims, as usual.

In 2021 Williams was admitted to the Coniston ward at Whiston Hospital near St Helens. However Dr Higgins stated in court: 'Despite noting multiple bizarre behaviours, and concerns raised by the family, no diagnosis is made, other than the diagnosis of autism being taken as fact, and no treatment is offered, although a recommendation is made that he be followed up by the Early Intervention Team.'
She added: 'They (the family) were mocked for trying to get him help. It was very poor clinical care indeed.'
Not content with incompetence, they threw in the usual lying too:
It was after that he spent a week in Whiston hospital but while staff assured the family that he was sleeping well, they knew he was posting on Facebook all through the night.

How did they know? Probably because that's what they were doing themselves... 

Imposing an indefinite hospital order Judge Andrew Menary, KC, the Recorder of Liverpool said that Williams was described as 'a delightful, loving, caring young man who in normal circumstances would never have done anything like this.'
He told the defendant, who appeared via video link: 'Whether the events of this night of May 10, 2022 could have been avoided by much earlier diagnosis and intervention he will never know for sure.
'But the views of the consultant psychiatrists in this case - that there has been a wholesale failure of mental health provision and numerous missed opportunities to identify and attempt to treat your serious and enduring chronic condition of paranoid schizophrenia.
'This includes what is described by Dr Higgins as a catastrophic misdiagnosis that you suffered from a neurological-diverse condition when it is her very firm view that you are not autistic.'

It doesn't matter what the judge says, the NHS will avoid any serious consequence for what, in any orther industry, would have the HSE crawling all over them... 

He continued: 'The previous responses of clinicians appear to have been pathetically inadequate and might be a reflection of the gaps in mental health provision currently available or might be the result of overworked or under-resourced practitioners.
'Sadly it is the experience of this court that this situation is not a rare occurrence and the consequence is utter devastation of yet another family.'

It's not a case of 'underresourcing', it's a failure to do the basic job they are paid to do because they know full well they are in no danger of facing consequences for failure. Until that stops, this will continue.

Tuesday 16 July 2024

The watchers

Our readers here warn us that while Them's idea is to concentrate all on Donnie ... what are we, ourselves, meanwhile, not looking at?

Well Millipede's rollout of solar panels replacing pasture, more boatloads every day, nothing whatever stopped, not likely to ... and this sort of thing:

We need eyes in the back of our head. Realistically, we need outlets all over the place, thousands of us, every reader a reporter to the pundit of his or her choice, who collects and disseminates what the bstds are up to or go further and punditise a bit yourself.

We need to proliferate.

Monday 15 July 2024


Readers, I’ve been ill, not sure if Julia has mentioned it, good to see Grandpa posting. More at the foot of the post as it seems this bug is around just now.

To business:

Right, for those not on X and thus you can’t see the video, it’s summarised fairly well in text.

As for why I missed some days, the thing I can’t get across to friends who were naturally shut out, who think it was some coughing and sniffing, is that this a two week full on flu … it went straight for throat, eyes, ears and as Reader Steve described his own case … laid flat out. Literally … bouncing off walls until seeing the bed … flat out.

I mention it only in the context of it being yet another horrible thing we must put up with along with Woke left loonery, paedo lessons in schools, bully dogs  and so on. At least I can blog now, so back to annoy you.

Conspiracy? You can bet on a certainty!

I am of an age which can clearly recall exactly what I was doing, and where I was, when told of the assassination of President Jack Kennedy. I was seated on the top deck of a bus heading homewards from a day in Durham City whilst on leave from my ship. That act, 61 years later, is considered to be a Turning Point in the History of America. 

Many still see the whole thing as a conspiracy, with the assassin himself gunned down whilst being transferred from a jail cell, shot down by an allegedly-distraught club owner. This guy was found guilty of the murder, sentenced to death, but freed on appeal because of inconsistent evidence. He died from a pulmonary embolism, whilst suffering from cancer.

There have been literally millions of post on X-Twitter regarding the assassination attempt against Donald Trump, the former President, many of those, even so early, are full of speculation and of conspiracy. But one post caught my eye, mainly because the X-Poster made her case rationally, and certainly opened up a discussion.

I commented on the X-Post as follows:- A very pertinent question, which provokes only two replies. a) that the pre-rally Security sweep was performed by morons, or b) that there was a plot to remove The Donald; and it only failed because he moved his head just before the bullet reached its target!

The mass of almost hysterical denunciation of this one man stinks of both desperation and collusion. When you get Joe Biden, the President of the United States, saying STUFF LIKE THIS, then the possibility of either direct or indirect action from shrouded forces becomes ever real.

If I were a fly on the office wall of Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas , I’d be hearing him designating a new Head of the Secret Service as of yesterday, get rid of these useless women agents, and mandate a beefed-up Detail to protect the Man who is now more than likely to become the next President.

It Depends On Your Definition Of ‘Petty Offences’, Of Course

For those unconvinced that prime minister Keir Starmer really wants to fix Britain, look no further than his appointment of James Timpson as prisons minister. Timpson, chief executive of the eponymous family business best known for shoe fixing and key making, is not an MP and has been parachuted into the job by Starmer with a peerage and a seat in the Lords.
His qualifications for the role?
As for Timpson, he is a businessman and chair of the Prison Reform Trust, with an outstanding track record of supporting ex-offenders in work and a commonsense radicalism in his approach to justice.
The Prison Reform Trust does what it says on the tin: it campaigns for reform of the prison system. Rather than jailing more people, this means jailing fewer of them. It means not giving custodial sentences for petty offences to parents who shoplift to feed their children or to people with drug and mental health problems who should be getting support in hospital or the community rather than being jailed, when their problems invariably get worse, sometimes to the point where they take their own life.
It means not introducing a bill that could criminalise homeless people for smelling.
Which no-one actually did, of course!
The bill defines “something that is a nuisance” in relation to a person who “causes or does something capable of causing damage”. A section of the criminal justice bill defines that damage as including “excessive noise, smells”.

Which can mean leaving behind offensive smelling rubbish, like these charming people in the middle of our capital. Which our police seem to do nothing about despite the law being their's to uphold.

On Channel 4’s Ways to Change the World podcast in February, he cited the Netherlands as a good example of what prison policy should be like. “They’ve shut half their prisons. Not because people are less naughty in Holland – it’s because they’ve got a different way of sentencing, which is community sentencing. People can stay at home, keep their jobs, keep their homes, keep reading their kids bedtime stories – and it means they’re far less likely to commit crime again.”

Or is that 'far less likely to get caught again'..? 

In that interview, Timpson said a third of prisoners should definitely be jailed, another third should probably not be there and “need some other kind of state support”, while for the final third prison is “a disaster … because it just puts them back in the offending cycle”.

And for some people, that cycle is their culture and nothing will break them out of it, so the periods they spend in jail is the only surcease their long suffering neighnourhood gets.   

At the Prison Reform Trust, Timpson has campaigned for resentencing as recommended by the justice committee in September 2022. This would mean that prisoners who have served their tariff would be released. Starmer’s Labour was not brave enough to support resentencing when it was in opposition.

Because they knew how unpopular it would be.  

As prisons minister, Timpson is now in the perfect position to show the way forward – to fellow ministers, to entrepreneurs, to the populists and bigots who want to see ever more people locked up.

Funny you should mention populists and bigots who want people locked up, Timpson. They might not be the ones you think you have to deal with in your new role... 

Friday 12 July 2024

Superstitious Savages...

...and the people who should know better than to pander to them:
The Great North Museum (GNM) in Newcastle has come under fire for refusing to loan certain pieces for display purposes in case they are seen by females.
Female staff working at the museum may also be prevented from handling certain artefacts, such as secret-sacred Australian Aboriginal objects, in case this offends the culture from which they originated.

Anyone remember that scene in 'Crocodile Dundee' when the aboriginal man uses a cellphone to contact Mick Dundee, who has tried to contact him using a bullroarer? I couldn't help but think of it reading this, and wondering if they think some tribal elder is Googling 'Newcastle' right now... 

But the move has sparked fury among Newcastle residents, who branded it 'PC gone mad' and accused the museum of not maintaining 'our cultural standard' of treating men and women equally. Others claimed it was 'hypocritical' of the museum to enforce such measures seeing as they 'shouldn't have these items in the first place'.

Good point, outraged Geordies! The museum itself is pooh-poohing the very idea! 

A Tyne & Wear Archives and Museums spokesperson said: 'Like many museums in the UK, the Great North Museum: Hancock cares for objects in its collections that are sensitive in nature. These include sacred and non-sacred objects from countries and communities around the world.
'To ensure that we manage these collections legally and ethically, several policies govern our work, including our Sacred Objects policy. This policy has been publicly accessible on the Museum website since 2018.
'We work in accordance with this policy on a case-by-case basis. However, no items have been removed from display, nor are any planned to be removed, and we have not been approached by any museums, institutions, or cultural groups about borrowing or viewing sacred objects. Therefore, no action has been taken whatsoever.'

Always the safest course of (no)action, eh?  

Thursday 11 July 2024

The 'Big Lie' is being revealed as we watch.

This morning, I write as a seasoned observer of the American political scene, of the main players; and of how Mainland America is served by both those players, and the news media which is supposed to tell America what is being said and done in their name.

There must be thousands of observers such as I who watched in silence as the slow but steady decline of President Biden’s faculties became apparent, from many social media channels, but none of this was ever recorded or published by any one of the American Mainstream Media, loyal as they always have been to the Democratic Party. 

As I wrote way back in 2021 on the sudden silencing of a Presidential broadcast, “Were the Dems just worried about the Virus, or were they worried that the Big Lie would be discovered?”

If CNN or ABC News had broadcast even the hints of Sleepy Joe’s erratic speech and behaviour earlier, America would at least have been warned of even the whisper of a problem within the Biden White House.

But no, the big boys of broadcast and print stayed loyally silent, we who knew some of the truth were ignored, and America knew little of the landslide which was poised to fall upon the Democratic Party, and its President who was also it’s Nominee for the next Election. Given a well-ordered and well-written speech, aided by both teleprompters and wi-fi earphones, Joe Biden managed to carry off many visits and activities, but the hesitations, the strange silences were being noticed, but always they were played down and excused.

And then came the first Presidential Debate, between ex-President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden. And here we were told that the rules laid out by the broadcaster CNN were to be followed, with muted microphones preventing cross-talking, and the Debate moderators being from CNN. Trump’s demand that Joe be subjected to a check to see if he’d been given drugs was waved away, as was the demand that the President’s ears be examined for wi-fi earphones.

The awful truth about the extent of Joe Biden’s mental problems became apparent almost immediately, with the incoherent ramblings of what was immediately seen as a man who was suffering from some form of senile dementia came blasting through the t.v screens and speakers of an estimated 51.7 million people, with countless millions more watching the streamed content. CNN’s debate rules even benefited Trump, as he was forced to remain silent during Joe’s rambling answers, as all he had to do was keep a straight face, and bend his head so as to view the wreckage from the other podium.

The demands for a changed Nominee began about seven milliseconds after the debate ended, and the call have become ever more vociferous, as some House Democrats and now a Democratic Senate have made their wishes known. It is unlikely to see a change, as the President’s wife has got used to the White House bedrooms, as well as the use of Air Force One. No-one has actually asked her, as an unelected anything, where she got the authority to sit in the Presidential jet, as well as to deliver speeches in her husband’s name: but maybe someone will remind her that she ain’t the Boss: well, just maybe.

But here’s the question which I am fairly certain no-one so far has had the sheer audacity to ask. When will the whole of Mainstream Media, all the talking heads and so-called knowledgeable one, admit that they had seen the slow onset of Joe Biden’s problems, and had decided that America should not know of the crisis which was descending onto President Biden’s shoulders?

Wednesday 10 July 2024

And Why Does That Matter?

No, this is the new definition of 'not welcome', no-one's actively blocking them... 

“Tennis,” a head coach from a prestigious club in Surrey casually remarked to me, “will never have a Marcus Rashford.”
The throwaway comment was made at a sparsely attended coaching forum on diversity in tennis in 2022. Less than six months later, I was at Surrey’s under-9 girls’ county cup with nine-year-old Sabein Weldegebriel, whose mother is from Ethiopia. I coach her in a park next to a south London council estate. Sabein’s success at getting to county level should give me hope that the head coach was wrong, but having been in this sport for 20 years, it is hard for me not to agree with him.

Perhaps instead of asking yourself 'Is he right or wrong?' you should maybe ask yourself 'Why should the colour of a person's skin matter more than whether or not they are a good player?' Chris...

Because the costs of becoming a professional tennis player are prohibitive to most kids, and the tennis establishment does very little to nurture talent in the way sports like football do.

Is this something charity could do instead? Yes, Reader, it is...and it's doing that.  

Sabein has had 100 hours of unpaid lessons with me over the past 12 months. We spotted her talent straight away when she came to G Tennis (grassroots tennis) about four years ago. A local charity that supports single parents, the Cheer Trust paid for initial group sessions, but the rest G Tennis has provided for free.

So what's the beef, Chris? 

Tuesday 9 July 2024

A time to support someone on our side

There’s no one less reverent than us across the cyberway … we call out anyone, even Trump, even Farage, even Le Pen …

… but, but, but, chaps and chapesses …

… there does come a time where we have to pull our head in, hold our noses if need be … look, it’s like this, as you well know. Obscene majorities for communism, just as with Allende in Chile and whomever it was in Venezuela … similar banana republics to the UK, US and France.

As one Xer put it … those majorities were built on sand, on corruption, on going sgainst the people as a whole. Look at the overall elugible voting percentages.

Any bright spots? Yes there are … DJT in the US is stirring it up, so is Le Pen, p,us Nigel here. You needn’t list Nigel’s shortcomings … we know them …

… but, but, but …

… there does come a time for … I hate to call it “solidarity” … very, very difficult for unherdable cats as we are.  The structure needs to be built upon this five way foundation:

For the sake of each of these nations, their grassroots trad parties/groups seriously need our loyalty for a few years now. And they themselves need to work their constituencies, make contact with locals, work hard.

The only way, short of violence, that our voices can prevail.