Tuesday 9 July 2024

A time to support someone on our side

There’s no one less reverent than us across the cyberway … we call out anyone, even Trump, even Farage, even Le Pen …

… but, but, but, chaps and chapesses …

… there does come a time where we have to pull our head in, hold our noses if need be … look, it’s like this, as you well know. Obscene majorities for communism, just as with Allende in Chile and whomever it was in Venezuela … similar banana republics to the UK, US and France.

As one Xer put it … those majorities were built on sand, on corruption, on going sgainst the people as a whole. Look at the overall elugible voting percentages.

Any bright spots? Yes there are … DJT in the US is stirring it up, so is Le Pen, p,us Nigel here. You needn’t list Nigel’s shortcomings … we know them …

… but, but, but …

… there does come a time for … I hate to call it “solidarity” … very, very difficult for unherdable cats as we are.  The structure needs to be built upon this five way foundation:

For the sake of each of these nations, their grassroots trad parties/groups seriously need our loyalty for a few years now. And they themselves need to work their constituencies, make contact with locals, work hard.

The only way, short of violence, that our voices can prevail.

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