Thursday 11 July 2024

The 'Big Lie' is being revealed as we watch.

This morning, I write as a seasoned observer of the American political scene, of the main players; and of how Mainland America is served by both those players, and the news media which is supposed to tell America what is being said and done in their name.

There must be thousands of observers such as I who watched in silence as the slow but steady decline of President Biden’s faculties became apparent, from many social media channels, but none of this was ever recorded or published by any one of the American Mainstream Media, loyal as they always have been to the Democratic Party. 

As I wrote way back in 2021 on the sudden silencing of a Presidential broadcast, “Were the Dems just worried about the Virus, or were they worried that the Big Lie would be discovered?”

If CNN or ABC News had broadcast even the hints of Sleepy Joe’s erratic speech and behaviour earlier, America would at least have been warned of even the whisper of a problem within the Biden White House.

But no, the big boys of broadcast and print stayed loyally silent, we who knew some of the truth were ignored, and America knew little of the landslide which was poised to fall upon the Democratic Party, and its President who was also it’s Nominee for the next Election. Given a well-ordered and well-written speech, aided by both teleprompters and wi-fi earphones, Joe Biden managed to carry off many visits and activities, but the hesitations, the strange silences were being noticed, but always they were played down and excused.

And then came the first Presidential Debate, between ex-President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden. And here we were told that the rules laid out by the broadcaster CNN were to be followed, with muted microphones preventing cross-talking, and the Debate moderators being from CNN. Trump’s demand that Joe be subjected to a check to see if he’d been given drugs was waved away, as was the demand that the President’s ears be examined for wi-fi earphones.

The awful truth about the extent of Joe Biden’s mental problems became apparent almost immediately, with the incoherent ramblings of what was immediately seen as a man who was suffering from some form of senile dementia came blasting through the t.v screens and speakers of an estimated 51.7 million people, with countless millions more watching the streamed content. CNN’s debate rules even benefited Trump, as he was forced to remain silent during Joe’s rambling answers, as all he had to do was keep a straight face, and bend his head so as to view the wreckage from the other podium.

The demands for a changed Nominee began about seven milliseconds after the debate ended, and the call have become ever more vociferous, as some House Democrats and now a Democratic Senate have made their wishes known. It is unlikely to see a change, as the President’s wife has got used to the White House bedrooms, as well as the use of Air Force One. No-one has actually asked her, as an unelected anything, where she got the authority to sit in the Presidential jet, as well as to deliver speeches in her husband’s name: but maybe someone will remind her that she ain’t the Boss: well, just maybe.

But here’s the question which I am fairly certain no-one so far has had the sheer audacity to ask. When will the whole of Mainstream Media, all the talking heads and so-called knowledgeable one, admit that they had seen the slow onset of Joe Biden’s problems, and had decided that America should not know of the crisis which was descending onto President Biden’s shoulders?


  1. Is this our own revered Grandpa of Sciblerus? Definitely has all his marbles.

  2. As someone older than Joe, I can't understand why he would want to be in that position in the first place.He should be enjoying his retirement somewhere. Having seen a couple of my old friends descend into senility, I recognised the symptoms some time ago, and he has become visibly worse. This is nothing less than Elder Abuse and those insisting hat he carries on through with it deserve jail time.

    1. Elder abuse, sure it is. But the Biden family and his Handlers chose this path. My sympathy for them ceased long ago. Let them stew in what they created.


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