Monday 15 July 2024


Readers, I’ve been ill, not sure if Julia has mentioned it, good to see Grandpa posting. More at the foot of the post as it seems this bug is around just now.

To business:

Right, for those not on X and thus you can’t see the video, it’s summarised fairly well in text.

As for why I missed some days, the thing I can’t get across to friends who were naturally shut out, who think it was some coughing and sniffing, is that this a two week full on flu … it went straight for throat, eyes, ears and as Reader Steve described his own case … laid flat out. Literally … bouncing off walls until seeing the bed … flat out.

I mention it only in the context of it being yet another horrible thing we must put up with along with Woke left loonery, paedo lessons in schools, bully dogs  and so on. At least I can blog now, so back to annoy you.

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