Tuesday 10 September 2024

World War 3 this coming Friday?

This is more recent than the one I posted elsewhere and the key is at 4:07 in the video:

Having just looked at the interview with the crim Nuland and now at NATO/US sabre rattling … story is that they’ll fire ATTACKMS deep into Russia this coming Friday. These lunatics desperately want WWIII.

Monday 9 September 2024

It becomes easier year by year

… to at least talk about it.

It’s far easier today, certainly moreso than 23 years ago, certainly since the start of this blog, even since last year when I wrote this:


… far easier, once people really see what govts do … once the gloves come off, as Biden’s and Starmer’s have … Macron’s, Castro’s … it becomes far easier to write a post like this.

At what point did I feel something was very, very wrong with 911, apart from the bleedin’ obvious mayhem, the horror? I’d only started online in 2001, so it took a couple of years and those online types who are good as fisking, debunking … even debunking the debunkers, were putting out material now long censored … it was certainly not censored in Russia, as it was an attack on the PTB running the US.

In there was a lot of pap, misleading, photoshopping … but certain things kept coming through over and over … things which puzzled me. One was why the firemen were so consistently anti the official narrative? It was because they were there at ground level or within this tower or that.

And then the infiltrators of the group, happy to be called Truthers as a pejorative. The conference given by the NIST head honcho, caught out twice lying about what happened to the twin towers rubble next morning.  The firemen on camera and behind them, explosions inside, quite audible.  The lady being interviewed swinging around to look.

The clincher though, to me, was not so much the Dutch demolition expert who called CD on WTC7 but it did seem their Achilles heel, the PTB and the real doozy, as they say, was Silverstein interviewed same day, before WTC7 came down, before he realised what he’d said. Quite a few saw that interview.

He was pointing out why it was now pretty much under control, they had it all tabbed, no more horrors … he was asked what would happen with WTC7. He said he was getting constant reports … if it was deemed too dangerous, they’d have to “pull it”.  The interview was taken out of the mainstream immediately.

The obvious question was … how would they “pull it”?  One of the core arguments against CD was that it would have taken days to place the charges and anyway, wouldn’t staff have seen them?

My reply is … why would they?  Just as with JFK where one camp had a drawing of the passengers bolt upright with drawn in bullet trajectories … the assumptions were ridiculous.  But Silverstein certainly had some explaining to do. He never did it.

And then, of course, by October, 2001:


Sunday 8 September 2024

When theatrical corruption overseas then comes here

Borrowing from our info-dropper IYE, this was from back in March:

MTG on Fah-nee:

“Judge McAfee worked for Fani Willis and donated to her campaign AND has now ruled that Fani can keep prosecuting Trump but only if she removes her lover Nathan Wade off the case!

Judge McAfee should have recused himself in the first place because of his obvious bias. Fani Willis lied under oath in his courtroom! Fani and Wade conspired with the White House and Jan 6th Committee, talk about RICO charges!

Fani Willis overpaid her lover Nathan Wade as he had zero experience with RICO cases, abuse of taxpayer funds! And the Georgia Ethics board needs to seriously investigate both Fani Willis and Nathan Wade, I’ve filed multiple complaints!

The Donald has just threatened (rightly in my book):

“Therefore, the 2024 Election, where Votes have just started being cast, will be under the closest professional scrutiny and, WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences so that this Depravity of Justice does not happen again. We cannot let our Country further devolve into a Third World Nation, AND WE WON’T!”

We had our abuses over here of course in the UK but this lot across the pond really took the prize for theatrical, deep and total corruption ... until, that was ... Starmer got in on less than 20% of the eligible vote.

Saturday 7 September 2024

Rolf and PMQs

Rolf Norfolk was once Sackerson but is now found also at Now and Next.  This was his take on Starmer's first PMQs just as, across the pond, the Trump vs Kackling Border Czar debate is coming up.

Wednesday saw the first Prime Minister’s Question Time of the post-recess session. The in-house video is here and the Hansard transcript here (search page for ‘Engagements’).

MailPlus subscribers can read Quentin Letts’ Parliamentary sketch here; other media comment is widely available.

JH: I'm placing this informative piece here today, mainly because Julia will point this post to X and because my own name is a tad anathema at the moment in certain quarters.

I shall point our readers across the way here of course.

Have a fab weekend, readers.

Friday 6 September 2024


A prospective Labour candidate finds it's not all wine and roses...
A gruelling schedule of door-knocking to drum up local support for candidates was encouraged, and the campaigning expectations completely took over my life. My hours were tracked mercilessly in an app by the local campaigning team that fed them back to the regional bosses.

To be fair, when you're young and naive, that probably does feel like a gruelling slog... 

In the run-up to an election, you are expected to complete five two-hour sessions a week, with an extra weekend session every fortnight on top, alongside your day job.
But she won. And then the real 'problems' started.
The real issues started when I had to go back to my day job. Being a councillor is not a full-time role, and it was one for which I took home less than £13,000 a year, despite my rent alone being £11,000.

Which if you already had a job meant your rent was paid and you had an 'extra' £2k on top of that, as well as your day job salary, doesn't it? 

A typical day would involve using my lunch break to join a council meeting on my phone and then after work, picking up a sandwich for dinner on the way to a three-hour evening meeting that would often overrun. The next evening or weekend would be more campaigning, meeting a local group or holding my ward surgery.

And it didn't occur to you that this would happen? Did you think they'd invent several hours more in the day for you to do this? 

When I was eventually signed off work with exhaustion, the mental health practitioner told me I needed to spend more time with my friends and family. But when?
You had no clue what it was going to demand of you? And that's someone else's fault, of course.

Thursday 5 September 2024

The Grand Theft

Sometimes, it’s better to run a size compressed screenshot or three, rather than rabbit on secondhand … it puts the issue more succinctly, is more human … it could be us. Deryl Lynn is a grandmother, former model, pundit on X, otherwise occupied walking the dogs or grandchildren.

There’s not a lot I need to add … we’re up against some major theft here … some time back, this was the quote I used … just as relevant now:

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Go Woke, Get Broke!

Yes, Disney, that applies even to you.
Disney’s $300m-plus reboot of Snow White has generated a slew of headlines for all the wrong reasons. First, given the original relied on the outdated social mores of the 1930s, it rapidly became engulfed in a row over sexism, a debate over whether or not to keep the original seven dwarves and was plunged into the center of America’s bitter culture wars over race. Its lead star, Rachel Zegler, said she “hated” the original 1937 film and branded its story “weird” with a stalker-like Prince Charming character who steals a kiss from a girl in a coma who could not give consent. Then a row broke out over whether Disney should have seven dwarves as characters. Then America’s right wing piled on because of Zegler’s Latina background; the original Snow White was conceived as having very pale skin.

It is, in fact, the very reason for her name.  

All in all, it showed how the temptation of instant brand recognition could be trumped by the problem that many 1930s movies contain racial and other stereotypes that are simply better left alone.

But Hollywood is in a 'remake' fix, because there seems to be a lack of talent to do anything else. And so it will always run up against today's snowflake audiences. And as if that wasn't enough of a kiss of death, there's the casting....

But last week, just to add to the movie’s woes, Snow White also found itself embroiled in a fight between its two biggest stars over Middle Eastern politics. Zegler is an outspoken advocate for Palestinian rights and Gal Gadot, who plays the Evil Queen, is a high-profile Israeli actor. Not surprisingly the two have very different takes on the bloody conflict in Gaza.

"Let's throw this snake and mongoose together, what could possibly go wrong?" 

Alia Malak, of the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, wrote in an email to the Guardian that people should boycott Snow White because of Gadot.

Save your ink, Alia, I don't think anyone's rushing to see it anyway!  

Tuesday 3 September 2024

Dirk Gently

... and the fundamental interconnectedness of all things.  This is a wise take by "one of our own":

We might think that the problem is the terrorist murder by an Islamist migrant, but the establishment thinks the real danger is that German/French/UK voters are angry…

This summer’s events could hardly have shown us more clearly how Europe’s spineless, self-loathing attitude to the fight against Islamism here and abroad is putting democracy and Western civilisation at risk. Yet our leaders refuse to face the truth.

... but when put alongside another "one of our own", it alters the picture significantly or rather adds to it ... for example the Sa'udi-Podesta connection ... and then to actually name one not of our circle but certainly on "our side", the side of humanity surviving, let's say ... Lara Logan ... the question arises how do her clips still get shown with what she says about the mindset of Them ... the real mindset ... the filth?

Answer is that Them are confident enough that she'd be taken as loony ... therefore of little threat anymore ... a bit like Svali on Centrex radio in 2000 in Toronto, where she blew Them wide open.  Have you heard of her or what she said?

In the main, no ... except in things a few pundits have now and then brought. Do not forget my site was stolen on July 26th ... wonder why. I saw a name of a commenter here some time back ... one of "the opposition" let's call it ... Julia would not be aware of that and I'm not saying ... point is that there are some punditry truisms which spring to mind:

* People, all of us, inc. me, are operating within our own reality bubble, shaped by our own experiences and reading ... nothing whatever wrong with that ... those visiting this site, for a start, are more perspicacious than the average bear.

But they don't see all the other items, mainly because they're not looking ... therefore they miss those items, which would have significantly altered the picture, esp. if you string four or five of those together and maybe add Harman's and Hewitt's PIE promotion ... also don't forget Cyril Smith ... also add Dolphin Square, also come back to Lara Logan whom someone ran on Gab ... I was going to run it, then thought it would only get the site shut down as mine was.

What are we left with?

* Well for a start, the readers, regular and occasional, are not all onside.  There are those who know and are onside, there are those still in finding out mode ... there are those in that river in Egypt ... and then there are the hostile, officially and occasional ... plus all the bots.

* Therefore it behoves pundits to be cryptic on the deeper dives, but that's a double edged sword, as in any trial in a court of law. If you lay down the receipts, if you document them, if you tie them to an informer's name ... that informer is then dead meat, as Al Capone could have told you.

* Therefore, must we, for survival, stay shtum and allow the Starmer Stasi to do their worst with no pushback whatever? Most readers on our side (that of the survival of western society as we knew it) would say no, "we" must be bold and fearless. Yeah? So who's going to bell the cat then? Are you stepping up yourself, head above the parapet? What of the keyboard warriors Starmer's jackbooted are going after, quite illegally?

Ladies and gentlemen ... you do see the issue, do you not? And what of, say, the blind leftist academic, quite convinced he's the intellectual here, the one with (handed down) truth at his fingertips, the one convinced he's the good guy coz he subscribes to all these noble generalisations such as equality and diversity, save the planet ... yes we can?

Did you see the response to Lee Anderson in parliament to his question how would you define "islamophobia"? It was not just the response itself, it was the smug smile on her face after she'd sat down. What a meathead, completely unaware of the suffering of countless people in the land.

This post's become too long.

As if it needed any further evidence

Westminster clown show:


Monday 2 September 2024

But If They Are Coming Here To Work...

NHS nurses from overseas are being “pushed into poverty” because of rules that deprive many people coming to work in the UK of welfare benefits for five years after they arrive.
...why would they need benefits?
They are being forced to borrow money, run up credit card debts and go without food because they are unable to make ends meet, according to a report from the Royal College of Nursing (RCN).

Ah. Because the NHS is employing them on the cheap. Despite the billions poured into it and its sanctimonious pontificating about 'poverty'. 

The nurses are on temporary visas, which means they are subject to the “no recourse to public funds” rule that bars them from claiming child benefit, housing benefit and universal credit for at least five years before they can apply for indefinite leave to remain. The RCN is urging ministers to scrap the rule, which it says is unfair because foreign-trained nurses cannot obtain the benefits despite paying income tax and national insurance.

Well, pay them more, then. Or start training people already here, and let them nurse in their own countries, who probably need them more. 

Last Friday, the United Nations said that it too wanted the rule axed for migrants.

Of course it did. And it too can GTFO.