Monday 2 September 2024

But If They Are Coming Here To Work...

NHS nurses from overseas are being “pushed into poverty” because of rules that deprive many people coming to work in the UK of welfare benefits for five years after they arrive.
...why would they need benefits?
They are being forced to borrow money, run up credit card debts and go without food because they are unable to make ends meet, according to a report from the Royal College of Nursing (RCN).

Ah. Because the NHS is employing them on the cheap. Despite the billions poured into it and its sanctimonious pontificating about 'poverty'. 

The nurses are on temporary visas, which means they are subject to the “no recourse to public funds” rule that bars them from claiming child benefit, housing benefit and universal credit for at least five years before they can apply for indefinite leave to remain. The RCN is urging ministers to scrap the rule, which it says is unfair because foreign-trained nurses cannot obtain the benefits despite paying income tax and national insurance.

Well, pay them more, then. Or start training people already here, and let them nurse in their own countries, who probably need them more. 

Last Friday, the United Nations said that it too wanted the rule axed for migrants.

Of course it did. And it too can GTFO.


  1. So, foreign nurses, coming here to work, are not entitled to anything, but small boat invaders, who come here uninvited and unwanted, and contribute nothing, are given priority in social housing or accommodated in 4 star hotels, given mobile phones, and money. We really are governed by morons.


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