Monday 9 September 2024

It becomes easier year by year

… to at least talk about it.

It’s far easier today, certainly moreso than 23 years ago, certainly since the start of this blog, even since last year when I wrote this:

… far easier, once people really see what govts do … once the gloves come off, as Biden’s and Starmer’s have … Macron’s, Castro’s … it becomes far easier to write a post like this.

At what point did I feel something was very, very wrong with 911, apart from the bleedin’ obvious mayhem, the horror? I’d only started online in 2001, so it took a couple of years and those online types who are good as fisking, debunking … even debunking the debunkers, were putting out material now long censored … it was certainly not censored in Russia, as it was an attack on the PTB running the US.

In there was a lot of pap, misleading, photoshopping … but certain things kept coming through over and over … things which puzzled me. One was why the firemen were so consistently anti the official narrative? It was because they were there at ground level or within this tower or that.

And then the infiltrators of the group, happy to be called Truthers as a pejorative. The conference given by the NIST head honcho, caught out twice lying about what happened to the twin towers rubble next morning.  The firemen on camera and behind them, explosions inside, quite audible.  The lady being interviewed swinging around to look.

The clincher though, to me, was not so much the Dutch demolition expert who called CD on WTC7 but it did seem their Achilles heel, the PTB and the real doozy, as they say, was Silverstein interviewed same day, before WTC7 came down, before he realised what he’d said. Quite a few saw that interview.

He was pointing out why it was now pretty much under control, they had it all tabbed, no more horrors … he was asked what would happen with WTC7. He said he was getting constant reports … if it was deemed too dangerous, they’d have to “pull it”.  The interview was taken out of the mainstream immediately.

The obvious question was … how would they “pull it”?  One of the core arguments against CD was that it would have taken days to place the charges and anyway, wouldn’t staff have seen them?

My reply is … why would they?  Just as with JFK where one camp had a drawing of the passengers bolt upright with drawn in bullet trajectories … the assumptions were ridiculous.  But Silverstein certainly had some explaining to do. He never did it.

And then, of course, by October, 2001:

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