Tuesday 3 September 2024

Dirk Gently

... and the fundamental interconnectedness of all things.  This is a wise take by "one of our own":

We might think that the problem is the terrorist murder by an Islamist migrant, but the establishment thinks the real danger is that German/French/UK voters are angry…

This summer’s events could hardly have shown us more clearly how Europe’s spineless, self-loathing attitude to the fight against Islamism here and abroad is putting democracy and Western civilisation at risk. Yet our leaders refuse to face the truth.

... but when put alongside another "one of our own", it alters the picture significantly or rather adds to it ... for example the Sa'udi-Podesta connection ... and then to actually name one not of our circle but certainly on "our side", the side of humanity surviving, let's say ... Lara Logan ... the question arises how do her clips still get shown with what she says about the mindset of Them ... the real mindset ... the filth?

Answer is that Them are confident enough that she'd be taken as loony ... therefore of little threat anymore ... a bit like Svali on Centrex radio in 2000 in Toronto, where she blew Them wide open.  Have you heard of her or what she said?

In the main, no ... except in things a few pundits have now and then brought. Do not forget my site was stolen on July 26th ... wonder why. I saw a name of a commenter here some time back ... one of "the opposition" let's call it ... Julia would not be aware of that and I'm not saying ... point is that there are some punditry truisms which spring to mind:

* People, all of us, inc. me, are operating within our own reality bubble, shaped by our own experiences and reading ... nothing whatever wrong with that ... those visiting this site, for a start, are more perspicacious than the average bear.

But they don't see all the other items, mainly because they're not looking ... therefore they miss those items, which would have significantly altered the picture, esp. if you string four or five of those together and maybe add Harman's and Hewitt's PIE promotion ... also don't forget Cyril Smith ... also add Dolphin Square, also come back to Lara Logan whom someone ran on Gab ... I was going to run it, then thought it would only get the site shut down as mine was.

What are we left with?

* Well for a start, the readers, regular and occasional, are not all onside.  There are those who know and are onside, there are those still in finding out mode ... there are those in that river in Egypt ... and then there are the hostile, officially and occasional ... plus all the bots.

* Therefore it behoves pundits to be cryptic on the deeper dives, but that's a double edged sword, as in any trial in a court of law. If you lay down the receipts, if you document them, if you tie them to an informer's name ... that informer is then dead meat, as Al Capone could have told you.

* Therefore, must we, for survival, stay shtum and allow the Starmer Stasi to do their worst with no pushback whatever? Most readers on our side (that of the survival of western society as we knew it) would say no, "we" must be bold and fearless. Yeah? So who's going to bell the cat then? Are you stepping up yourself, head above the parapet? What of the keyboard warriors Starmer's jackbooted are going after, quite illegally?

Ladies and gentlemen ... you do see the issue, do you not? And what of, say, the blind leftist academic, quite convinced he's the intellectual here, the one with (handed down) truth at his fingertips, the one convinced he's the good guy coz he subscribes to all these noble generalisations such as equality and diversity, save the planet ... yes we can?

Did you see the response to Lee Anderson in parliament to his question how would you define "islamophobia"? It was not just the response itself, it was the smug smile on her face after she'd sat down. What a meathead, completely unaware of the suffering of countless people in the land.

This post's become too long.


  1. What are we left with? We've got it already.
    First definition here

  2. In other words; keep your nose clean and your powder dry.

    1. Because you never know when you might need to powder your nose?!

  3. But why are our leader so frit of the Islamists? Because the Gulf States own us. They have a large percentage invested in the City of London, they own expensive properties, they invest in our companies, they own a large amount of our national debt. That's what the cash-rich oil states have done for decades. If we upset them then that money would be sucked out of the economy back to the Gulf states in a heartbeat. It's extrortion.

  4. Andy, Anon, Mark … yes.


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