Friday 26 July 2024

We All Know Who's Really Not Thinking Straight...

A Labour MP has hit out at a primary school for getting young children to pose with a trans-inclusive pride flag. Rosie Duffield said the 'tiny' pupils could not understand the concepts of sexuality and gender identity they were being encouraged to celebrate, and should be left alone to discover them when older.
She spoke out after campaigners spotted that the London school had posted publicly on social media a photograph of an infant school class marking 'Pride Day' last month.

I wonder if - given schools are very wary about pictures of their pupils appearing on social media - they sought the approval of all the parents before hitting 'post'? I suspect they didn't, which is even more of a safeguarding issue than the genderwoo nonsense.  

One young boy held a sign stating: 'I can't even think straight.'

Too young to have the slightest clue what that means. But of course, schools consider children mere props for empty-headed virtuesignalling these days. They need to be reminded that they are not. By a court case, if necessary.   

The school put it on Twitter/X last Friday with the caption: 'Being proud of who we are and celebrating pride values.'
But amid a backlash yesterday [tues] the photo, along with several others showing older children with rainbow flags, was deleted from social media and the school's website. In previous years the school had asked pupils to wear bright colours on Pride Day and donate £1 which would go to controversial lobbying group Stonewall as well as to 'buy more inclusive resources'.

And the school have now turned a bit shy... 

The school did not respond to requests to comment.

I wonder why.  


  1. Politics and sexuality have no place in Primary schools. Activism of any sort has no place in ANY school. Period.

    1. Every one of the adults involved needs to be sacked.

    2. But we know they won't even face a letter of reprimand...

  2. Slightly off topic, saw a number of photos from the Tommy Robinson demonstration, one of which was some protesting numpty carrying a banner reading , "STOP GENOCIDE. FREE PALESTINE".
    Apart from wanting to add, "With every four gallons" (old Welsh joke), wondered if that numpty realised that that is what the Palestinians want? Under their elected leadership of Hamas, they want the genocide of the Jewish people.
    Perhaps in their little bigoted world, selective genocide is OK?


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