Thursday 30 May 2024

Fake meat is but one aspect of the horror

Reader Andy wrote this:
How many times have you seen sausages alongside pork chops and shoved the sausages in your basket? I have sometimes got to the checkout and seen that the so-called sausages are plant based sh*t. Below I leave a pasted sub head from Plank Baste Nuse. Not even going to link. | "Budget supermarket Lidl has seen an increase in plant-based meat products after placing them next to animal meat in store." | Keep your eyes peeled, the b*st*rds will catch you out any way they can.
A reader sent this on March 22nd, 2022:

The cells they grow in the lab to make fake meat are fed with nutrients from foetal bovine serum which they get from a slaughtered unborn calf. Try explaining to a vegan that what they are eating comes from an aborted calf. The serum currently costs $1,000 a litre. They tell us we can’t eat real meat but they will have to grow cows, impregnate them and then slaughter them to get the ingredient to produce their Impossible Meat. How that ‘saves the planet’ is anyone’s guess and it is hardly slaughter free, is it.
[They're messing with our food.  How to be sure it's just natural?  Plus maybe some preservatives?  This is the real green question.]

And this from Steve on  May 7th this year:
Fake meat: It’s all part of a plan to control the entire food supply |
They’ll never eat it themselves, the bstds, nor get jabbed, nor invite hordes of fighting age men into their sumptuous homes, will they?



  1. What these rats are doing is not insanity, it is cultural marxism. The Long March through the Institutions.
    What is needed is an army to take the war to our enemies.

  2. The best place to find this stuff is always on the 'buy it now at reducted price or it's going in the bin' yellow sticker shelf


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