Wednesday 29 May 2024

Bournemouth today

Special report from our Man from the West Country re Patrick O'Flynn's comment on X:

This happened at Durley Chine - a chine in this context is unique to the IOW and Dorset and refers to the deep narrow ravines that lead to the beach (Old English: cinu ‘cleft, chink’). There are others such as Alum Chine and Branksome Chine, formed during the last Ice Age. 

Back to the story I live about 3 miles from the nearest chine and they are indeed as Patrick says 'sedate'.


Croydon 20-year-old arrested for Bournemouth beach murder |


  1. But no description of the killer apart from being, apparently, a man.
    And so, as is our wont in the absence of real information, people speculate.
    And if the speculation is accurate, apart from the killer, we will know whom to blame for this atrocity. Those who are flooding our country with invaders.

    1. There was a picture issued with three images of him ... in a hoody. Could have been eastern European, could have been local druggie, could have been THAT demographic. As you say ... NOT being honest only fuels our speculation. Might have been Chinese.

    2. It's a Muslim. I know, I know, you're shocked, aren't you?


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